100 Phrases Every Italian Beginner Must-Know

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In this video, we will teach you 25 italian phrases, 25 italian nouns, 25 italian verbs and 25 adjectives that you must know if you're a an absolute beginner. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Italian, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

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Wow Italian it's quite like Spanish, that helps a lot.


Bounanotte = good night

Sono = I’m / I am

Buonasera = good evening

Mi chiamo = my name is

Come ti chiama = what’s your name?
E tu= and you ?

Prego = you’re welcome

Sì = yes

No = no

Va bene = okay

Che ora è = what time is it

Dove la stazione = where is thee station

Possa usare il bagno = May I use the restaurant

Vorrei quelcosa da mangiare = I would like something to eat

Posso avere il conto = can I have the check please

A presto = see you soon

A dopo = see you later

Dove posso mangiare la gelato = I would like the gelato


Essere = To be

Avere = To have

Fare = to do

Dire = to say

Potere = can

Volere = To want

Sapere = To know

Stare = to stay

Dovere = must

Prendere = to take

Vedere = to see

Andare = to go

Venire = to come

Dare = to give

Parlare = To talk

Trovare = to find

Sentire = To hear

Lasciare = to leave

Guardare = to look

Mettere = to put

Pensare = To think

Passare = To Pass

Credere = To believe

Portare = to bring

Mangiare =To eat

Italian nouns

Cosa = thing

Anno = year

Uomo = man

Giorno = day

Volta = time

Casa = home

Parte = part

Vita = life

Tempo = weather

Donna = woman

Mano = hand

Occhio = eye

Ora = time

Signore = mister

Paese = country

Momento = moment

Modo = way

Parola = word

Padre= father

Punto = point

Lavoro = job

Stato = state

Caso = case

Citta = town

Animale = animal


Grande = big

Piccolo = small

Dolce = sweet

Diverso = different

Primo = first

Ultimo = last

Anziano = old

Giovane = young

Carino = pretty

Bello = beautiful

Brutto = ugly

Buono = good

Cattivo = bad

Bravo = capable

Nuovo = new

Alto = tall

Basso = short

Vero = true

Aperto = open

Chiuso = closed

Caro = expensive

Economico = cheap

Difficile = difficult

Facile = easy

Divertente = fun


Being a native spanish speaker is so helpful when it comes to learning italian.😊


Who else is watching this before their trip to Italy 😂


Ive spent almost a year learning spanish.
Stumbled on this video, looks like Italian will be my 3rd language

It feels so good to intuitively understand communication 😂😅


I've been learning german for 6 months before starting Italian, and I got to say man that's relaxing.


Watching this video everyday for a year, will not be difficult


The most beautyful language I have ever been heard!


I loved the video! I would appreciate if you repeated the sentences in Italian twice. The first time slowly so we can get the correct pronunciation and the second time normally to get an understanding of how it is used in real world scenario. Thank you for the quite helpful video!


Success is about focusing Your energy on what creates results and using what you already know


listen!! don’t get hung up on words, listening is the key to language, hear the sounds first then learn the vocabulary and grammar
fun videos, repetition works!


Good video! My brother studied languages at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in California. The pace of study was intense. Students had to master the language course in 36-64 weeks. Psychologically it was very difficult, but fortunately he was helped by Yuriy Ivantsiv's book "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign languages”. The book " Polyglot Notes" became a desk book for my brother, because it has answers to all the problems that any student of a foreign language has to face. Thanks to the author of the channel for this interesting video! Good luck to everyone who studies a foreign language and wants to realize their full potential!


As a Turkish guy, love italian language and i have started to learn
recently. Love italian cuisine, very similar to us, they love high carbs bread, pasta, pizza ;) . love their history as well, studied roman law at university, read cicero, dante... but i havent met any italian tough. when i was teenager l like and know tiziano ferro songs. other italian far as i heard pavorotti and berlusconi and some footballers respect totti, maldini.

if i compare italian with my language;

verb conjuctions - similar to our language, verb changes, ignoring subject pronouns . But so many exceptions in italian, irregular verbs and various tenses are quite challenging. In turkish rules are rules and tenses are quite simple. yet in one month i learned common verbs different versions at basic level.

words, prepositions changes. challenging a bit but like it it sounds natural. we have gender free and there is no def. articles in our language. Yet i like it.

best thing about isi talian that
word pronouncations are so clear and natural to my ears. they dont swallow, hard roll or make weird sounds. We almost all italian sounds at our lives, similar usages. Easy to listen and follow... Personally i coudnt make french throat sounds well or english special th (tongue out), schwa, hard jawdropper sounds are quite annoying for me... French dont pronounce %60 of word, what the hell if u dont sound :) i mean so many silent letters, calculation of numbers looks weird. i just want to say number, it turns to the math problem. italians sound nearly all letters, their numbers are same sense.

italian unique rhytm and stress are quite pleasant like music.
tons of hand gestures like turkish.

i think italian much easy to learn at begining but hard to master than English.


When you here native Italian speaker, it sounds so rhythmical, like they are singing!!! They invented Opera you know!


I’m 16 and currently trilingual. I know English, Spanish & BSL. And I’ve always loved languages so now I’m trying to learn Italian! I think it’s a good 4th language since it’s similar to Spanish. I also want to be constantly learning a new language so ones I have my eye on for the future are French, Russian, Norwegian, Polish & Chinese!


Amazing content! 🙌🏻 I’m Italian too and I’m so happy that people appreciate our language 🇮🇹🥰


Interesting! I have learned some false cognates in Italian. In Portuguese, my first language, we have the verb "sentir", which means "to feel", but in Italian "sentire" means "to hear". "Guardare" and "guardar", in Portuguese it can mean "to keep", "to save" depending on the context. Very nice video, Desiree!


I love how italian sounds like Portuguese! Makes a lot of easier to learn


One of the best teachers I have ever seen in YouTube. She is so good.


My great grandfather came to Australia from Italy in 1909..so your help is much appreciated ...thank you!
