ET The Extra Terrestrial (1982) Official 20th Anniversary Trailer Movie HD

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ET The Extra Terrestrial (1982) Official 20th Anniversary Trailer Movie HD

A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home-world.

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And now another 20 years have passed since the 2002 re-release. I will never forget watching this in the theater in 1982 with my mom. How time flies. Miss you, Mama.


This is probably one of the most unique movies ever made. It has a whole different atmosphere and tone to it that you can't find in many other movies, and John Williams really contributed to it. It's really a masterpiece.


Satyajit Roy wrote this story in 1967.
But he is uncredited.


One of the best classic movies that will always be timeless even after 42 years.


God I love this movie so much. I’m 42 years old and still crying seeing it!❤️


This is one of those movies from a certain time in my life that I wish I could go back and see for the first time again. Such a magical time.


To say you never cried to ET, is like saying you're not human.


A story about a little boy helping another little boy get home safe. GREAT MOVIE for everyone. I am 65 years old and love it.👌❤👍


All credits goes to the one and only Satyajit Ray...🔥


Happy 40 years to this amazing wonderful classic! I just love E.T.


Geeze, they didn't need to add any more special effects; IT WAS PERFECT THE WAY IT WAS.


One of Steven Spielberg's best movie in my opinion


I loved this movie as a kid. I used to irritate my mom because I would cry every time the end would come around. I'm still crying 30 yrs


Satyajeet ray

One of the best director in indian cinema🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


I'm sorry that I'm gonna destroy everyone's childhood right now.

E.T. is actually based on the script of an unproduced film, "The Alien", written by Lifetime Achievement Oscar winner, Satyajit Ray. This film was supposed to be made during the late 60s to early 70s, directed by Satyajit Ray and starring Brando and Peter Sellers. During Ray's stay at London for observing the development of Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", he was approached by a man named Wilson, who was an official of Columbia Pictures, and wanted that Ray would work under a production of Columbia. He came to Kolkata to read Ray's different stories and scripts, and came upon one short story named "Mr. Bonku's Friend". Upon reading it, Wilson requested Ray to modify it by replacing the main character with a child and make a script like so. Ray made the entire script and gave it to Wilson, who went US back.
However, a few months later, Ray came to know that his script has been leaked and several copies were spread among the big studios of Hollywood. This script was even read by other prominent personalities engaged in filmmaking like Scorsese, Attenborough, and Arthur C. Clarke. Because of this, when ET came out, Ray, along with the other mentioned people, noticed many serious similarities between "The Alien" and "E.T." . On seeing a controversy rising, Spielberg said that it's his original work, and that he never knew about Ray's script. Most prominent filmmakers still believe that Universal came upon a copy of the script, on which Spielberg made the film.

Hope all understands.


I am 58 and still cry at the ending I Saw it in 1982 when I was 16 years old I saw it 16 times at the movies


I thought E. T was terrifying, countless nightmares, my brothers would put the video on and I would instantly run out of room lol


Hadn't seen this movie in years until I caught it on TV today.I forgot how wonderfully magical this movie is! Brilliant acting by it's young cast. You can really feel the bond between Elliot and ET. The flying sequences along with John Williams score still have the power to bring tears to my eyes! Many thanks Mr. Spieberg and associates for giving us this masterpiece!


I bought the movie today for $5 at Walmart. and I'm watching it I first watched it when I was 8 years old. and I'm 47 now me and Drew Barry more about the same age...🥰🌎 1982 is when I first came to the United States of America.. it's 2022 and I'm still watching it still making me cry...😢😢


One of my absolute favorite movies. I was born the same year this movie came out in 1982 so I didn't see it until several years later. John Williams' music is timeless. However, I prefer the original version over the remake. The original feels more authentic and the extra scenes don't feel necessary to the story. It runs fine though. A classic.
