CppCon 2018: Ben Deane “Operator Overloading: History, Principles and Practice”

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Your code would benefit from greater use of operators. Really.
Operator overloading is such an unloved part of C++. It's not new, it's not
glamorous, it's frequently maligned for "syntax abuse", and often avoided due to
performance or implementation concerns. But operators deserve more
consideration! If you're designing types and interfaces, operators have the
potential to offer concision, clarity, and flexibility, and foster intuition in
a way that functions can't.
In this talk we'll look at past, current and likely future practices, from the
humble old operator+ on arithmetic types to new uses like operator/ to
concatenate paths, and beyond. We'll cover concrete guidelines for principled
operator usage and the implementation concerns involved.
Ben Deane
Ben was in the game industry for 23 years, at companies like EA and Blizzard. He's always looking for useful new techniques in C++, and he | geeks out on algorithms, APIs, types and functional programming.
Your code would benefit from greater use of operators. Really.
Operator overloading is such an unloved part of C++. It's not new, it's not
glamorous, it's frequently maligned for "syntax abuse", and often avoided due to
performance or implementation concerns. But operators deserve more
consideration! If you're designing types and interfaces, operators have the
potential to offer concision, clarity, and flexibility, and foster intuition in
a way that functions can't.
In this talk we'll look at past, current and likely future practices, from the
humble old operator+ on arithmetic types to new uses like operator/ to
concatenate paths, and beyond. We'll cover concrete guidelines for principled
operator usage and the implementation concerns involved.
Ben Deane
Ben was in the game industry for 23 years, at companies like EA and Blizzard. He's always looking for useful new techniques in C++, and he | geeks out on algorithms, APIs, types and functional programming.
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