100 BASIC PHRASES in 8 MINUTES!! Lets learn Spanish! Part 1

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When studying Spanish, of course it is important to learn grammar and vocabulary, BUT it is also important to learn and understand phrases that you can apply in your daily life, to have a more DYNAMIC speaking.
By applying these 100 BASIC PHRASES for COMMON SITUATIONS, you will be able to express yourself fast and you'll feel so satisfied when you see results and you're capable to communicate and understand even better! In this first video, you will learn basic phrases for:
*Introducing yourself
*Small talk about you
*Making plans with a friend
*Going to a restaurant
Stay with me and Let's learn these easy phrases in only 8 minutes!
Of course this video complements the other videos available in my channel, where you will find grammar and vocabulary lessons. See you there!
Vamos a aprender Español juntos!! See you in the next video! Nos vemos en la segunda parte de este video: 100 phrases in Spanish part 2!
Don't forget to visit me also on INSTAGRAM!
There are some other interesting videos in my channel that can help you to expand your background of Spanish Basics, such as:
You can also visit this USEFUL CHANNEL to learn Spanish:
#Spanish #LearnSpanish #Clasesdeespañol #Español #EasySpanish #LetslearnSpanish #BasicPhrases #PhrasesinSpanish #BasicSpanish #100phrasesinSpanish #FrasesenEspañol #DailyLifeSpanish #LearnSpanishFast #SpeakSpanish
By applying these 100 BASIC PHRASES for COMMON SITUATIONS, you will be able to express yourself fast and you'll feel so satisfied when you see results and you're capable to communicate and understand even better! In this first video, you will learn basic phrases for:
*Introducing yourself
*Small talk about you
*Making plans with a friend
*Going to a restaurant
Stay with me and Let's learn these easy phrases in only 8 minutes!
Of course this video complements the other videos available in my channel, where you will find grammar and vocabulary lessons. See you there!
Vamos a aprender Español juntos!! See you in the next video! Nos vemos en la segunda parte de este video: 100 phrases in Spanish part 2!
Don't forget to visit me also on INSTAGRAM!
There are some other interesting videos in my channel that can help you to expand your background of Spanish Basics, such as:
You can also visit this USEFUL CHANNEL to learn Spanish:
#Spanish #LearnSpanish #Clasesdeespañol #Español #EasySpanish #LetslearnSpanish #BasicPhrases #PhrasesinSpanish #BasicSpanish #100phrasesinSpanish #FrasesenEspañol #DailyLifeSpanish #LearnSpanishFast #SpeakSpanish