Are there MANY Ending of Mark's Gospel? Analyzing John MacArthur's CLAIMS on Mark 16:9-20 | Part 3

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John MacArthur claims that there are Multiple endings to the Gospel of Mark. In this concluding video in our Ending of Mark series, James Snapp Jr. walks us through the evidence that there were really only 3 endings, the Long ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20), the short ending where it ended at verse 8 and 'medium' ending that is unique to a small group of manuscripts. The Long ending of Mark is supported by the Byzantine Text, the Majority Text and the Textus Receptus or Received Text (TR). The Critical Text still prints it in the body, but the notes indicate significant doubt to its authenticity, and it does so with similar misinformation that John MacArthur used in his sermon to address this issue.


James Snapp's Resource page:

Text of the Gospels:

~~~ CONTENTS ~~~

0:00 The different endings of Marks Gospel
1:04 The blind leading the blind, misleading ways of counting endings
2:04 They started piling up optional endings?
3:07 The ending of Mark in Egypt, the short ending.
4:20 summarizing the different endings
5:08 Did early church fathers show evidence of other endings?
7:39 concluding external evidence on the Long Ending of Mark
8:20 Brief discussion about internal evidence
9:29 Unique words in Mark 16:9-20?
10:40 Grace to you Needs to fix this!
11:32 Conclusion and outro.

#JohnMacArthur #EndingOfMark #TextualCriticism
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Thanks for this wee series of videos on the topic. James Snapp Jr really know his stuff and I've benefited greatly from what I've read and heard from him. Hopefully you'll be able to continue the conversation at some point in the near future. Thanks for this!


It will be interesting to see your reaction when you find out that Snapp doesn’t think Mark wrote the last 12 verses.


Dr James White said something similar in a video on the ending of Mark.


John MacArthur wants a short ending. This doesn’t mean he’s right.


I appreciate the views of NON-Calvinists.


I used to be convinced that the long ending should be completely disregarded. I am now agreeing that it is ancient and had early acceptance by the church fathers..
Still, I do not believe it records Jesus' words. They are so very different from what he said in the rest of Mark and the other gospels (ie, "thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.") My argument is that since the gospels post-date Paul's writings, and seem to include some of Paul's experiences, the writer (not Mark), in an effort to make an acceptable ending to the lost ending, put in Jesus' mouth these words reflecting Paul's "adventures."
Are the words truth? Well, at least in Paul's case, they were. Are they continuation truth or only true for Paul?, I don't know.
Anyway, just my take.


Again very difficult to understand what Mr Snapp is saying.


Why should we except something that is wrong or mistranslated


There are 4 endings of Mark
Two long and two shorts
That is not contestable
You can discuss what was the original one.
The oldest complete manuscripts haven't the canonical ending
The fact that the Greek is different from the 8 verse is a strong evidence that the interpolation is the verses 9 to 20


How should we approach translations that include the different endings? Why would they even do that? In my case as a Bible reading lay person it has caused me to doubt.
