Why Guest WiFi Network is very important !

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1-Please attempt any changes to your network or wireless router at your own risk. I do not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect, consequential, or other) which may arise as a result of your use of the information in this video. This video is for entertainment/ educational purposes only.
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#asus #guest #wifi #hotspot #guestwifi @wirelessrouter #router #tutorial #howto
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3:30 loved that you clarified that it was you acting as the home owner and the neighbors. I would have never guessed .😅


Couldn't be made any better. I love your sense of humour..spot on makes it fun to watch. Keep it up.


4:00 I like that you mentioned captive portal. Even though it's a business feature, we average consumers sometimes use it as well so it's relevant as well.


This is a great channel with a great personality. Liked and SUBSCRIBED. Looking forward to a few hours binge watching this guy. He’s very funny and very smart and also a good teacher.


Thanks, you explained a lot in a short time. So, next time I have guests, instead of giving them my wifi password, it's better to create a guest network for temporary use. By the time I got into my netgear account and was able to figure out how to change the password, there were about 20 unconnected devices listed. I deleted all of them! The only ones allowed were my pc, phone, printer and tv. My neighbors kids kept using my wifi when their mom would cut them off! lol They're my grand-nieces and I had given them the password over a year ago when they came over to sit with my mom while I went shopping. Mom passed away a few months back.


Very good explanation of how to use the Wi-Fi Wireless Guest Mode. Thanks!!!


I love your videos! I have trouble with two issues. 1. Connecting to a shared drive that I shared out from my main computer from the other PCs on my network. Windows 10 2. My computer often loses connection to my wireless printer and I have to be reboot the system.
I have an Asus router. I would love to see some videos on these two topics.


I’ve noticed the guest network is a bit sluggish and unstable…I have the AC68p & AC86u.


I love your video...unfortunately my problem is with my kids whether I make fast or slow guest network, they will never leave home...🙋


Hello Behfor kudos for your excellent work! I have 1 DSL-AC68U as main modem/router and 3 RT-AC68U as nodes and i set it up with Ethernet connection. All good but my Guest Network is on only on main router... and because have cctv, smart home devices, smart tvs and my working pc on my personal network i don't want to give to anyone access on this... How can make my Guest Network to working on my nodes as well? Thanks!!


Wow really awesome video!!!
And I just subscribe your channel!!! ^w^


I have a question: So basically I’m a gamer and need really good internet, but my family members use a lot of the internet and makes me lag, if I set my pc to Guest I can get better network speeds?


There is no where to set this up on my Thompson router, If you are lucky your router has this option but some do not.


Do you think its a good idea to add all my Smart Home devices to my Guest Network? I just bought an Asus Blue Cave and enabled the 2.4Ghz Guest Network for my IoT devices but it is bringing down all my WiFi. Any idea why?


First of all, congratulations on the good quality and excellent didactic explanation of the videos.

Right now some friends have problems with the asus router certificates when using the asus DDNS, after 3 months it was automatically renewed however since this month it is no longer being renewed can you check on your asus router if you have that problem?

Regards from Peru!

Mi casa es tu casa!


In making it not have access to the LAN, does this mean it’s on a different subnet?

Also, the time the network is created to last (2 hours in your video) does it make that network be “disabled” if you login to the ASUS page next time? So it won’t broadcast the SSID also when the network time runs out?

Thanks! Great video perfect amount of time and explanation


if I enable ACCESS INTRANET, that means that my guest can access my personal files in my LAN?


how many devices maximun can be conected to the guest network at the same time in 2.4GHz?


Is there a way to disable AP isolation on a guest network of a router? Please help with this. I can not find any information anywhere on this subject?


I wonder if anyone could help me. I've been at work & I believe a couple of times I've used the Guest Wifi but only for authenticating a work login and the other x2 times it just automatically connected to it. I'm just worried as I don't like the thought of anyone being able to see my browsing history if they chose to, as it's private. I know anyone that could search for that has better things to be doing with their day lol I was just slightly paranoid about it for some reason. I guess it's public wifi as well so could be hacked? Thanks.
