100 Phrases Every Japanese Beginner Must-Know

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In this video, we will teach you 25 Japanese phrases, 25 Japanese nouns, 25 Japanese verbs and 25 adjectives that you must know if you're an absolute beginner. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Japanese, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

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"Do you understand Japanese?"
Answers "no, i dont understand Japanese" in perfect Japanese


Wow they made the language they use in anime into a real thing


100 Most Common Phrases in Japanese

1. Ohayo - Good Morning
2. Sumimasen - Excuse me
3. Hai - Yes
4. iie - No
5. Eki was doku desu ka? - Where is the station
6. Yorushikou onegaishimasu - please treat me well/pleasure to be working with you
7. Kore wa ikura desuka - how much is this?
8. Oyasuminasai - good night
9. Nansai desu ka? - How old are you?
10. Douzo - After you
11. Wakarimashita/Wakata - I understand
12. Wakarimasen/Wakanai - I dont understand
13. Eigo ga hanasemasuka - do you speak english?
14. Ja, ma ta - see you later/soon
15. Doumo - thanks/hello/goodbye
16. O genki desu ka? - How are you
17. Gomennasai - im sorry
18. Konbanwa - goodevening
19. Konnichiwa - Hello
20. Hajijimashite - nice to meet you
21. O namae wa? - Whats your name?
22. Mizu onegaishimasu - water please?
23. Tasukete kudasai - help please
24. Arigato - Thank you
25. Sayounara - goodbye


26. Wasuwaru - to forget
27. Suru - To do (Formal)
28. Yaru - to do (Casual)
29. Iru - to exist (animate)
30. Ari - to exist (Inanimate)
31. Hanasu - to talk
32. Yobu - to call
33. Iku - to go
34. Yeru - to go out
35. Miru - to see
36. Omou - to think
37. Matsu - to wait
38. Iu - to say
39. Wakaru - to understand
40. Kuru - to come
41. dekiru - to be able to do
42. Hiraku - to open
43. Toru - to take
44. Tsukura - to make
45. Yomu - to read
46. Aruku - to walk
47. Taberu - to eat
48. Neru - to sleep
49. Kiku - to hear/to ask
50. naru - to become
51. untensuru - to drive
52. warau - to laugh
53. utau - to sing


54. mondai - problem
55. Shitsumon - question
56. miso - store
57. eki - station
58. mizu - water
59. imi - meaning
60. Shiyashin- picture
61. Kuruma - car
62. Heya - room
63. kotoba - word
64. eiga - movie
65. namae - name
66. gakkou - school
67. Sigoto - work
68. kaishiya - company
69. ie - house
70. asu - tomorrow
71. kinou - yesterday
72. ima - now
73. kyou - today
74. Jikan - time
75. Minna - everybody
76. Hito - person
77. mono - thing (object)
78. koto - thing (instance)


79. ooi - many/numerous
80. yasui - cheap
81. atsui - hot
82. nagai - long
83. hayai - fast/early
84. suki - like
85. onaji- same
86. Sukunai - few/scarce
87. Hitsuyo - necessary
88. Umai - Skilled
89. Umai - delicious
90. Sugoi - Cool/amazing
91. Chikai - Close
92. muzukashi - hard/difficult
93. ii - good
94. Chisai - small
95. Atarashi - new
96. warui - bad
97. ookii - big
98. Tsumetai - cold
99. oishi - delicious
100. takai - tall/high/expensive
101. tooi - far
101. mizukai - short
102. tanoshii - fun

Edited: 4/9/20 4:27. Apologies for the misspellings ive fixed most of the list. Arigato minna-san! Ganbatte!


I am Japanese. I am delighted to have foreigners studying Japanese so much. It's so cute that foreigners talk hard in Japanese, and everyone in Japan likes it. I will try my best to speak English.


"Wanna speak REAL japanese" No, i want to speak FAKE japanese! Absolute mad lad.


Risa is so positive and cheerful!
I don't know why, but she makes me wanna give her a hug xD a genuine nice hug.


She’s too funny I can’t concentrate lol


My Grandmother was from Japan and tried to teach me Japanese when I was young but I didn't care at that age. Oh, do I regret it now.


Life Goals: Get married to a girl that is at least 5% as charming as Risa-sensei is.


20 minutes of Risa enjoying herself is more entertaining and satisfying than it has right to be!


7:55 lol I really like her. She's weird and funny, a great teacher.


I've been speaking Japanese for years and recently past the N4 test but it is amazing how many of the early beginner words you do forget when you don't use them!


"Do you understand japanese?"

*proceeds to say that she doesn't in japanese*


I recently went to Japan two months ago for the first time and had watched so many videos like these in preparation. Thought I had everything to a T but when it came to speaking the right Japanese words quickly in response, I completely screw up the pronunciation or draw a blank and use gestures. I felt embarrassed when a cook brought out my order and when I remembered to say thanks, I ended up saying "Itakimasu" instead of "Itadakimasu". They knew I was trying my best after laughing it off and I still ended up having a wonderful time, even with those issues. I guess it just taught me that I need to relax before speaking and to practice pronunciation aloud more often. ^_^'


Dear Risa-san,
Thank you so much for your wonderful Japanese lessons.
They are very helpful.


When you say sentences, you go a bit fast, would be nice to say it a first time slowly and then normal speed?


Can't get enough of this cuteness !!!


7:49 when u don’t have any friends so your actually happy to have a friend tomorrow 😂


risa is the reason i want to go to japan.


.. Risa makes this so fun. Haha. I'm really glad I was able to find this.
