Quantum 101 Episode 2: Quantization Explained

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Some of the most important breakthroughs in physics came about due to the discovery that energy is quantized.

This video discusses what quantum really means, and how discoveries in the past ended up defining essential parts of quantum mechanics today.

Join Katie Mack, Perimeter Institute’s Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication, over 10 short forays into the weird, wonderful world of quantum science. Episodes are published weekly, subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss an update.

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lol, the stairs part is a great way to describe this dynamic. Perhaps the bits of pixelated space and the quantization of gravity can even lead to the quantization of time, as found in chronon field theory. Its an exciting time for physicists. As well as for science communicators. So many more tools to describe the elegance within the chaos.


You are really a good teacher explaining concepts in an easy way. Thanks.


Excellent and simple explanation. Thank you, Katie


Ok but those stairs are really bad and have probably caused many accidents


THis's so helpful to me, thanks a lot.


You spoke about just discretisation of energy levels in the atom rather than quantisation in general. What about a free photon? It can have a continuum of energies by adjusting its frequency but is still a quantum object. Yes energy comes in lumps, but the lumps can be any size. This is often glossed over as in your video and people end up thinking that quantisation = discretisation when this is not true


Excellent.. difficult concepts are being explained in an easy way in a short video. Long videos are little boring.


Nice and descriptive, but wrong. Of course she does not jump in quantized energy packets. She only lands at height levels determined by its geometry. That would then be an analogy for a possibly quantized space, but not for quantized energy - in my opinion.


I spend the MAJORITY of "MY Time" simply wondering if a particular particle was "WAVING" at "ME" or not😂❤😂
(Bonus points if YOU know what "I" am😂)


This whole idea of everything being in quantized Package if true would have some funny implications for the theory of us living in a simulation and not being able to prove otherwise 😂. This is exactly how a simulation or game based on current understanding would work in the way that it only shows the expected behavior when observed/measured for preserving, ,resources".
If not viewed you would want a package easier to calculate value.
Still think we don't live in a simulation but also could be biased due to not liking that option.


A very nice quantum of video! I'll mention the background music is a little annoying and distracting, and truly unnecessary. The folks watching want to hear the actual content, not trying to be entertained!


great video! :) also the kind lady is giving greta gerwig energy in the best way. keep on slaying queen!!


why quantum entanglement slow down its speed if we are vigilante about it's speed


A useful explanation for many people. One thing that is problematic, though, is the word "energy". For many people not trained in physics, _energy_ is a bit... magical. The word will show up in all sorts of terms that make no sense to physics, such as "psychic energy" or "spiritual energy" and so forth. So defining the word _energy_ in some useful way will help to reduce misunderstanding.


If energy can only be emitted / absorbed in certain amounts, are these amounts related? I mean, stairs generally have a certain size, is there a specific size of these quanta?
If they're unrelated, what happens when an electron that needs 'n' energy to jump to the next level is hit by a photon carrying '1.3n' energy?
Is it possible that 'dark matter' isn't very noticeable because it absorbs / emits energy in a really uncommon quanta?
So many questions. 😁


why yall learning quantam mechanics when u couldn't vibe in biology


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