My Response To The Completionist

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Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This will be the final video on this matter and is a response to The Completionists response to our videos in regards to the Open Hand foundation.
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"We've now donated the money due to Mutahar's video, after letting it sit for ten years. We're very angry that the money is now in good hands and are going to sue him" 👍


How could Jirard simultaneously NOT know the funds arent being donated BUT know that the intent of the organization was to hold the money until it was large enough to make a restricted donation??


Im suprised jirard got so aggressive, i expected him to just take the L, not threaten to sue


2022: Jirard claims he found out the money wasn't going to ANY charities

November 2023: Jirard openly lies again about the money going directly to charities

That is the definition of charity fraud


I wouldnt worry about jirard trying to sue you, based on his actions it'll probably take him 10 years to find the right court room, or lawyer. He might even ask you for some recommendations since it clearly isn't his responsibility


10 years later he remembered to donate the money from a charity event he has every year, amazing. A truly wonderful human being.


Hey Muta, you not only got a 600k donation but you also united a family! It tears me up. Merry christmas!


As someone who has been on several 501c3 boards, I wanted to mention that it's common practice and used to be a requirement to discuss financials at every meeting. This ensures that the board can fulfill their fiduciary duties in overseeing the funds. Jirard claiming ignorance of the financial records for 8 years is absolutely ridiculous and if it's to be believed, it means he never once attended a board meeting. The fact that he misled donors as a board member is very damning. If he weren't on the board it would be a very different story and his claims of ignorance might hold water.


What's hilarious is that theres already people online claiming Karl and Muta "forced" Jirard to gut the charity component of Indieland going forward, not realizing how stupid it would be for Indieland to ask for donations after this utter and sheer catastrophe on Jirard's part.


I dry heaved when he talked about "This is an attack on me and my family". Classic response by someone who has done something wrong. He really needs an audit.


Somehow I knew Muta's response to a lawsuit threat would basically be 'lol do it'.


Ironically I learned in Karl's video that a really common strategy for cheaters is to admit to some of the crime, but leave out the rest.


IMPORTANT - the audit was of their status as a nonprofit, not a fraud audit. In my experience, a nonprofit status audit is mostly procedural and self reported, confirming you met certain qualifications to keep your tax exempt status. Again, NOT a financial or fraud audit, where they actually look at bank transactions, receipts, etc.


As someone who has donated close to $1000 dollars to Indieland over the years, I've been kind of shaken for weeks since this all went down. I feel like an entire idiot. I feel like i can trust no one. It's been a very hard time.

Keep up the fight Muta.


Jirard won't sue. It's an empty threat for one reason. It would open him up to discovery. Good luck having the last 10 years of your charity being dissected more thoroughly by a lawyer than it already has been by YouTubers.


I have been practicing law in The State of California since passing the bar in 1989. Although I am admittedly not a criminal prosecutor, I am still dumbfounded as to how or why Mr. Jirard Khalil’s legal counsel would allow him to make the potentially incriminating statements he chose to make in his now infamous “ My Response “ video.

Allow me to explain.

Over the past decade Mr. Khalil has repeatedly made the claim during his many charity drives that any and all funds secured through direct donations, Twitch subscriptions, merchandise sales and so on would go directly to, and become the sole property of, a registered charity based in The State of California known as The Open Hand Foundation, of which Mr. Khalil claimed to be both a founding member as well as an active board member. He had stated to his viewing audience that at no time would any of these funds go to, be used by, or be made available, to either himself, his business or any other entity other than that of The Open Hand Foundation to which his donors believed they were donating to in good faith. Yet in the above mentioned video he posted to YouTube entitled: “My Response“, Mr. Khalil openly and freely admits to illegally allocating large portions of these charitable proceeds to himself and his business ventures in order to offset what he refers to as the “production costs“ related to the “Indieland” webcast program.

These cost include, but are not limited to: Air fare costs for himself, his team and select guests of the “Indieland“ webcast program. Hotel accommodations for himself, his team and select guests of the “Indieland“ webcast program. Insurance, security, appearance fees, supplies, food and catering as well as merchandising costs. In this video he makes the claim that the total cost for all items listed under the heading “production costs“ came to a total of $12, 000.00 USD. Although it seems highly unlikely that even the most frugal individual could hope to cover all of these rather costly expenses for a mere $12, 000.00 USD, this is not exactly the point that has placed Mr. Khalil in jeopardy of facing potential felony criminal charges in the very near future. The real issue here is that once Mr. Khalil had made the statement that at no time would any of the funds secured during his many charity drives go to, or be utilized by, himself, any other person, persons, or entity's other than the charity the funds were raised for, The Open Hand Foundation, he was legally obligated to refrain from accessing and thereby utilizing ANY of those funds for ANY reason. Least of all using the funds, or a portion there-in, to fund his expenses for the Indieland webcast program or ANY other cause, entity or person.

In plain English, by using any of the money collected in good faith during any of the previous charity drives, for any other purpose outside of The Open Hand Foundation, after stating to potential charity donors that no such action would be taken, he has, I believe, committed felony embezzlement and felony charity fraud according the laws of The State of California. In eliciting funds generously donated by his audience with the understanding that those funds would not be used by Mr. Khalil personally, he was legally obligated to see to it that at no time would any of said funds be used by Mr. Khalil or any other person or persons other than that of The Open Hand Foundation. It is clear that Mr. Khalil misled his donors into donating funds to a charity which did not receive said funds in total. By making false statements in order to secure donations for himself, his business ventures or even The Open Hand Foundation itself, it is my professional opinion that Mr. Khalil has violated California State law and in doing so has potentially committed felony charity fraud.

My son has been a fan of Mr. Khalil for some time which is how I became aware of this sad situation. I know that many of you must feel as though you’ve been used and lied to by someone you trusted and cared about. Just remember that those of you who chose to donate to the cause of finding a cure for Frontotemporal Dementia, you are the true heroes here. Have faith that the legal system will see to it that every dime you generously donated will eventually make it’s way into the hands of doctors and researchers struggling to put an end to this dreadful enemy.


To me the most egregious thing he did in his response video was the use of his mothers death as emotional blackmail. He started with her diagnosis and death and then finished with her death whilst also including her autopsy.. wow


Definitely agree with Muta, if Jirard was upfront about his charity stockpiling money for a big donation and if he didn't lie about donating or working with certain charities, this whole thing could have been avoided.


Ah yes, the classic "it's not my fault I lied, it's everybody else's fault for misinterpreting me."


The most disgusting part about this is him constantly mentioning his mom's death for emotional manipulation
