Josh Smith presents his 'Kate Moss' TonePrint for HyperGravity Compressor

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Josh Smith plays his "Kate Moss" TonePrint for HyperGravity Compressor.

Josh Smith made this awesome TonePrint for HyperGravity Compressor. It shaves off a lot of the low end and leaves your guitar with a bright and skinny tone (hence its name "Kate Moss"). It allows you to get a funky tone instantly.
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I've watched this man grow as a musician since he was a kid playing in southern Florida. You could see he was going to be a monster if he kept at it...and he did.


I use his flashback TonePrint and it's by far the best ambient delay sound I've ever gotten. Thinking of picking up one of these and loading Josh's tone print into it for my clean sound. So drastic! Like another amp channel. I bet if you back off the highs you get that Andy Summers tone.


I am going to try this after a really muddy/boomy big muff.
