Proper Human Diet Q&A with Dr Berry

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Invite a friend and let’s talk about the Proper Human Diet!!

Low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, & Carnivore consisting of real, whole, nutrient-dense foods are on the Proper Human Diet spectrum. Lose weight, reverse diabetes, eradicate fatty liver, and SO much more…

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is Medical Advice. Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to, and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from purchases.
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Keto to carnivore. 367 lbs and started keto July 19th, 2022. On August 2nd, 2023, went full on carnivore. Today, i weigh 222 lbs. I had 1st knee replacement surgery on February 14th, 2024, Valentines Day. Staying strict carnivore, and I am healing faster than my physical therapist said he has ever seen. Carnivore has changed my life, and my health has never been better.
Dr. Berry definitely knows what he is saying.


Hello friends.
My dog died 2 days ago from stomach cancer. He only ate human food. He became sick and 2 weeks later he died. He was super happy and energetic just before he got sick. Please love your pets. They are so precious. Once they're gone you'll really feel an emptiness in your heart.


I grind up the pork rinds and mix with parmesan cheese and herbs and its amazing for your real made "shake and bake" use an egg wash and dip your chicken...mmm so good!


I had about a dozen curb balls thrown to me at work on Friday. I caught every single one. My anxiety is becoming a thing of the past on carnivore. OCD too is about 90% GONE. I first noticed that within the 5th month on carnivore. It was kind of funny, the sun came out and I rushed to the beach. I came home and my heart felt like it dropped into my stomach as I walked into my kitchen and saw both sides of the sink were full of dirty dishes. I literally thought someone broke in and used my kitchen. I LAUGHED so hard when I realized that mess was ALL MINE. Before carnivore I would NOT have left the house with all those dirty dishes in the sink! Going carnivore is one of the best decisions of my life! Thank you, Dr. Berry, for another great informative video.


Our oldest daughter’s family is carnivore. Their twins and son love their meat way of life. Very happy babies .


Thanks Dr Berry. I hit the like button as usual, but I'm not verbally spreading the word anymore. People get angry. They don't mean to. They're just defensive about their toasted mini wheats and pasta and bread and other pantry garbage.

We all want to help people we love, but it sure is a fine line. I'm keeping my mouth shut.


My hearing has gotten crazy good on keto. Sometimes I will hear someone whispering across the room. And I never knew my old house had so many weird noises 😂


Thankyou Dr. Ken Berry, I so appreciate all you do to help improve health of us humans, I have learned sooo much, been on carnivore for about 7 weeks, lost 10 lbs. I'm 69, widowed 2 years ago, my body was so sick, for the last 2 years. Was on PPI'S FOR 20 PLUS years, for acid reflux, been of of those for 6 months

Did not know coffee had carbs:(


I have been eating carnivore for about 3 years and I have no gallbladder. Yes, I deal with diarrhea on a daily basis but I don't experience explosive diarrhea nor do I have to be quick getting out of bed. I can go on long walks without worrying about where the bathrooms are. Lately I've been eating a little bit of fiber (usually Keto Chow or half an avocado) will keep my poop from being so watery. I am noticing that my diarrhea is a lot less severe the longer I stick to eating clean carnivore.


Three months into carnivore diet ❤ thank you, Dr Berry
Your word is spreading all around the world 🌎
Manchester uk 😊💪🏼


Just started carnivore 1st of year, I love Ketosis, and being craving-free!




Hey I agree that the sun is the best red light therapy but I live in Scotland! We can go for days without even seeing the sun...anyway I have cured my chronic eczema with the carnivore diet, wish I'd done it years ago. Thanks for your valuable work Dr.Berry.


The osteoporosis question— After my first month on carnivore, and for approximately 2 months later, I had what felt just like growing pains in my long bones, my femur bones especially. It just went away gradually. Your question triggered the memory.

I can’t say for sure it was my bones regenerating themselves but I sure was achy for a bit.


Been carnivore for 18 months and broke down and had some flour tortillas with my fajitas, the first grains to pass my lips in 18 mos. The next day I had a four hour drive home barely made it to the bathroom when the tortillas hit my system. So there’s also intestinal distress when one adds carbs back in!


Thank you, Dr Berry, not only for all the other good you do, but also for imploring people to use their own common sense and not fall for hype no matter where it's coming from.


