Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant, yet her pregnancy tests are always negative?

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She is leaving out another possibility. I am a medical doctor and, while it is rare, there are instances in which urine pregnancy tests and serum beta hcg tests can be negative even when the woman is far enough along in her pregnancy (but not too far) that it ought to be detected. This can be due to what is called a “hook effect” or isoform variations of the hcg hormone. As clinicians, we need to do a better job of understanding the sensitivity and specificity of tests we order to best interpret the results (almost no test is 100% “accurate”). The most valuable lesson I’ve learned over the past few years (after being a patient myself) is that doctors and nurses too often dismiss the patient and lack the humility to concede that they themselves may in fact be wrong. I think this is due in part to the fact that most healthcare providers are overwhelmed with too much work. I was guilty of this myself but I am now motivated to do better. Women, especially pregnant women, deserve better from us.


the most usefull thing in these vidioes are in the comments.all of u share your experiences which help us so much.diffrent women share diffrent experiances which the docters can never understand.every women is diffrent.


Im living proof of irregular periods, false negative tests for months and months and had two babies.. A still born at 6 months because they kept telling me it was all in my head so i kept partying and lost my first one. It was my first pregnancy ever and i knew nothing about anything only what they told me which were negatives so i ran with it.. I regret it still til this day.... Then my second child i experienced the same exact thing except this time i decided not to listen due to my first experience. I stayed healthy, ate healthy. Drunk a lot of water, completely stopped doing anything that would cause any harm because of the first situation i been through and now have a healthy 3 year old girl. Everytime im pregnant they tell me everything comes back negative but i stopped listening after my heart was severely broken from my first experience.. They seem to always be wrong with me but i guess its the way my body is set up. So if you think you are pregnant and have any type of symptoms, even though the docs says everything comes back negative, stay cautious and aware. Don't become a victim to miscarriages and still born because they say negative. I didn't know any better but i do now.




This is not accurate. Some women have low levels of hcg to the point that they test negative. I had this happen. I thought I was pregnant and kept going back to my doctor every month and the tests were all negative. I was losing weight, not gaining. This happened all the way up to the day I found out I was pregnant.i finally had a positive test and she sent me for an ultrasound. She was thinking I was about a month along. Nope...the ultrasound showed I was 25 weeks gestation. I ended up have her prematurely at 27 weeks gestation. She spent 4 months in the. NICU. So YES, you can be pregnant even when getting negative tests!!


I took a blood test at 3 weeks pregnant and it came back negative, I have also taken a couple dozen HPT and they all came back negative. I went to the doctor and got an ultrasound done, and I am 8 weeks pregnant. Explain that, if blood and HTP are always correct.


this doesn't seem accurate. I have read hundreds of comments on multiple threads of women testing negative on the urine test as well as on blood test and yet have still been pregnant. women with a low rising hcg usually test negative up to 2 & half to 3 & half months into pregnancy. Most complaints from these women are that they are sure they are pregnant, their bodies are giving all the symptoms, yet because they can't provide the doctor with a positive result the gp will not refer them for a scan and speak to the women like they are crazy and it's all in the head. which further puts women off from going back to the gp and continue testing negative and go on to having a real pregnancy that's not been detected until near full term. Whilst I understand that doctors cannot just refer patients for treatments not confirmed and just go on the 'feeling' that the patient has, theyr also needs to be a wider range of patients care and further tests need to be done to prove or disprove otherwise, as urine and blood tests alone are not always enough. Also ectopic pregnancies often go unnoticed as they too do not show hcg in blood tests in most cases, and can not be detected without an internal scan which means most ectopic pregnancies are often a medical emergency as they are detected once the tubes have already burst. Things need to change!


