What if the Titanic sank backwards?

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In this video we discuss what might of happened to the Titanic if it had the same amount of damage from the iceberg, however they were on the back of the ship instead of the front.

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Check out the youtube channel CaljuCotcas, he made a reverse sinking animation video that the thumb nail for this video.
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After well over a decade studying the story of the Titanic as a hobby I never once considered to factor in the weight of the engines offsetting some weight of the flooding slowing down the sinking. Mind blown 🤯
Thank you again for your videos.


Watching this ship kinda made me realize that as tragic it was, Titanic's sequence of sinking was a best case scenario. Flooding progressed very slowly at the early stages, the hull puncture was not overly massive, power stayed on until the last moment, none of the boilers exploded too dramatically, it was able to call for help. Only major problem was the crew were not properly trained to deal with such emergency and there weren't enough life boats.


Video Idea: MS Estonia, one of the more recent maritime disasters that I feel not as many western hemisphere audiences know much about.


Wonderful work here 🤗.
It made me realize it could have been a lot worse without:
- the crew who kept the power until the last moments
- the wireless operators
- the engine room workforce who emptied the steam to avoid boilers exploding
- the crew who kept order on deck

Imagine the dedication to their work even in the face of definite death. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Video idea: what if the Californian heard Titanic's distress calls


Video idea: The Unknown Child (Sidney Leslie Goodwin) - the toddler who was unidentified until 2007


Good stuff Sam. It's really refreshing to see "what if" and "speculation" videos that aren't full to the brim with bombastic claims and drama to entertain the grim outcomes with macabre graphics or punctuated word delivery. I remember my eyes rolling over the whole V-Break controversy and seeing how divisive it was making the Titanic community on youtube

Even with a video discussing possible alternate scenario and a made-up timeline, you still manage to keep the video smart, interesting, tastefull and contemplatively refreshing without putting it into a tinfoil tailspin. You choose to highlight that what you're saying is in fact speculating and it comes off as very honest. That bit about the engine/water physics tug-o-war was fascinating and I've never considered or heard / read that anywhere before. That right there is a talent within itself, and a lost art among hosts and their personality. One we need more of. Keep it up! 🚢⚓


Its always a pleasure to see your videos. Best greetings from a 41 year old Titanic fan (since 1992) from Germany.


If it wasn't for the men who sacrifice their lives Titanic would not have hydro at all thank you to the men who kept the Titanic having power Jonathan Shepherd, Joseph Bell and crew! Not all heros wear capes 😔


Possible video idea: The sinking of the Daniel J Morell on the Great Lakes, it only had a single sole survivor out of its crew. A very interesting story to cover!


Video idea: what if Titanic sank like Thomas Andrews thought, capsizing and sinking in one to one and a half hours


Video idea, the Carpathia, always wanted to know how the rescue took place, how people boarded the ship, how were the conditions onboard for survivors. Another idea, how common was it for ocean liners to sink after hitting icebergs, was it a thing or was titanic really an isolated case. I know many ships like titanic sank but due to being involved in the war, not iceberg related incidents. Great channel!


The three dislikes are the Titanic, Britannic, and Olympic.


Really enjoy your postulations on the sinking and the "what if" scenarios you present. Well thought out and told without sounding pretentious. I'm over 40 and grew up with a heavy fascination about the ship and enjoy all the history surrounding it.


Video Ideas
1. Britannic
2. Stern Implosion Causes
3. Debunk switch theory (they would have to rebuild A and B deck and move all furniture in 44 days)
4. The story of the Andrea Doria
5. Why the bulkheads where open at the top
6. Talk about some of the officers heroic acts (Ex. Lightoller)
7.The photo of the (allegedaly) iceberg that sunk Titanic
8.What if the 2 foot gash in boiler rm 5 wasn't made
9. Why even though designed for 32-46 (idk which to believe but I have heard both) she only carried 20 lifeboats
10. Sultana sinking
11. What if the engines were not shut off during the sinking
12. Father Thomas Byles who prayed with passengers on the sinking Titanic
13. Jack Phillips and Harold Bride's time spent trying to get help during the sinking

I love your videos they are really interesting and fun to watch :)


Although most large ships sink bow first, this is an interesting theory.


Video idea: what if the coal fires in the titanic were never put out. another idea is: what if it hit the iceberg in the mid area of the ship and another one is What is the titanic had the safety features that Britannic had


This was way more interesting than I’d expected from the title. You really explain and analyse things in a really fascinating and knowledgeable way. Keep them coming! 👏


As a Titanic historian myself, and after twenty-five years of researching the tragedy this is quite intriguing. There are many " what-ifs" in history and Titanic is a prime example. I will only name just a couple of "what-ifs, " here. What if the lookouts had been able to spot the iceberg sooner? They only had 37 seconds to steer around it so what if they had more time? What if the ship had just hit the iceberg head on instead of trying to go around it? To me that's a simple answer though, she would have stayed afloat and would have been able to limp into New York. These videos are certainly helpful in my current research for grad school. Thank you.


Another great video. I never thought about the engines being so heavy that it broke in half because of the "tug-of-war". Very interesting. Thanks for sharing your views.
