Error404!Sans vs FatalError!Sans [Animation]

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Error404!Sans vs FatalError!Sans [Animation]

Error404!Sans by SHADIKAL15
FatalError!Sans by Xedramon

Animation: Nec Draws
Sound effects: Undertale, (...)
Edit: Nec Draws

After the creation of Fatal Error Sans, Error Sans decided to ask for
404's help.

For the description readers:
Ayo, what's up!
It's been a while, so some of the lines from this video were
actually proposed by SHADIKAL15 (creator of AlphaTale) himself.
I'm really surprised at how non of the animation files got corrupted
and I'm not making a joke on how both of the characters are "errors"

the actual amount of effects that I put is this actually scared me a little bit
but anyway


Take care of yourself 'cause someone really cares about you.

Stay Determined!
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This was fun to add a few things, I can't wait to everyone's reactions to the fight! I hope I can help with more AlphaTale fights if we get them in the future!


I was worried you wouldn't do 404 justice here, but you actually did quite well with him. I like how you tried to give some basic story to make it more than a generic fight.


Technically, if Fatal's entire code was broken, he wouldn't be able to be hit. He would literally be immortal.
This would actually be a fair fight, no matter what the fandom says about 404.
Good job on the animation, Nec!


This is going to be very interesting from a fight perspective. 2 Sanses that can’t die no matter what and 2 glitched Sanses that are “out codes” despite originating from an AU. I’ve never see Fatal in an Underverse type of fight scene. So Ive just wondered what how a creator would use Fatal’s powers/abilities in an animated fight scene.


Ooh man, can't wait for this battle. It'll be so awesome seeing these two extremely powerful "glitchy boyos" fighting.


I love how near the end 404 literally punches an error out of fatal


Man, the speed at which you make these is astounding, and it gets better with each one.


Your animating skills have grown so much; this was an utter joy to watch. Always love seeing Error Sanses fight each other


Error 404: Watch your back.
Fatal Error: *Uno reverse card*


its crazy how much popularity undertale has gained and how much AUs people have made, even young kids are starting to make AUs... but anyways the fact the undertale only got 1M copies sold in 2015 and now is growing to other platforms like the nintendo and even fake games on mobile


Here goes my analysis, starting with the context. First off, I wanna say that Error and Fatal_Error are practically equal strength, down to the stats, and the only advantages FE does have over Error is that Error has terrible eyesight, FE can see code, and FE has a virtual body. Either could defeat the other with enough ambition. So for Error to actually call for help from 404, when he already gets scolded by losing to Ink, along with his self-righteousness of being the only one of him, with the knowledge that both he and FE are Geno, I don’t think he would call for 404, unless he’s already injured. But this fight is for the content anyway.

Fatal_Error has 74.25 * 5.15^499, 989, 999, 999, 999, 999, 980 hp, 19.998 sextillion atk, and 999 def. He has DT equal to Frisk’s, so he has reset priority for this fight. He got his code ripped out of him, making him code-less and giving him a virtual body, meaning he can only be hit by magical attacks. This fact doesn’t matter, since neither of these fighters can do physical damage. As an error, his bones deal magic type damage instead of physical, his blasters can delete objects, and he is almost the speed of sound without teleporting. He has strings, which destroys souls, controls them, and take the code out of the body, and are made of blue magic. These prevent the being from resetting. He can only see code, meaning he shouldn’t be able to see 404, but this is for the content anyway.

Error404 has 4.95 * 5.15^499, 989, 999, 999, 999, 999, 980 hp, 19.998 sextillion atk, and 30 def. For full use of abilities, I’m gonna pretend this fight takes place in the Anti-Void. Upon entry of the Anti-Void in desperation, he accidentally entered the Mainframe and equipped the mainframe cannon, shattering the code from his body, making him code-less and having a virtual body as well. This also gave him some kind of neurological connection to the mainframe, granting him the Denial gimmick, which protects his soul from strings and makes him immune to the effects of buttons, the Full Reset button, which resets the whole multiverse to the coded universes, the mainframe Cannon, extreme “muscles”, able to mix himself with the code of other errors, resurrection tactics, and a Butterfly transformation. As an error, his bones are magical, his blasters delete coded objects, he has strings, and is almost as fast as sound. Due to the way of how he became an error (entering the Anti-Void instead of spawning in it), he also has little orbs which can incapacitate weak souls. This fact doesn’t matter, since FE is not weak. Since FE is code-less, the Full Reset and Cannon won’t affect him. He is also able to make stuff with the code in the Anti-Void, such as the Glitch Whip, a weapon. He also has a god Ray, which instant kills beings classified as gods. This won’t matter to FE either. His strings do a bit of damage too, if he doesn’t just want to kill the being. His Butterfly form happens when he’s almost dead. The Mainframe defends him by encasing him with the code of itself, giving him huge stats and the speed of light, traveling around the multiverse to places connected to the Anti-Void. It also has the Denial gimmick. If Error is involved in this fight, he could mix themselves and become the Puppet Master, AKA Error666. This is just a stronger 404, by giving him more of the basics of stats, DT, “muscle”, and speed. He also has a mental being, that could overtake him and be even stronger, called Just404. This form doesn’t seem logical, and I consider it irrelevant. Same as his ability to get help from the Astral Mother to instill fear into souls to kill beings.

So in this fight, due to 404’s Denial, and practically infinite hp (calculators say infinite), FE has no way of killing 404. 404 has to kill FE with strings if he doesn’t want him to reset. There is literally 0 risk, since 19, 997, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 970 dmg is nothing to infinite hp. If anyone is wondering how I came up with these stats, just ask. Can’t wait to see the animation, Nec! Your description has me excited!

Lol I got an Error 429, meaning I’ve made too many replies. Sorry to all you fellas who I was about to teach. 😆


When fighting these two, only one phrase comes to mind
"Ah..Errors were made"


I love how Fatal actually called 404 out by his real name, freaking genius. And the animation quality bro. Props to animating one of the hardest sanses to animate buddy


I know most of these comments are saying how well you’ve done, but this is insane! The animations were extremely well made, this had some story line, and the dialogue is amazing! You should make a part 2, or maybe do Error and Fatal.


Really well done, I like how your adding a story to your fighting animations. It really keeps the whole au experience alive if that makes sense. Great work friend! Hope to talk to u on disc soon!!!


Wow, this battle was both hella interesting and in, a sense, creepy.
Looks like Fatal Error has some interesting abilities up his sleeve.
Well done, my friend.

Edit: we reached the number, folks... *nice*


of course, i already knew who was gonna win, but this is the best animation so far. it's like if every animation this guy makes, it keeps getting better and better.


in the wiki it said

error 404 helps Fatal find a papyrus he does that by giving fatal paps codes

So are they friends?


Imagine the animation is just error 404 destroying fatal error and it's like 3 seconds long lol


Hot damn, This matchup was Excellent!! I love how Fatal had been so resilient against 404 by surviving multiple God Rays again and having knowledge of 404's background which set him off which was brilliant as an angry foe fights blindly and Nec leaving an open end (as the End line being "Objective: Complete?" shows) was again, leaves us to have an open debate much like the Killer vs. Shift/SS!Chara debate which was a close one as Shift was able to set Killer up with some sneaky follow-up attacks on who won.

If I may suggest another battle matchup it would be Error 404 vs. Epic, Killer vs. XChara or a follow-up to XChara vs. Error being Nightmare vs. Error.
