Dr Berry Live: Updates, & Q&A

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Invite a friend and let’s talk about the Proper Human Diet!!

Low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, & Carnivore consisting of real, whole, nutrient-dense foods are on the Proper Human Diet spectrum. Lose weight, reverse diabetes, eradicate fatty liver, and SO much more…

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is Medical Advice. Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to, and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from purchases.
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I've followed Dr Berry since 2017/18, when he was Keto.
What i think is amazing is how much he has changed, and how great and fit, and healthy he's looking these days.
It's like he's getting younger for every year.


After a day at the hospital seeing 40 patients all of whom need you. I think you should give us business cards to pass out. 💕in Virginia


Love it I’m an MD too and so much of what we were taught is BS you are fantastic how u make these concepts accessible and down to earth


I had cancer of the pancreas in 2003 and had a Whipple procedure. In the last year I started to eat a PHD and went from 155 pounds to 130!


When i went carnivore it did take 3 months and my decades long battle with severe reflux went away.


Always come away from a Dr. Berry livestream with lots of useful information.


Dr Jacoby, scottsdale Az. Author of Sugar Crush and new book Un- Gluded. I am in perfect alignment with your ideas.


Am a hospice nurse I wish they would start feeding them a keto or carnivore diet to help them. It seems like healthcare is failing our sick patients.


I can't believe how so many people we are supposed to trust, grew up trusting are hurting us!


What I find interesting from so many comments on all the carnivore channels is the number of baby boomers who have been made sick on the experiment of low fat/high carb that we were raised on and who are now turning to carnivore and low carb to get better.


I raise my children mostly animal based (I myself mostly eat carnivore for 4, 5 years now and also feel so much healthier than before) and let them play outside as often as possible. They are less often sick than their friends. Also they have less severe symtoms when they ate sick. People also tell me they are much calmer and content than many other children and dentists says my kids have much healthier teeth as many children. I think it's probably due to the lack of sugar, antinutrients, additives and all those processed carbs.


Thank you to this man and entire community. I'm 2 days shy of my 1 year anniversary of quitting alcohol and taking my PHD lifestyle by the horns. In the first 4 months I went from an a1c of 10.6 to 5.4 and 80 lbs lost. I'm currently still holding onto an a1c of 5.4 and 95 pounds lighter all with no medication and carnivore/ Ketovore. I wish I'd known of this 20 years ago. Trying to get my wife and daughter on board but they're addicted to the carbs. I believe the PHD is the only way(whatever style fits). Is the e-coli in beef recall coincidence or a scare tactic by big food?


Thank you Dr Berry! From Scottsdale Arizona 🌵I’ve been following you for over 2 years. I wish more providers listen to your podcast and learned from you. I’ve been a pharmacist for many years and was thought the mainstream medicine. I’ve started with Dr Fung’s advice to start intermittent fasting and then discovered your channel. I’m grateful and thankful for your teachings. It’s very difficult to convince other health care professionals to start with proper diet to heal body and eliminate medications. It’s a long road to turn all of that bad information and “healthy advice” around and we all to have to stand up to big pharma and educate one person at the time! Keep your amazing work with teaching us. Those seeds of truth will bloom. You are turning lives around for many people.


On my channel I say “Old is Gold” what you are recommending is how my great grandparents ate —the processed crap is what is new and unproven


I have been keto carnivore for a month and I have not had any heartburn. Standing sitting or laying down. I have been watching carbs all along but anything sweet gave me heartburn. I feel great and my body is getting smaller and smoother.


blood pressure! I am on 5 mg. blood pressure medicine, and I have had to almost fight with this doctor to keep her from raising it to 10 mg. I do believe my blood pressure was high without this medication, but I am also fairly active. I might not even need this. Last time this nurse checked it, she pumped that up so high, I almost screamed. It was 130/80. Doctor says, blood pressure high today and asked me to check it at home. At home not one time did I come up with this same number on a wrist monitor, it was always normal. I sent the info to her through her website, and said, that day it was higher, she pumped me up so hard I almost screamed. this last time, she was careful of how much she squeezed it up and it was NORMAL. Sometimes I wonder if they changed the standard for high blood pressure just so they could put more people on blood pressure medicine.


Dr Berry is so generous and so funny and so helpful! We are so lucky to have this man on YouTube ❤


For the other person who talked about Ankylosing Spondylitis...I had that form also. Gluten, possibly dairy and nightshades can give you this form or arthritis. I had it. You just have to write down everything you eat to see if one of these categories is your issue. Mine was nightshade foods. Tomatoes, potatoes (sweet potatoes are fine) peppers, eggplant, tobacco, goji berries. Keep in mind, Paprika can be hidden in many foods made by companies which come in boxes and bags, ex breaded chicken has paprika in the breading. Cajun spices and cayenne pepper are also nightshades. Black pepper is not a nightshade but is extremely high in oxalates. I use white pepper because even oxalates were becoming an issue. Good luck! This is extremely painful. You can figure this out. Trial and error. And, the drugs they give you will eventually kill you if not at least make you even sicker. I have gotten off gluten also because that is what gives you leaky gut and then the nightshades got in and gave my A.S.


I started supplementing Taurine on Carnivore and noticed a marked improvement in energy and bicycle sprinting ability at age 75.


I had Cholecystitis and was in hospital for a week of IV antibiotics with a CRP of 125. They discovered one big gallstone which had been building for many years. They told me to eat very low fat, no eggs, etc. I did this for a few weeks but my asthma, acid reflux and indigestion got worse and worse until I was forced onto the Carnivore diet. Within 24 hours all my symptoms had gone! I did start off very carefully on the amount of fat and slowly increased and I haven't had a jot of gallbladder problems since the infection went. I'm now off the list for it's removal.
