Real Reason Why America Didn't Colonize Africa

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The United States has invaded and colonized numerous islands, territories, and countries over its almost 250-year tenure as a nation, but never maintained a foothold in Africa like other European nations. What kept America out of Africa? Check out today's epic new video to find out!


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It's so crazy to me to think about how horrible humans treat other humans. I will never understand why people do things like that.


The largest reason Africa wasn’t explored or colonized was Malaria. Also because they could get the resources they wanted from Africa with client states much more cooperatively (or cooptionally or with easier coercion) than in other places.

Edit: Also the American Civil War didn’t lead to the Mexican-American war, if anything that was the other way around (loosely) because the war with Mexico took place 30 years earlier


lol The American Civil War (1861-1865) didn't lead to the Mexican-American War (1846-1848.)

And a few things worth mentioning:
1.The African-American settlers in Liberia not only setup a nearly identical constiutional government based on American, they actually began to enslave the native black liberians and called themselves "the whites."
2. A lof of US territory in the Pacific are uninhabited, and of those that are many are in a compact of free association with the US. They are fully sovereign countries but have made an agreement with the US that keeps them protected.
3. Most Puerto Ricans do not pay income taxes so it's hard to call it a colony when there is more aid money going into the Commonwealth than there is wealth being extracted from it.
4. There is a difference between colonization and imperialism. Colonialism is when your population settles an area, while imperialism is taking political control over people who are already living there. Liberia can be considered a colony but The Phillipines, Hawaii, Guam and Puerto Rico can't because colonization was almost zero.


I think your dates may be a little wrong
The Mexican American was during 1848
War prize Texas Arizona and California.
The American Civil war 1861 to 1865
The Spanish American war 1898
War prize Philippines and Gaum.
Those war prize Territories were negotiated during peace talks.


As a person from the Northern Marianas Islands (Saipan) I'm proud to be born a U.S. citizen felt like I won the opportunity lottery. Currently serving in the Army and having adventures around the world while working on a college degree


I got a joke: I was Hungary 🇭🇺 so Iran 🇮🇷 to the store to get some Turkey 🇹🇷

Which I cooked in Greece 🇬🇷, and served with a side of Chile 🇨🇱, which I ate with my friends Jordan 🇯🇴, and Chad 🇹🇩. I also ordered Iraq 🇮🇶 of ribs. Chad 🇹🇩 checked the ribs and said we shouldn’t eat it because there was Moldova 🇲🇩 it. Chad asked to the waitress, “Can I Belize 🇧🇿 have some chicken ribs?” “Sure.” Said the waitress, “I’ll go ahead and Serbia 🇷🇸 some.” 15 minutes later, the ribs came and Chad ate the ribs. Later the waiter was Russian 🇷🇺 to get our Czech 🇨🇿. Sudanly 🇸🇩we had Togo 🇹🇬 because we were Ghana 🇬🇭 get in trouble because we didn’t Finnish 🇫🇮paying. But I’ve Benin 🇧🇯 trouble before, there was Norway 🇳🇴 they were going to catch me, I Congo 🇨🇬🇨🇩 much faster than they can. Jordan said with satisfaction, “Oman 🇴🇲 the food was so good.” I was like “Yemen 🇾🇪.” We left the store/restaurant and went to my CAR 🇨🇫. I started my car and went to Home Depot to buy some BRICS 🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦. After Home Depot, I went to the furniture store to buy a recliner with an Ottoman 🇹🇷.
Edit: Pls don’t get offended


Yes we colinized

Howland island
Kingman reef
Navasa island
Midway island

And absolutely oppressed the non existent populations of these islands.


Plebiscites were held in Cuba and Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American war. Cuba voted for independence while Puerto Rico voted to remain with the US. When Spain pulled out of the Philippines it left no functioning government behind, they had never seen fit to integrate Phillippinos into any higher government positions. Once it became clear that the Philippines had a certain level of confidence in handling their own affairs the Tydings-McDuffie act was passed and signed in 1934 that set up a 10-year transition period for their independence. The only reason that it took longer was because of WW 2, and that only added 2 years. The US Navy and Air Force had 50-year leases on Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base which expired in 1996 and were not renewed at the request of the Phillippine government.
That doesn't sound like an empire to me. BTW most of the islands that were shown in the Pacific and avian and aquatic nature preserves have no permanent inhabitants and only occasional small scientific visits.


It's 9:15 pm here in Lagos, Nigeria and it's the perfect time to set the clock expecting a video from the infographics show..


This VIDEO is telling HALF TRUTHS about the US TERRITORIES.


20 years ago I served with a couple of guys from Puerto Rico. From what I remember, they told me that they get all the perks of being a US citizen, but don't pay taxes or get to vote. Serving in the armed forces grants that individual US citizenship. There was also talk of making Peurto Rico the next US state, but the majority of the locals said no


The fact I watch this when I'm bored helps me in my tests and axams your really educational you help me out


Short and simple: East America was busy colonizing West America


American territories are no longer held by force, and have their own independent governments. They choose to remain territories.
That's hardly classical imperialism, but I guess it is technical imperialism.


Having been born & raised in the States, I was shocked and a little offended when I first heard my fellow Islanders in Guam refer to her as a colony. I'd moved there in the 90s. But a colony she be & I continue to support the island's attempt at achieving commonwealth status instead of status quo.


Moment of silence for the first people who walked into the desert thinking they would make it to the other side


They probably realized florida was sunny enough, and enough mosquitoes, first thought


I've wondered about this question for a while. Thanks!


Would I be accurate in saying that the main reason that the Philippines did not become a state is that the Filipinos did not want to live under American rule? It seems to me that trying to make them a state while they're fighting a revolutionary war against you would be darn near impossible.

Of course, I am not denying the racist impulses of the United States, especially at this time, but it seems to me that racism was not the major reason why the Philippines did not become a state.


Correction: the Mexican American war occured before the civil war. It was a error and I just wanted to point it out 😁😁