Dr Berry I accidentally came across your videos yet nothing is by accident, just wanted to say, in spite of a western diet all my life, with a good appreciation for Montreal SMOKED MEAT I grew up in Montreal....(I'm exactly 55 also as of Feb 28th 2024 - my diet turned more keto now turned way carnivore with eggs and dairy still allowed (I'm French and no longer feel guilty for liking BUTTER) lol just 3 weeks in, I also am feeling pretty young looking for my stressed out mostly a smoker's life - I quit cigarettes just a month prior to turning 50 ! (55 now) .... But Now I'm in charge of what I eat and you just make 100% sense to me, then good on me - I'm the odd one out in my family to take on something so "radical" - its just normal and you 100% makes sense to me like literally in every word you say - so thank you. I fight over isolation to some degree but it is the horrible anxiety and depression that has had me off work for a decade while like a lab-rat we experimented with 17 different medications over a decade - no wonder its taking time to get better - fyi I got off 8 years of regular clonazepam (Canadian klonopin) I stepped down gradually over a whole year from only 2mg to nothing but my mental health IS that sensitive so I respected the need to go very gradual. Now I'm week 3 carnivore, (I quit weed now as well with some permissiveness but 4 months no longer daily and maybe average total not even once a month - for now keeping that one little vice, I've also prior been hooked on stimulants etc glad to have regained control, I reckon this new lifestyle for me may pull me out of depression enough to hoping to get rid of depression so i can work on developing a social far so good, and i still love steak ! I can't afford it every day but honesty a good sized rib eye and some kind of tenderloin - I just enjoyed bison bites on a stick in air fryer and OMG ! I'd rather have a stick of that at the movies over popcorn any day :) just starting 4th week strict carnivore plus dairy, but finished icecream over first 2 nights then no more it was an occasional romance - I am feeling better and wanted to just share that I really want to teach my sister this - she is a yoga nut, she's shredded, better than I at 57 I'm 55 lol but I know she has REYNAUD'S any help on that with carnivore I wonder... I'm convinced some of her ailments slow to heal foot sprain for example takes her forever she is super petite and little boned - I still feel she would greatly benefit -thanks for all the info I've ear marked this one to share when i get some one on one time I'll pull the "if you love me dear older wiser (usually) sister.. you'll listen and ill pause and share on how its already helping depression 3 weeks noticeably unlike 17 psychiatric medications i all too willingly tried while on an extended health leave - you ROCK !


And this is way I love Dr Berry and Niesha they tell it like it is. Honest 😁


Good job I also started carnivore in February, blood pressure down from 160/100 to 119/78 and blood glucose down from the average of 120 am fasting, to 89 yesterday! Down 22 pounds in one month! Thanks Dr. Berry!


Hello, My name is Christine & I'm a 50-year-old woman who has found remission from chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was on a weekly biologic injectible medication called "Enbrel, " with other prescriptions like Celebrex, Methotrexate, Tramadol & even Prednisone at times. Having RA & taking these prescriptions continued to weaken my immune system, creating insulin resistance & obesity starting at the young age of 27 years old after a difficult pregnancy & birth. I was eating the Standard American Diet "SAD." Eating low-fat and high carbohydrate foods like plants, beans, legumes, pastas, rice, vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, oats, grains, sugar, seed oils & packaged processed foods. Following the standard recommendation of eating less food & exercise more that we all try to follow. I was sick of my joint pain, fatigue, inflammation & weighing over 220 lbs "size 18-20". So, I decided to start a high fat & whole foods ketogenic lifestyle in September 2019. I stopped eating all the low-fat & high carbohydrate foods I was previously eating. I've adjusted my eating to mainly carnivore "meat based." I love eating cow, pig, chicken, lamb, fish, seafood, eggs, butter & dairy. Occasionally, I'll have a small amount of berries or vegetables like onion, olives, cucumbers, sweet potato, or avocado "ketovore." These foods don't cause inflammation because I've done my own N=1 experiment on myself. Everyone is a little different. I also enjoy a variety of fasting depending on my hunger signals & activities. I don't drink alcohol but enjoy unsweetened sparkling water, filtered water, coffee & tea. This delicious & satiating way of eating has helped my continued weight loss of 60lbs, severe joint pain, body inflammation, chronic fatigue, weakness, and other metabolic health conditions like anxiety, high blood pressure & pre-diabetes. In April 2023, I started implementing lifting heavy weights, strength training & balance exercises 3-4 times a week. I love hiking, biking, RV camping & challenging myself physically & mentally. It has been a new life for me! You can seek your true health every day, starting with what you eat/drink & don't eat/drink. RA recovery is my "why" every day to continue living a healthy lifestyle. This is my amazing health journey.
Thank you,
Christine Peters
