Dr Ken Berry's PHD Q&A

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Invite a friend and let’s talk about the Proper Human Diet!!

Low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, & Carnivore consisting of real, whole, nutrient-dense foods are on the Proper Human Diet spectrum. Lose weight, reverse diabetes, eradicate fatty liver, and SO much more…

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is Medical Advice. Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to, and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from purchases.
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I live off cheap eggs cheap steak cheap hot dogs tuna sardines and diet coke I lost 65lbs .don't need meds and A1C is down to 5, 5 was over7 all in 6 months thank you doc berry


Huzzah, please!! I'm 76yo female, currently on keto/carnivore 3 months. After 7 weeks, I had reversed stage 3b CKD. GFR up from 45 to 74, and I had to stop my BP meds, decrease my diuretics from 2x/day to ½ once a day. I've lost almost 30 lbs. and I feel great.


I was diagnosed with diabetes last October (no symptoms until my blood work). I knew it was creeping up, so I cut out some things (not enough). My A1c was 6.2 and 18 months later it skyrocketed to 9.3. My doctor scared me by saying when my dad dropped dead at 53, he was probably an undiagnosed diabetic. I went on 3 meds. Boo!

October 28-9.3 A1c
November 14-7.7 A1c
December 14-5.8 A1c
March 7-5.6 A1c

The doctor was shocked at how quickly it went down, but I told her I was determined. I went Ketovore immediately. She took me off one medication after 3 weeks. She would like me to still be on Metformin but I took myself off everything and keep walking toward meat and fat. My doctor's comment was, "You fixed yourself. "

I am thankful, plus I have lost 37 pounds.


I joined OA ( Overeaters Anonymous) over 4 years ago to address my sugar addiction. And it’s FREE! No sugar for over 4 years and so grateful. And I was a gutter drunk sugar addict.


Dr. Berry, I'm a ridiculous sugar addict. I have been on KETO since Jan 1st. I'm down 42 pounds and have reversed my diabetes, don't take any metformin, and stopped my glimepiride right from the beginning. My A1C has gone from 9.5 to 6.2 in these 5 months. Thanks for all you do!!


8+ months here on carnivore. Lost a total of 31lbs within the first 5 months with moderate exercise. I went from 196lbs, to 165lbs and now I'm shredded like I was in my early 20's - 6pack abs and all. I can't image living any other way now. The energy, mental clarity, sound sleeps, the perfect digestion, lack of joint pain, youthful skin has changed everything!! . But I gotta say, out of all the amazing benefits - digestion is the #1 reason I won't drop this diet/lifestyle anytime soon and why I truly believe this is the proper human diet. No more gas - like none!! It's the craziest thing. No more stomach bubbles or urges to go. I can't speak on this enough. I was on keto for years and thought life was good, carnivore has been the ultimate game changer for me. I really appreciate Dr. Berry and the rest of the carnivore / Keto community. Daily videos constantly keeps me in the loop to learn more and also provide info/advice to whoever needs. Cheers to you all!


I am running late but I had to pop in here to say thank you. I finally had my annual wellness exam after 2 and a half years. I don't really like doctors. So I went in there ready to go to battle with my doctor about my keto lifestyle. But as it turns out, my A1C is down, my LDL is down, my HDL is up, my BP is down, my kidney and liver is awesome, and my hemochromatosis is completely gone. Needless to say, she did not mention a word about my keto lifestyle don't you love it when the good guys win?! 😅


PHD saved my life. Too many wonderful fixes to list. A weird one? My chronically chapped lips are gone. I had a dermatologist say she needed to burn off two layers of skin on my lips to "fix" my issue. Thank God I found you and your wife.


Thanks for all you do Dr. Berry…..55 days on carnivore…love it…I totally got berated today at lunch about this way of eating….carnivore is a bit isolating at times….I’m a bit strapped for cash so trying to join the “Free groups” for support! Thank goodness for YouTube videos…I’m not alone.😂


1 year 100 days on Carnivore. You were a big part of changing my life. 40 lbs down. I still have a bit of pain in my legs but it is so much better than before.


My future son in law has Graves. I recognized it, sent him to the endocrinologist, and told him to go gluten free. Endocrinologist told him he would need to take an immune suppressing drug and if it didn't work, then destruction of his thyroid. He tried gf and today his Graves is in remission. Gluten is evil for some people.


Dr Barry, its amazing how many people you help without knowing it ! All of you carnivores! Are an inspiration !!!!im do great just by listening to all of you, no going back for me !!!


Reversed type2 diabetes, lowered blood pressure, eliminated severe joint pain, no more rosacea and most importantly no more depression/anxiety and racing thoughts!!!! Hazah!!


Dr: I appreciate your efforts and helping people everywhere. I watch you in Mexico. I lost 21 lbs in 60 days. Better than that, food is no longer the most important part of life. Muchas gracias!!


I have/had a favorite channel on YT, nothing to do with food!. For the first time i commented on someone that she should educated herself about the carnivore diet because she was trashing meat and how bad it is for your health . Guess what; 5min later ALL MY comments were removed! I'm still upset lol

I was disabled for 30yrs, had a muscle disseas and walked in a legbrase and with crutches.
(i was hit by a horse, and they made a mistake in the hospital)
Started carnivore 3yrs ago. 2yrs ago i threw my cruthes away and last year my leg brase.
Now i walk every morning 2 miles, enjoying Every step! I'm stronger then ever. Feeling better then ever, and Very Grateful for this second change in life!
Greetings from The Netherlands. And keep up the good work!


Welcome home! We missed y'all last week. 🥩🧈🥓🥚💪❤️


The longer I eat this way, the more testimonies I hear about issues being resolved, the more I am convinced that those who refuse to try this, despite the obvious plethora of benefits, get something out of staying sick. Today, I feel angry about it. I think people do enjoy the social aspect of having the problems other people have and conversing about their list of ills. There is a camaraderie in "knowing" there's nothing they can do about it and suffering together for as long as they survive. Personally, I'm tired of having anything negative to speak of in regard to myself. I want to be able to say, "I feel amazing! I'm doing great!", when someone asks. This is especially difficult with family. I know this will help, but will they listen...? I will have to ponder how to approach this topic with others so as to have empathy for their suffering and not pester them if they don't consider eating as a carnivore.


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to make my life better and easier with going the carnivore way I lost over 115 lbs since I started carnivore 4 years ago and counting. Thanks a million. ❤🙏


Hearing you say that i just need to do a little bettter today than yesterday and a little better tomorrow than today really made me look at my failure better. Thank you!


Hi Dr Berry, from Naples FL started BBBE Carnivore 21 days ago!
