Annalynn's First Solo!

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It's that time -- First Solo. This is when you solo an airplane after going through your initial flight training toward a private pilot license. Annalynn has been flying a lot, and as her CFI I've been giving her flight lessons to prepare her for this day. Truly this is a big day in her aviation journey.

She really loves flying. We started flying when she was 16, during her discovery flight. Her family bought an airplane so they could learn to fly. And her and I went after the flight training hard this summer. Aviation booms in Alaska in the summer, and we had to take advantage of the good weather. And the big day has finally come!

Traditionally, the flight instructor (CFI) goes up for a few laps around the traffic pattern to make sure the student pilot is in the good head space. In this case, Annalynn and I did a few touch and goes in her Cessna 152. Then, verifying what I already knew, I jumped out of the airplane (on the ground of course) and she went for a rip!

Each landing and takeoff was fantastic. You could tell she was flying the aircraft well and had control the whole time. Even confidence I would say. And this IS a huge confidence builder, doing this first solo. From here, really, the aviation journey accelerates with all of that energy and confidence. The end of the private pilot training goes very quickly.

Annalynn ended up doing 3 takeoffs and 3 landings in the Cessna 152. We all celebrated when she got back, and I 'cut her tail feathers'. Lots of people ask about that tradition. In the olden days of aviation and flight training, the CFI sat behind the student in a tandem aircraft. They'd tug on the shirt of the student to convey certain messages, like turn this way, or listen up. By cutting the feathers, it signifies that the CFI no longer needs to give those instructions to the student pilot.

Of course there are still many things that the student pilot needs to learn during flight training, but the first solo is still a huge day in their aviation journey.

#firstsolo #flying #aviation
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What was your first solo like? OR when do you plan on soloing? Let's here some STORIES and PLANS in the comments!


Congratulations Annalynn! I am a retired United Airlines Captain. From the date on this video post it looks like you soloed the same month that I retired, October 2020. My first solo was in 1977 in a Piper Cherokee 140. I remember feeling the exact same way you looked in the video! Awesome! I finished all my training and began professional flying in 1980. 40 years later, 22, 000 hours, Corporate, Regional and Major Airlines, what a blast! I had the great privilege to fly all over the world with United Airlines. Started in the B-727, then off to 737, 757, 767, 777, and B-747-400, and one non-Boeing tour in the DC-10 for three years. When I taxied in from that first solo, parked and shook my Flight Instructor's hand I was still emotionally floating back up in that traffic pattern and couldn't wait to get back up there. I had no idea what a fantastic flying career was ahead of me, but I hoped. And now I hope for you, that your journey will fulfill every flying desire in your heart! Go get it girl!


The first solo flight is where you take off as a student and land as a Pilot, Congratulations Annalynn!!! The sky is


I remember my instructor getting out of the plane, telling me to stay put, told me I was flying solo then he got his briefcase out of the back and said "I better take this in case you crash and burn so I don't lose all my students info". that was over 40 years ago.


I'll NEVER, EVER forget my solo. It was INCREDIBLE! I had no idea I was going to solo that day. After my instructor got out, my knees were literally knocking! By the time I took off, there was too much to concentrate on. Knees stopped knoking and and did great! Coingratulations Annalynn! You did great!!!


After my first solo, instructor asked' "How was it?"
I said, 'It was great, but even without you in the plane... I could still hear you in my head'. He just smiled.


It was fantastic! I buckled up the passenger side seat belt. Pretend my mom was with me. Because she would be very excited to see me solo. She passed away when I was 13. I solo when I was 17. It was something was put into my heart. Great to see people moving forward with great spirits!


My first solo was in highschool and my mom freaked out at my instructor "he cant even drive a car and your gonna let him fly a plane?!' she was happy after! now i go off to fly a jet for the first time next week!


I’m 54 years old and started my pilot school in august. I’m edging up on my solo. I live in Kentucky so I want to solo before the weather turns. It’s been a lifelong dream and I’m working very hard to make it happen. Congrats Annalynn, you’re inspiring.


I am now 76 years old and my first solo was in 1982...The emotion I felt watching this video brought back like it was yesterday. Thank you for making this old man remember that wonderful day.


30 years ago my instructor, after a couple of circuits, simply said "Ok take me back to the hangar". It was a small airfield with only one hangar. As I prepared to shut the aircraft down he said "Dont do that, I'm going to the clubhouse for a cup of tea, go and do one more circuit then join me". And he just got out! Before he closed the door he added I should do my checks... So I did, taxied to the end of the runway, lined up, rechecked everything, and then did what I've seen many more students do at that point. Takes about 5 seconds and we all sit there and think - am I really going to do this? Then the training takes over and we go. I remember so clearly to this day, the joy of flying an aircraft by myself.


My daughter is 12 yrs old and will be taking her introductory flight this Saturday. She lights up every time she talks about flying and knows she wants to be a pilot. She watched your solo and hasn't stopped smiling since. Awesome job and thank you for sharing!


The first time you fly an airplane alone is ... magical. It's exhilarating, then scary, but then your training kicks in and you just do what you learned to do. What a great experience!


My solo was 20 years ago, didn't know I was going to, my instructor says "I'm getting out, go make 3 full stop landings, see you when you get back". I will never forget it!! She did a great job!! Great instructor!


I have to admit that I’m 61 years old and just about shed a tear for Annalynn. It’s clear that she’s comfortable at the controls and that’s a testament to her instructor and not rushing to solo! I was pushed to solo asap by a very good instructor who thought it would be a confidence booster and kicked me out at 7 hours. It did give me confidence but I also didn’t know what I didn’t know. I remember thinking that I hoped my dad was proud and he was but I wish I could have had him teach me, he was a Mustang pilot in WWII. It wasn’t until after he passed away that I got to fly the T-6 and the Mustang and my respect for those young men grew exponentially. It gave me the desire to fly more and I ended up loving aerobatics enough that I bought a Pitts before getting my tail wheel endorsement. Flying tail draggers improved my landings in conventional gear planes but I don’t see it helping Annalynn much! Good job young lady!!!! Thanks for sharing this video!!!


When I did my solo, a pilot from a commercial Airline heard my communication with the tower and congratulated me. That was great



Hey Guys. You never forget your 1st solo. Mine was at Southend on Sea (SEND) in the UK. GB-IOC Cessna 152. It was late afternoon in the autumn. After Andy got out and closed the door, I looked over the now huge empty cockpit and taxied out to runway 24. As Southend was a very busy commercial airport, ATC was always gruff and barely tolerant of us fledgling pilots. As the wheels left the runway, I remember feeling so excited. It was getting darker and as I radioed in calling down wind. ATC replied, I think this may help Oscar Charlie, and turned on the runway lights! I can’t to this day explain the feeling, what an overwhelming sight! Southend is a large airfield and I had a long time to enjoy this magical moment. As I cleared the runway, ATC added, nice one Oscar Charlie. I was grinning from ear to ear!


First solo was mostly filled with thoughts of "I can't believe my instructor has let me loose with a helicopter"


This video changed my life. I've watched several videos where students are soloing their first time. I found them extremely exciting and enjoyable. I always thought that flying would be something I wouldn't be capable of so I guess I just dismissed it automatically. Then after watching your video I decided to make the dream come true for myself. I took my first flight lesson on March 14th, passed my FAA exam in late April and soloed in late May. Now my focus is on wrapping up preparations for my check ride. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us. It was the inspiration I needed to turn a lifelong dream into reality.


Congratulations Anna! That first solo is one of those moments you never forget. I wish I was 16 when I did mine - I was 61.
