Error 404 Sans vs Saitama #shorts

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#shorts #fyp #alightmotion #sansaus #saitama #onepunchman #alphatale #error404sans
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Saitama: I sneeze Jupiter
Error 404: I one shot whole ass high complex multiverse without even trying 🗿


Pov: You are scrolling down to find angry saitama fans


Error 404: *Copy and paste*


Saitama:serious mode death penalty
Error404: "Dodge it"


Potential goes to 404, due to having Ten's cosmic essence he has a lot of potential, not to mention his conduit of balance


Here is how the fight would go (Like if you like it Ig)
Error 404: Oh whats this? a building, good to know.. Maybe just maybe I can find something here.
Hero association: Somethings here! Get out the robots!
Metal Knight's bots try to attack him and Error404 takes the punch but it deals 0 damage then uses a gaster blaster which completely annihilates them all
Hero association: Demon level threat! Send out class A's!
So 5 Class A's appear including Amai Mask
Error 404: Oh? More fighters, so it seems that maybe I can get a good fight in without completely destroying this multiverse.
Error 404 then proceseds to one shot all of the A class hero's that are fighting him with blue mastery.
He then destroys the vast majority of the hero base with a blaster. that same blaster destroys all of city A besides that building.
God oversee's this and decides to try to give Error404 30 percent of his powers, Instead Error 404 one shot's him with godray.
Error 404 is back and is now titled as threat level God. Before him are all the S Class heroes including Tatsumaki, However Blast and King do not seem to be there.
So they attack Him
Darkshine tries to tackle him while Tanktop Master tries to punch his guts out.
Error404 stays there and takes it, it has no effect.. Error404 then uses a bone barrage and kills Darkshine while Tanktop master avoids it.
Then Error404 is faced with the task to evade or just take the rest of their attacks as when he tries to attack Tatsumaki breaks his arm. While that is happening Genos comes in and starts using a barrage of machine gun blows while Bang comes in and also tries a barage of punches. Atomic Samurai readies his blade waiting to see if Error404 moves..
Metal Knight and Drive Knight both send in missiles which right before that happens both Genos and Bang get out of the way for. All of that damage should've been enough right? Bang says while being extremely tired..
Error404 breaks from tatsumaki's psychic energy and reforms his arm, he then fires off a miniture god ray and kills all of the S class heroes besides Tatsumaki who avoids it and Metal knight who is just a drone so 2 S Class heroes of the bunch manage to stay alive. Metal Bat and the rest of them besides Tatsumaki and Drive knight then get one shot from a barrage of Bones.
The Hero association is flat out of luck.. They think their strongest heroes are defeated. However the last string of hope arrives to fight Error404 who has barely even tried. They were called by Child emporer right before he died.
The final line, the final hope. Those being Tatsumaki who was already there, Blast who just arrived since God (Opm) is no longer an issue and King as well as 2 others being Mumen rider trying to see if any of the S class heroes are alive or if there are any citizens needing help and Saitama. After realizing Genos was completely destroyed he finally gets serios.
Error404: I sense some type of aura coming from you.. Mind telling me what that is?
He then proceeds to fire off a godray which completely obliterates all of the hero association at their base and everyone else on Earth as it destroy's earth itself.
The only ones left are King as he managed to avoid it and Saitama and Blast with Tatsumaki in the mix.
Tatsumaki tries her best to keep Error404 trapped while Saitama delivers his Killer move- Consecutive serious punches.
Error404 also spots portals above and below him formed from blast which amplifies Saitama's attacks to Killer move- Omni-directional Serios punch
Each blow lands on Error404 which Error404 finally starts to feel damage, it looks like it is possible for 404 to lose.
But then Error404 breaks the kinetic energy set up by tatsumaki and uses blue master which completely impales her. Thus leaving Tatsumaki out of the mix. King is somewhere completely else. Maybe in another Universe perhaps? thought Error404.
Error404 then destroys both portals with his Dark blaster while simultaniously serverely injuring Blast to the point of him being out of comission.
Saitama decides to use his finishing move to see if it would actually damage 404. He uses Killer move- Death punch and creates a huge hole in Error404 which 404 regenerates immiediately. however it did not stop the damage and Error404 is actually injured.
Saitama thought that if he could continue this he might win. Though it was no use and Error404 used his strings to hold Blast up as a hostage. Error404 then used a circle of his blasters which completely destroyed the entire solar system. that with Blast being stuck completely destroyed Blast. It was now a damaged 404 vs a serious Saitama. That is how this fight would begine. and as you can see 404 dominates.


A galaxy level character vs a complex multiversal character, what a fair fight.


Saitama: I can sneeze a Jupiter
Error 404: I can Sneeze a Universe or Multiverse (Or more.)


Saitama: I destroy Jupiter by sneezing
404: Literally cut through reality while flying


Saitama:i destroyed a moon with one hand
Error404:i destroyed a Hyperverse with just screaming


Saitama: i can kick a portal away
Error 404:i can kick the shit Out of you


Bruh we need a video showing Error404’s true power destroying the entire universe with a blaster or somethin’. We really need to see he’s potential with our eyes


Range: High Complex Multiverse Level in Base | Low Hyperverse Level in Error666! | Low Hyperverse Level in Just404! | High Hyperverse Level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | High Hyperverse Level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.6.6.6 | Low Outerverse Level in J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Outerverse Level in Conduit of Balance | High Outerverse level in Perfect404!


Pin this please. Strength:error 404 oneshoted high complex Multiversal, and Saitama destroys only planets and stars. Speed: bruh, someone seriously believes that Saitama is faster than the Error404, which is able to reach the end of the Multiverse in a split second (this is written on the official Alphatale wiki) Durability: Error404 Having repeatedly survived the destruction of reality, Saitama will never boast of such durability. IQ: Error 404 Battle IQ: Error 404 HAX: Of course Error404 Power: Seriously, does someone need to explain? Error 404 is more powerful than Saitama bruh. Abilities: Error 404 has a huge arsenal with a lot of very powerful and OP abilities. Experience:Error404 is more than 12, 000 years old, he is much older and more experienced than Saitama, because he spent a lot of time in his life training. Attack Potency: Definitely Error404, Saitama is not even around. Potential:Saitama has huge potential, but the Error 404 has even more potential, and yes, I know that Saitama has infinite potential, but Error404 there was a High Complex Multiversal in the base form, and in the future it became an Outerversal in base Destructive Power: Error 404 in its base form did not strain much more than the Saitama at his peak power. Agility: Error404 is much more agile than Saitama, due to its very high speed and combat experience. Scaling: Saitama in basic form is the level of a small star, Error404 in the basic form of High Complex Multiversal, I think there is no need to explain further...
Error 404 win
Difficulty: Seriously? You guys all know the difficulty
R.I.P Overrated Saitama


Error 404: blue mastery
Saitama: wh-
"Gets deleted from the planet"


Saitama: try to dodge this
Error 404: dodges all
Saitama: *WHAT THE FU-*


potential should go to error404...he still hasn't mastered compleately the conduit of balance, so it's potential fully unlocked would be unfathomable


Give this man a trophy for insane edits


Para os Fanboys do saitama que estão reclamando e falando que isso não faz sentido, o Error 404 é literalmente um Deus 💀 é só ele decidir apagar o Saitama da existência e acabou


Saitama:table flip, serious punch, omni directional punch
Error 404: CTRL + ALT + DELETE
