African Muslim decided to LEAVE ISLAM after He Realizing ISLAM Is SATANIC | Christian Prince Debate

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I was Buddhism before, I meet Jesus Christ in my dreams. And accept as my Lord personal savior 🙏🙌


Im from the Philippines Christian i just now listening here watching from Kuwait i do believe in the name of Jesus christ i hope Orman be one who open hes hearts in the name of Jesus christ ❤welcome in Christianity brother i swear you are in the right path god bless you always dear osman


I saw someone left Islam after watching your video! Everyone must like this video


Glory be to God.
Our brother has finally seen the light.
Am sure Heaven must be celebrating💪💪💪


Just a simple decision will bless you everlasting life by the Glory of God. 🙏


The best way to understand the historical chronology of the 'three days' between the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus, is to go back to that time and study the Jewish customs.
In doing that, you'll find that a day was not over until sunset. So Jesus being crucified on Friday and dying in the mid day on Friday is the first day he is dead (at least by our modern clocks for the rest of the afternoon). The women had to quickly prepare the body because Saturday was the Sabbath and they could not do any work on the Sabbath, otherwise Jesus body would not be properly preserved for burial, so they had to act quickly. Saturday was a complete day, and the Sabbath, so nothing happened, except the Roman guards stood watch over the tomb of Jesus where a Roman seal was placed to make sure no one broke in. The bible says they did all this specifically because Jesus claimed he would rise from the dead and they didn't want his disciples to carry away the body and then claim he rose from the dead. Then on Sunday morning, the women went back to the tomb. So that's three days.

Mathew 28:
And in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalen and the other Mary, to see the sepulchre. 2 And behold there was a great earthquake. For an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and coming, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. 3 And his countenance was as lightning, and his raiment as snow. 4 And for fear of him, the guards were struck with terror, and became as dead men. 5 And the angel answering, said to the women: Fear not you; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

6 He is not here, for he is risen, as he said. Come, and see the place where the Lord was laid. 7 And going quickly, tell ye his disciples that he is risen: and behold he will go before you into Galilee; there you shall see him. Lo, I have foretold it to you. 8 And they went out quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy, running to tell his disciples. 9 And behold Jesus met them, saying: All hail. But they came up and took hold of his feet, and adored him. 10 Then Jesus said to them: Fear not. Go, tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, there they shall see me.

11 Who when they were departed, behold some of the guards came into the city, and told the chief priests all things that had been done. 12 And they being assembled together with the ancients, taking counsel, gave a great sum of money to the soldiers, 13 Saying: Say you, His disciples came by night, and stole him away when we were asleep. 14 And if the governor shall hear this, we will persuade him, and secure you. 15 So they taking the money, did as they were taught: and this word was spread abroad among the Jews even unto this day.


Even in grade school they told us Wikipedia is not a reliable source 🤦🏾‍♀️ we were not allowed to use it for our papers in school yet all these muslims go there to find their sources which makes so sense Lool


وَفَدَیۡنَـٰهُ بِذِبۡحٍ عَظِیمࣲ ۝١٠٧


دم عيسى الثمين كان الذبيحة

 العظيمة للتكفير عن خطايا كثيرة، وموته بالجسد هو سلامنا من غضب الله.

( 37:107) And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,

The interpretation;

The precious blood of  ʿĪsā was the great sacrifice to atone for many sins, his death in the flesh, is our peace from the wrath of God.

( Tafsir al -Hassan, On Surah 37, Ayat 107, By Shaykh Hassan Ibrahim Khubza, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyya, 1999 )


The prophecy of Ethiopian is in Isaiah 18


He is Trinity because he is powerful God.


Hi Christian Prince, read Exodus chapter 20. The 4th commandment tells you which day is the sabbath. It reads, remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. 6 days you shall work, but the 7th day is the sabbath of the lord. In it thou shall not do any work………


In the book of Genesis:
The new Testaments:
THROUGH JESUS, GOD REVEALED HIS IMAGE. HE is exactly like you and me.
Psalms 8:3, 4
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? ✝️❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇳


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 prophet google peace be upon him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Another great video and praise be to Jesus that another Muslim leaves the shadows of Islam and joins us in the glory of the Lord.


I was born in a Christian family in the northeastern part of India bordering Myanmar. So, I did not have much knowledge about Islam and their Abrahamic roots like the Jews and the Christians when it comes to faith, and have always thought of the Muslims as pagans.
I had my few shares of ups and downs growing up when it comes to faith. As I moved to the mainland part of India for further studies and work, my number of local friends grew up. I started learning about Hinduism & Islam through my classmates to colleagues and was gradually attracted to Islam, especially because of their strong faith in their god. But I didn't want to leave Christianity just like that, the religion I was born in, so I decided to dig more into it, came across CP after a couple of months of research. That's when I realised I was blessed to have been born in a Christian family.
I'm 33 now. I got baptised on 23rd Dec, 2022.
Everything points it to Jesus Christ to have an everlasting life. ✝️
The Jews are yet to wake up before it's too late and accept Jesus Christ, the King of all Jews and Gentiles across all land and sea, as their Lord and Saviour.
🔃 Back to square one, believing Islam as paganism.


I met a Muslim man'here in the states'he was very respectful and friendly' he told me he believes in God' just like us in America'but digging deeper from your studies' i see it isn't the same God at all'i didn't know one could loose his head if he chooses to believe in Christianity.🙏🏽🙏🏽


It’s very hard for that young man it takes guts and grace


I pray for Osman's safety and life when he comes to terms with Jesus Christ being the way, the truth, and the light. May the Lord protect him and Osman be strong in his faith.


Yes my muslim brother you have choosen a right path. You saved yr soul. You only trust in in God and everything will be fine
