How to export H.264 (MP4) files in After Effects

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Exporting through Media Encoder directly to .mp4 is generally a bad idea. It leads to slower render times, render errors (especially when plug-ins are used) and larger file sizes.

Also the touted feature of, " the flexibility to continue working in After Effects while files are being processed." is complete BS. Media Encoder robs all your resources so working in AE while processing becomes an extremely slow and painful process; even on the beefiest of machines.

From my experience, the best practice for rendering in AE is still to render to a working codec (such as ProRes or DnX) directly out of AE, and then encode that to your desired output (.mp4) in Media Encoder.

Adobe, please stop pushing this broken workflow.


I tried this and all I got was the MP4 with a black background. What's the point of removing the green screen and replacing it with a black background?


Media encoder and after effects dynamic link no longer works in latest updates. Adobe has removed older versions so this method is no longer possible. Does anyone know how to export a h.264 mp4 without using media encoder?


What format could be apropiate for big projections? like for an epson projector?


basically the worst media encoder ever! previous AE export version are fast and efficient now 10 seconds video export took so long that it hanged by itself. Not recommended to use AME


misleading title.. this is a media encoder export


Files dosent even show up, worst software ever


Hello, can anybody help me with my project, when i send it to media Encoder from After Effect it does not read my opacity image settings, it should be pale, but when is rendered it is not? Thanks