I myself tested negative on blood and urine tests( tried multiple brands) until I was three and a half months along with my son, I got 17 false negatives before I got a positive


I’m no scientist but when I was pregnant with my daughter who is 5 now, I went to the doctor late in my pregnancy and had a negative test. I honestly wasn’t ready for a second child so I worked and pushed it off but knew i was pregnant due to me missing 4 cycles and my stomach growing. I also was losing weight fast. I finally made an appointment to finally start getting her seen about and to my surprise, they told me I wasn’t pregnant. I literally was shocked and looked at my doctor like he was crazy! Especially after he did the stomach pushing already. I usually don’t argue and let a lot of stuff by but this sent me so I was like ummmm well what is this knot in my tummy!?!? He asked me to sit back again and he pushed again which hurt like hell cause he was pushing so hard. Then he was like well that isn’t normal so I’m going to send u back to ultrasound and see if it’s a cyst!?🤔 long story short, the ultrasound lady put the thing on my stomach and we both saw a kicking baby! I burst out in tears instantly and she was like “you want to know what you’re having?” It’s a girl! I cried even more cause I already had a 7 yr old son and even tho I wasn’t ready for baby #2 I was pleased to have both. I’m very thankful now and trying again 5yrs later. I’ve had 4 chemicals so far and all gave lines on the test. Now this cycle I’ve gotten faint lines for 10 days now. I went to the ER today and both blood and urine came back negative. For some odd reason this cycle feels legit but the hcg don’t match the way my body feel. I’m hopeful and I’m going to pay for an ultrasound if the symptoms don’t subside. Here in ga they have inexpensive ultrasound facilities that u can just pay to get one. No hassle no pregnancy test or nothing so we’re going to do that and see, wish me luck. Also, I’m sending all baby dust your way!! 🥰


This channel gives some useful info but honestly a lot of it isn’t accurate and they go based off of what’s normal


my mom was 6 month pregnant with me she kept getting her period and kept getting negative pregnancy test so it is very possible to get a negative and still be pregnant.Also i myself too a million test when i was pregnant with my daughter it took a month and 2 weeks to show i was pregnant


Got a negative serum test and no baby on ultrasound in the ER for bleeding and they told me I was just having my period and that I could have miscarried and did not know it... when I went to follow up with Doc at the clinic she told me about the possibility of a stealth pregnancy since I’m having all these symptoms including aversions to my FAVORITE FOODS. God only knows what is going on so trust your gut and continue to pray!


You can be more than one week late, get a negative result and STILL be pregnant.


Both times I took minimum 6 tests over a few weeks and then went to the doctor who made me take another piss test when i was asking for a blood test, even then the test came negative and (second pregnancy) the doctor didn't think the blood test was necessary because "Its 99%" that the piss test was correct! I managed to get a blood test and got a positive. I went to get an ultrasound and i was 10 weeks pregnant, so apparently when i went to the doctor who insisted i wasn't pregnant I was already 8-9 weeks pregnant!
The only reason I thought I was pregnant the first time was because my grandmother and mother both always got extremely sick the first trimester every time they where pregnant and I was basically bedridden like my gran had been when she had her 5 kids.


My mom did not get a positive test until she was over 3 months pregnant. AND she had her period for the first 3 months.


The title for this video should be changed to "how can people not know they are pregnant " because these explanations had very little to do with testing


I’m 2 months pregnant, tested positive at 4 weeks and negative at 8. I had a doctor verify on week 5. But at home tests show up negative now. Makes no sense lol


Truth be told the only way to be 100% sure of a pregnancy is via ultrasound. I had this happen to me with all of my pregnancies. I don't test positive until close to 8-12 weeks. My grandmother was the way and had an apparent period through most of her pregnancies.


Well this isn’t completely true. My grandsons mom had negative urine and blood the entire time, so nobody but God knew he existed until the day he was born. My sister didn’t get a positive blood or urine until she was 5 months pregnant. God has control of everything and every woman’s body/pregnancy is different. Just because something is the norm doesn’t mean it’s the only way!!!


This comment section makes me freak out, that test came back negative and I had my period. I just read this to get more anxiety.
