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Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"
Have you ever wondered whether the resurrection of Jesus really happened? I get it. I mean, how can we know FOR SURE that the resurrection of Jesus was an actual event in human history? Or have we been believing some myth or fable that has been passed down about the resurrection of Jesus for nearly 2000 years? In this video I give you 5 undeniable proofs of Jesus' resurrection.

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Hey everyone, I am SO excited about this week's video because many people go to church every week but struggle to really understand what they believe about Christianity and why we believe it. I can make videos all day about relationships and they get lots of views. However, my heart is to equip the body of Christ with the understanding and knowledge we need not only to defend our faith but to build confidence in what we believe as Christians. I hope you'll enjoy this video and find it useful on your Christian journey. Thanks guys and as always, let me know in the comments what you think!


Oh brothers and sisters blessed is the Lord, I have been a Christian since I know myself, months ago I became a real Christian, but now I started doubting if Christianity is true or not, yesterday I pleaded with God, I promised him that id live my life for him (even tho that was what I was trying to do before, i suppose now on a greater level) and that i would give up all video games if he just gives me a sign that this happened, and that he is Lord and that im going on the right path, I prayed before eating, I went and ate, and then I came back, opened youtube, and this was the first video, at that moment I knew, its from God! Blessed is his name!


I used to be like the Atheists here in the comments. For 14 years I was just like them. I said all the same things and was equally vile, wrapped up in my superiority complex.

Just know that there is nothing you can say to them to convince them. There is only one way to help them at all: pray for them. Show them the kindness of Christ no matter how hateful they are to you.

Only a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit will ever change their hearts.


Amen and Amen. Praise God for our Jesus Christ our Risen Lord and Saviour


Been watching your videos for years but I think I somehow missed this one from 6 years ago! Man, this really increased my faith. Thank you so much!


So basically
1) Disciples were planning to lie about the resurrection, therefore them talking about the resurrection is real (couldn't have actually lied somehow)
2) People died because they believed in the resurrection therefore it must be truth, unlike any other group of people that died over many other religions, cults or beliefs, somehow
3) over 500 testimonies, except that it's actually 1 testimony about 500 people seeing something
4) A secular (actually christian since he refers to jesus as the messiah but whatever) historian talking about the resurrection. Also two atheists converted to christianity two thousands years later (so?)
5) A 2000 years old corpse (that people were desperate to steal apparently) has not been found

Yeah I'm definetly convinced


Consider thinking a little more about these proofs. They may not hold up scrutiny if considered skeptically.


"All the romans had to do was to present Jesus' body, and Christianity would be destroyed!"
1. Why would the romans want to do that?
2. Are you aware that people can believe things despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary?


I got saved and I never thought I would find myself in a position of doubting God BUT when I called on the name of Jesus I was saved just like it's said in the Word...so anyway I'm still a Christian but after my experience my mind has never been at ease...but anyway it's reassuring to know that God is real ...


Quoting the gospels to prove the gospels is circular reasoning, so Matthew, and any other book in the Old or New Testament, cannot be evidence or proof.

The Josephus account you refer to is a known forgery, even for conservative scholars and historians, so that is also not evidence. But, let's say it was written by Josephus. That wouldn't matter, because he was not a witness to any of the events concerning Jesus, and was just writing down what he had heard. Josephus was born in 37 A.D., after Jesus supposedly flew away into the sky like superman, and would not have been able to witness any of Jesus's miracles, or the resurrection. Thus, the Josephus account can be included as part of the claim, since it reached Josephus by word of mouth, and most likely from Christians, and thus cannot be evidence for the miracles or resurrection of Jesus. Remember, the Josephus account is recognized as a forgery by most experts in the field.

Your short list of former atheists who set out to prove the gospels false doesn't mean anything, since it is a logical fallacy to conclude that something is true because you are personally unable to disprove it.

Finally, to address your fifth 'proof', missing bodies do not prove that somebody rose from the dead. If you think that is logical, you don't understand the first thing about logic. Jimmy Hoffa's body also was not found, along with many other people, and yet none of them are believed to have risen from the dead. Also, that you and others might not be able to explain how the body might have exited the tomb and not be found afterwords is not evidence that Jesus rose from the dead, as that is an argument from ignorance logical fallacy.

