[4k]Sea Level Rise and Fall Simulation - World

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This is a video that simulates the rise and fall of the sea level.

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The worst case scenario for rising sea levels is about 68 meters. That is if all of the ice on Earth melted.


Humans in 18000BC: TOO MUCH LAND
Humans in 2500AD: TOO MUCH WATER


At 2400-2600 m of the falling sea levels, you can clearly see the new proposed 'Zeelandia' continent, which is buried underwater below New Zealand, which means that New Zealand is just a mountain range of the continent. Plus, it has every propriety of a normal continent too


-1680 would literally be so cool,

Oceans not dried up, but so much more land


Things I personally found interesting
1. Almost all of Netherlands will vanish from maps if sea level rises by just 3-5 metres.
2. By the end of it the only landmasses left were Tibetan plateau and Andes mountain range.
3. Australia was quick to join with Papua as soon as water level dropped a little making the ancient continent of Sahul
4. NZ got a huge chunk of land kinda showing the continent of Zelandia
5. A new significant landmass popped up in southern Indian ocean Kerguelean.
6. All the extra land acquired by island nations like Maldives, Seychelles, Fiji etc.
7. English channel got drained at around 40m and UK finally got connected with the mainland Europe (directly to France)
8. Sea level rise resulted in a small sea in the middle of Australia
9. The increase in sea level can be easily traced in South America as you can clearly see Amazon river starting to flood and expand.
10. By the end of sea level fall you see a land ridge in Indian ocean (west of Indonesia) which is basically the land that India left behind as it was moving from Africa to collide into Asia


It's pretty amazing that Africa still looks like Africa between -100m and +1000m. It seems that there is a very clear boundary between land and sea there.


Maldives after sea level increases 0.0001 Millimetre:


I love how Florida is one of the first pieces of land to vanish


Mega respect for the cameraman who went to space, filmed sea levels rising, and then came back in time to show us.

Edit: I should not have gotten so many likes tf you guys on it’s not even that funny


0:10 Start: Sea Levels Rise
2:34 Everything is Under
4:08 Sea Levels Drop
6:19 Dry, the desert?


Very useful simulation. The important range is from -120 meters below the current sea level during ice ages to +80 meters above when all of the polar ice melts.
Would have been nice if the simulation also illustrated the estimated ice cover over land as it changes with the sea level


As someone on Vancouver island the fact that almost nothing happened to our part of the map for a while made me feel safe


It's pretty interesting that Antartica is one of the last landmasses before the mountain ranges to get submerged. This is because with that Icesheet ontop of it, Antartica is actually the highest continet in the world with an average altitude of 2.5k meters. Which is also why it's interior is colder that the coast because of the altitude.


Fascinating how quickly the connection between Alaska and Russia appears even with a tiny drop in sea level forming the Beringia Land Bridge between North America and Eurasia.


The video is pretty cool, you should do another of this thing! It’s really satisfying! I like how Greenland survived really long! That was really cool!


I’ve wanted to see a simulation like this show the effect of falling sea levels for years. There were so many stupid discussions in my textbooks talking about all these mysteries of how civilization moved across continents and built all these cities and monuments that are underwater but I always said “Well when the earth was covered in ice during the last ice age, where do you think the ice came from? Think it just appeared? No the sea levels had to have gone down” and a map like this easily explains it.


If, as someone said, the maximum rise would be about 68 meters, then I would assume that much of Antarctica and Greenland would be uncovered by ice yet still possibly under water. I would like to see a simulation of that as well.


Brilliant! Thanks. It would be great if we could see each region a little bit larger.


0:24 if all the ice melted
1:16 if see levels rose by 10%
1:43 if see levels rose by 26.8%
1:59: if see levels rose by 50%
2:18: if see levels rose by 100%
2:36: if see levels rose by 200%
5:48: if see levels drop by a 100%

Please take in consideration that in the video, several meters rose or drop in the same second, and as such, is impossible to pinpoint exactly the moment, the average see level is 3730m deep


South America is the first continent that's hugely affected but one of the last continents to remain as a "continent"
