Quantum 101 Episode 7: Quantum Computing Explained

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It's amazing what computers can do just by flipping bits back and forth from one state to the other. But what if that's not enough?

What if we take computers and make them quantum? Up until now, we've made computers faster by giving them more memory and more processors. It's like filling a giant warehouse with more and more workers, each of whom can only do one task at a time.

Quantum computing is like tearing down the warehouse and building a new one. In the new Quantum warehouse, each worker is a multitasker capable of not just flipping bits on or off, but holding them in carefully suspended, indeterminate states while coordinating instantaneously with one another.

This video discusses how quantum computing can change the world, and how it presents challenges we haven’t even begun to imagine.

Join Katie Mack, Perimeter Institute’s Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication, over 10 short forays into the weird, wonderful world of quantum science. Episodes are published weekly, subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss an update.

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Рекомендации по теме

The "But quantum encryption will solve the security issue" never sat quite right with me.
Because that would require all devices to have the required hardware to handle it.
All while the current encryption can, as mentioned in this video, be broken in hours or even seconds by a single quantum computer.
This leaves us with a huge gap that needs several technical generations or 10+ years to be closed again.
The first quantum computers that are able to break rsa, will throw us into a decade of "no secure and/or trustworthy encryption available".


Quantum computing will completely change the computing landscape. All current cryptography is vulnerable, and that would extend to things like Cryptocurrency, Banking, Securing Trade Secrets, and a lot of other things. As things stand, we are not prepared for Quantum Computers' impact on society.


I think we should apply the accuracy test to claims about quantum computing. Ask the designers “if you program the quantum computer to add 3 and 4, what is the probability that you will get the answer 7?”

This highlights the fact that quantum computers will only be useful in a very limited number of probabilistic problems.

I am also sceptical about using quantum computers to crack encryption. As an example ask the quantum computer to find the prime factors of 233. Then show me the software!



Welcome to the f....verse, where everyone is neither dead nor alive and both at the same time. Lol


Someone once wrote a story about an answer given by a very large computer - to which no one actually knew the question. Why does this story keep coming to my mind when ever someone talks about quantum computing?


Wow, this video was very interesting and informative, and the production quality was really good. I am excited to learn more about quantum computing!


So no information is safe as it stands now... What will security look like in the future


Neat. Yes, cryptocurrency run through quantum computing could be interesting. Imagine if string theory could inform peoples economic goals and approaches. People would need to become accustomed to quantum reality, though. Its ironic because this already is the quantum reality. More like being able to understand that the observer is the observed and take it from there. As opposed to its a 0 or a 1 because of a combination of 0’s and 1’s. Its cool to hear from a young physicist on this matter. Its an exciting time because such a physicist now has creative room to explore within intersectional fields when it comes to quantum computing.


Is she the actress that says "one time at band camp"


Not easy. Good effort, please try harder 😁
Thanks anyway.
