Phil Knight Made A Pair Of Nikes Just For Stephen

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The co-founder and chairman of Nike talks about the history of his sneakers and presents Stephen with his own Col-pair.

Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS.

Stephen Colbert took over as host of The Late Show on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015. Colbert is best known for his work as a television host, writer, actor, and producer, and best known for his charity work teaching English as a second language on Tunisian date farms. Prior to joining the CBS family -- and being officially adopted by network president Les Moonves -- Colbert helmed “The Colbert Report,” which aired nearly 1,500 episodes and required Stephen to wear nearly 1,500 different neckties. The program received two Peabody Awards, two Grammy Awards, and several unwelcome shoulder massages. It won two Emmys for Outstanding Variety Series in 2013 and 2014, both of which appear to have been lost in the move. Colbert is pronounced koʊlˈbɛər, according to Wikipedia. His understudy is William Cavanaugh, who will be hosting The Late Show approximately one third of the time. Good luck, Bill!"
Рекомендации по теме

"Shoe Dog " is maybe one of my favorite books because it's not like you're reading a simple autobiography it's a masterpiece because every word have been chosen wisely and it's amazing to imagine a guy from Oregon can conquering the world with the idea to convert peoples to running. I'm proud to say I love Nike till' day one but when I read the book, I love Nike even bigger and the founder at the same time ^^;)


Antozent- they are selling around 250 self help books for the price of one (you’re welcome)


I am pretty sure some of the people who have posted negative comments on Phil have never read his book.


I worked for Nike for five years and my memories are seeing Mr. Knight eating alone in the cafeteria and running alone in the track that surrounded Nike headquarters. Usually a CEO will have a bunch of yes men following them around. I read the book and it was very good. I gave several copies of the book to my friends and they all thought it was great.


My Grandpa was a former CFO of nike from 1980 to 1986. Their offices were right next to each other’s and they quickly became friends. Phil Knight is an incredible guy and it’s amazing what he has accomplished and how many people he’s inspired.


Imagine if this man changed his mind and abandoned the shoe idea and went into an accountant job spot. Huge impact on this live he has had.


Shoe dog was a really special book. It's written in a way you'd not expect and the story is like something out of a movie.


It's good to hear him after reading his book, Nike ✔️ is not just business it's the journey of a man facing all the hurdles. As he said "The cowards never started and the weak died along the way that leaves us."


What a down to earth guy he is, I love this man and his book!


That last sentence from Phil killed it.


I read the book and I respect this man for perseverance and hard work to make this company successful


He looks like the lovechild of Steve Buscemi and Stan Lee.


Can we take a moment to applaud the band? Brilliant music as always


Stephen seems genuinely excited as he looks for stuff on those shoes.


"It's great for you to have me on"


The creator of Nike was on his show wow that's amazing


that is a powerful man sitting in that chair and i aint talkin bout stephen


I'm two thirds of the way through his autobiography and it's a riveting read! He writes well, just like you are having a conversation with him.  As he mentions, he got his start importing shoes from Japan as these could be produced cheaper than in the US (at that time).  As for all the comments about where the shoes are made now, I can only say that companies will locate work to where it's cheapest.  Not only in the shoe business.  And I think their obligations are to ensure a safe working environment for the workers and to contribute to those communities.  If they were forced to hire local workers, their cost base would rise to an uncompetitive level and they might become financially unviable.


That was a very thoughtful and beautiful gift. So sweet 🥰


A beautiful man that I had the pleasure of meeting recently. He could not have been more gracious and humble as we approached him in a public setting. As a leader of one of the greatest companies in the world, he and they have done much to improve the living standards of millions of people worldwide
