(Dark Orchestral Violin) - Time Will Catch Me First - (Contains Flashing Lights)

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Artwork by Martina Stipan (t1na) :


Just a new song using the power of the library "Spitfire Solo Violin" it's a pretty good library, hard to use but you can get some very realistic violin with it !


Song composed by Peter Crowley Fantasy Dream
All rights reserved - 2019 -

If you want to use my music for your youtube video, you can BUT you'll receive a claim from "CD Bbay" saying the music belongs to me.
IT'S NOT A STRIKE ! your video won't be taken down nor have any restrictions. But you have to know that you may be unable to monetize your video containing my music because of the youtube copyrights laws.
That being said, you can use my music but you must be wary of that !
Рекомендации по теме

Me: "This artist's block just won't seem to go away..."
Peter Crowley: "I'm about to start this man's whole career."


A battle in Big Ben. The ticking noises and how the song already gives me that Victorian London vibe really gave me that idea.


" I'm an old physicist. I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of time. "


I used this song as the theme for a major villain in my D&D campaign - brutalized and abused by a steampunk dictatorship, he built a pocket dimension outside of time out of cogs and magic. He then made marvelous clockwork creations and sent them back in time to lure important historical figures into his timeless tower and have them fight for the entertainment of the rich in an arena of twisting gears, all in hopes that pulling them out of time would change the future, so the world that hurt him would never exist.

When this artificer plucked the party from the timeline, when they discovered what they would have to sacrifice to escape, and when they fought and died facing a massive clockwork dragon, this song was playing.


I'm only 33 seconds into this, but it's already one of the most captivating, refreshing pieces of music I've heard in a while!


"Time stops for no man. Even as I go through life, no fame or fortune or love with last through... time will catch me first."


You can run from monsters,
you can run from darkness,
you can even run from yourself
but you cannot run from time.


Time- a thing so precious, yet so cruel. All of us are bound to the forever-ticking hands of the clock that is life. Our hearts reflect the ominous ticking of the seconds as they go by, taking us closer and closer to our inevitable demise. The rhythm of our stride, clicking, clacking, tocking on- marks the intervals of life as they pass away, never to be seen again. The clock is always within you. You may be lucky enough to evade the slowing ticks of time once or twice... but you cannot run from your eventual end. Time has something in store for all of us, a specific moment set out for our hearts and feet to stop ticking, never to be rewound by the hands of man. For time bargains with no soul- From time, there is no escape.


wow guys, I can't believe we've reached 100K+ on this song so fast ! Thank you so much for the feedbacks and welcome to the new subscribers ! :D


that little warning at 1:59 about volume warning is easily the most adorable warning I've ever read, great music!


*Me during my finals, frantically trying to finish writing in time*


All I imagine is a camera spinning around a character in a steampunk lab with notes scattered about, camera zooming at a few notes with some big revaluation.


She smiled, a dangerous, deranged smile.
"I won't ever let you go. Not even time can take from me."
And, instead of being afraid, or running away... he smiles, pulling her hand up and kissing her palm.
"Not time, death, fate or destiny can keep me from you, nor I you."


_"Here is a thing about time. If you can't make the most out of any given moment, then you don't deserve a single extra second."_


The woman slowly entered her brother’s lab, a room in the basement of their family’s manor. She took note of the faint odor present, the smell of metal and oil one might expect of a watchmakers workshop. She found her brother hunched over his desk, just as he had been when she left him the previous night.

“Oh, you fool, ” she exclaimed, “Have you gotten any sleep at all?”

Her brother turned around, seemingly surprised by the disruption. “Of course I haven’t, sister. My work is far too important.”

She cautiously walked into the workshop, approaching her brother’s seat. “And when was the last time you did sleep? I haven’t seen you leave your desk for more than a half hour, much less leave this room.”

Her brother wearily sat back, rubbing his eyes. “Two days ago? No, no. If you’re here, then it must be morn. That’d make it three days.

“What is it you’re doing here, brother? What could be so important that you’ll barely eat, let alone sleep?”