Now, you mention atheists, as if the resurrection would prove that God exists. The ability to manipulate nature in amazing ways is not evidence that you created it, therefore miracles and a resurrection are not evidence for the existence of God. They are evidence of the existence of miracles and a resurrection. Since we have already introduced the existence of one god, we now have to consider the existence of other supernatural beings with supernatural abilities, which can also perform miracles, or even beings that can perform miracles and make it seem as though they can rise from the dead that use science and technology to pull it off. In other words, there is more than one way to explain a resurrection and an empty tomb. In fact, nowhere in the Bible does God demonstrate to a witness that he created the universe. The largest miracle he performs in the Bible is flooding a tiny speck of dust floating around in tiny solar system that is in a tiny galaxy in an utterly gargantuan universe. That isn't a God-sized miracle. Stopping the expansion of the entire universe would be a God-sized miracle.


Even if an Atheist saw Jesus rise in front of them, they would deny him. :/


The Book of Acts is still relevant today..It's the only gospel book that doesn't end with "AMEN"! That's because Jesus is still Baptizing believers in Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and performing other miracles through His believers (just like 2000+ years ago)..Cessationists are spreading heresy if they believe that certain gifts are only reserved for Jesus and His disciples !!


That isn't even proof. for example look at TMM video, it clearly explains how your "proofs" are not proofs, they are just details of a story. To get some credibility you at least would need to have direct witness account that was WRITTEN moments, or at least hours after the event. Anything less than that and all you have is just gossip, which has no value even in this time.


If you already believe the gospels to be true then this guy's evidence is worth listening to. If, like me, you believe the gospels to be fiction then analyzing them for evidence of the resurrection is like analyzing Jack and the Beanstalk to prove that there are giants


Though these are all great supplemental facts, I worry that someone would lean on logic rather than faith when coming to know the Lord.
God himself calls it a faith. I don’t believe we are to check our brains at the door of course, but when something such as Christs resurrection wasn’t proven to all the inhabitants of Israel and Rome (as Jesus very well could have), it makes me think that that was the point.
I believe God wants us to trust in Him, lean on Him, depend on Him. Again, this video gives lots of great reason to believe our faith, but I’d say it’s better to let Gods word and our spiritual experience lead us to Him rather than us thinking ‘well since the facts pan out, I guess this has to be true’.
So lets please be careful and be sure to bring it back to God at all times!


The only thing shocking is that with so little evidence you can actually believe nonsense with your whole heart.


So the story of Jesus’ resurrection is accurate because other stories say it is. Profound. Any proof from the 20th or 21st century?


Whenever I hear the phrase 'undeniable proof' I think it is an exaggeration. This is simply so because anyone can deny something for whatever reason. You would be better to state that you have 'compelling evidence' and then let people be swayed by the evidence. This is how science works.


So if Jesus was never resurrected, where was His body??


1) not every gospel makes mention of a roman guard at the tomb, but even if there was; they wouldn’t let anyone in or near the tomb. So, how would they know the body was gone?

2) shall I start naming off everyone who was willing to die for or alongside their cult leader. We could be here for a while.

3) you have one man’s claim that there were 500 witnesses. There are no firsthand accounts, and funny that Paul doesn’t give a single name of one of those 500 people to go ask. How convenient.

4) How can you have secular accounts of a resurrection? If such a thing really happened so that historians recorded it; wouldn’t that be enough to change one’s religious views? If not; that really puts a damper in your whole second proof. I’m sorry, but if it actually happened; then there should have been hordes of people converting to Christianity right then and there; whether it meant their death or not. Btw; there were several notable historians in Jerusalem around the time of Jesus’ death, but most don’t even mention him.

5)😂😂😂😂 by far; the most ridiculous of all your “proofs.” Crucifixion was quite a popular form of execution. Do you know how many bodies we’ve found of people who have actually suffered it?

One. Just one.
