Error 404 Sans VS Saitama

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(THIS IS FOR SAITAMA FANBOYS) E404 blue mastery can kill saitama
Blue mastery can give a instant death to anyone that’s living in a distance of 500M and E404 can lift 222, 900 tons with ease, E404 made a hole in reality with his bare hands, E404 has inf speed and can travel the universe/multiverse in the Matter of minutes, E404 can deystroy the whole outerverse if he wanted to, E404 has blasters that can do more than 750 dmg and those dark blasters can deystroy anything or anyone, E404 knows almost everything about the multiverse, bro can use one god ray and deystroy saitama, abilities and what they can do : good ray : can one hit anything with godly power or code| dark blasters : can deystroy anything or anyone and does 100-750 dmg | blue mastery : can make any living being in 500m die in a instant and makes there soul collapse | mind manipulation : self explanatory | main frame strings : strings that are unbreakable and can tear any thing apart | E404 can come back from the dead. E404 scales to low outer-hyperversal and saitama only is solar system level with FP, so yeah E404 wins


actually saitama is stronger than sans error 404 because sans error 404 is only strong in game and people think sans error 404 destroys the multiverse? not so. what you think is just fan made


De una vez te digo q Saitama está echo para NUNCA PERDER y en el maga pudo destruir un planeta entero con un simple estornudo simple Bro sans 404 error pierde a los pies de saitama


Sans' observation speed is weaker than Saitama's, and Saitama's speed is close to exceeding the speed of light. strength unknown. he swam in lava but he was still alive. saitama never hurt even a small sore. saitama hasn't unleashed his full power yet so don't take it lightly. don't think error sans can erase saitama. in less than 1 second saitama kills error sans. conclusion saitama wins (neg diff)