Her brother slowly stood up, sighing as his muscles stretched and joints popped. Once he had done so, he turned to face his sister. “A chance, dear sister. A chance to fix everything.” He then turned back to his desk, and picked up an ornate pocket watch, the fruit of his ceaseless labor.

The device hung from a golden chain, and its case was decorated with swirling patterns of gold and copper and bronze, each design passing seamlessly into the next. The face of the watch was no less grand, with hands of finely shaped silver displayed against a backdrop of mahogany, with roman numerals etched into the wood, then inlayed with pearl, all held behind a near-invisible pane of glass. Within the ring of wood, the watch’s mechanisms were visible behind a second pane of glass, a masterful creation of interlocking gears. And at the center of it all was a flawless diamond, carefully held so that it was easily visible, and yet would not disrupt the delicate mechanisms.

Altogether, it was a masterwork worthy of royalty, or perhaps even worthy of the divine.

“What is it?” asked his sister, confused as to how this device, beautiful as it was, could fix anything.

Her brother did not answer at first, instead walking out of the room and up the stairs. As his sister followed, he began to speak. “I never told you the whole story of what happened on that fateful day, thirteen years ago.”

“What do you mean?” asked his sister, confused. “You told me that you were at the university when that dreadful spell was cast. That you had to flee afterword, in fear of being blamed.”
“And that’s where I lied.” replied her brother. “I fled, because I was to blame.”

His sister gasped, but otherwise remained silent as he began to tell the tale.

“I was a member of a small group at the university. A group that believed that the arcane was only the surface of what was possible. We pooled our resources and influence to acquire ancient tomes and other, darker artifacts of elder times.”

He bowed his head as he continued, speak softly. “In our hubris, we thought that we had discovered a source of power that we could learn, that we could master. We had no idea what we were about to unleash.”

“We found a ritual in one of the tomes, an occult rite which we believed would grant us knowledge beyond our wildest dreams. We gathered at dusk on the fateful day, and performed the ritual, and in doing so, unleashed calamity.”

“So that’s why you came back home.” She whispered. “You came to hide.”

“No.” he replied as he walked into the front room. “I came to find a way to fix my mistake.”

He pulled the watch out of his pocket, opening it and looking at its face. “For 3 years, I searched for any means to reverse what we had done, but my search was in vain. I had given up, even planned to turn myself over to those who were hunting me. Then, I found something. An old idea, never truly explored.”

He looked up at his sister, with a small grin. “Chronomancy.”

Closing the watch, the man sat down. “10 years. I’ve spent the past 10 years researching chronomancy, learning how to manipulate time itself. This watch is the culmination of my efforts, a way to turn back the clock.”

Sighing, he continued. “Unfortunately, there’s a price. I can slow time, even stop it for a short while, but every time I do, that time has to come from somewhere. In this case, every time I use these powers, I lose a little bit of my lifespan in the process.” He looked up with a wry smile. “Even with this power, I’m running out of time.”

The woman lunged forward, grasping his arm. “Why are you doing this? What do you hope to accomplish?”

The man gently removed her hand, holding it in his own. “Like I said, I can go back. I can stop this from ever happening.” Letting her hand go, he moved to the coat rack. “I know it’s a long shot, but I have to do this. If I can find a way to refine my abilities, find a way to return to the past, it will all have been worth it."

“But the people! They’ll hunt you!” cried the woman. “They’ll hunt you, and when they catch you, it will all have been in vain!” She descended into sobs as she finished.

“That’s where you’re wrong.” replied her brother, a somber smile on his face. “They’ll hunt me, there’s no denying that.” Donning his coat as he opened the door, he turned to face her one last time. “But time will catch me first.”


Just got into violin music and you drop that.
Destiny my guy destiny


"Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all."


I’ve been listening to you since I was a young child. I’m still young, yes, but it was such an amazing comfort to know that you are still creating.


“Your weakness surprises me, time will catch me first before I fall to the likes of you mortal.”


I'm getting either

Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty feels.
Jack the ripper feels.

So close and yet just out of reach.
