This Is Why Meeting Aliens Is a Bad Idea.

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00:00 Intro
01:48 The Fermi Paradox
06:22 The Great Filter Hypothesis
14:18 The dark forest hypothesis
15:49 Nature reserve hypothesis
17:56 The Simulation Hypothesis
20:13 The Rare Earth hypothesis

Some of what you will hear and realize may stun or even frighten you. In this video, you’ll learn why finding fossils of a very complex form on another planet would be the worst news ever to make headlines; can we be part of a space reserve? or maybe we are just a character in some supercomputer?! Stay with us to find out! Some of the facts may really shock you!
The Fermi Paradox and the Great Silence of the Universe.
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I wonder if the person playing my character is getting a high score for all the awkward moments.


If we can't get along neighbor to neighbor ..state to state.. country to country why would we want to introduce aliens to the equation


It's amazing isn't it that we search for other life forms yet we can't even live in peace with ourselves.


To deny the possible existence of extraterrestrial life on other planets or solar systems is akin to dipping a cup into the ocean and concluding that there are no fish in the ocean simply because none are present within the cup.


Take a man from an undiscovered tribe, show him an ocean for the first time. He would likely assume it’s lifeless, once he entered the water and opened his eyes, he would realize he’s completely surrounded with alien fish life. That could be us now.


If aliens are anything like humans we're screwed.


Has anyone thought we might be like ants to aliens and not worth their time.


This whole video is predicated on the presumption that alien life would need similar conditions to earth in order to survive. 100 years ago we never thought anything could live at the bottom of the Mariana Trench with 8 tons per square inch of pressure crushing you and below zero degrees celcius. Then we found out we were absolutely wrong.


I used to live near a neighbour who hated me always trying to park outside my house in our terraced street. They had four cars for a family of four (only three could drive) The mother came around to my front door one day, irritated by my wanting to park outside to the point where she said that "everybody hated me". I was upset at the time - it doesn't seem like a big deal now after watching this!


Just imagine that right now on some planet, millions of light-years away, there are some aliens watching some alien TV show and they’re showing images of aliens that look just like human beings and they’re thinking to themselves just how ugly we are. Because on their planet if you look like a stick insect with wiggly worms, coming out of your head, that’s a true sign of beauty. When they think of us, it’s absolutely horrifying.😂


Just because "they" didn't contact you yet, it doesn't mean "they" didn't contact yet.
Is extremely arrogant for ANY human with a little intelligence to believe that we are ALONE in this universe.


Can’t help but be fascinated by the thought of seeing life outside this planet. I pray I’m alive to witness what is next for humanity outside the earth.


Oh, they're out there, all right. They just don't wanna contact a planet that would subject the entire universe to "The Jerry Springer Show" and "Here Comes Honey BooBoo".


Most ET's are probably meticulous about avoiding detection, as are responsible anthropologists, but others are not so squeamish: kidnapping people, flying through our airspace, etc.
ET's are probably just a society as mixed as we are: some mean well with us, others - well - would probably like to get rid of us!
This shows that those who mean well by us still have the upper hand in this cosmic game!


I think the issue is, we're so focused on looking for life either as intelligent, or more than we are.
For all we know, there could be plenty of life forms out there, and we may just happen to be the most intelligent.

Imagine sending signals to aliens in their stone age. They wouldn't even see them, let alone respond back.
No response doesn't mean no life.

EDIT: For people who didn't understand. By "most intelligent", I'm talking about technologically advanced. It's not "egocentric" or absurd to suggest. Get your emotions out of scientific discussions.


I think we, as humans, are embarrassing to the rest of the life in the universe. So they try to avoid us at all costs.


I like to believe that there’s a galactic treaty that protects us from any conflict until we become a galactic species. Kind of like how India protects uncontacted tribes on islands off their coasts from being visited to protect them from disease and first world conflict. And I also truly believe after we created nuclear power we were visited more than once in an attempt to study our current state and make sure we don’t destroy ourselves.


I love Fermi paradox as a topic- it never gets old for me.


If the government found this to be true, do you REALLY think they would tell us ?


Cixin Liu's proposition of a "Dark Forest" reality to how different intelligence regard each other in the universe, makes a good amount of sense. Even if your species/civilization didn't see fit to wipe out the source of signals on the condition their originators could be a threat, it's easy to imagine any sufficiently experienced society decide not to respond to them as a precaution and censor/imprison those who tried to.