Small Channels: DON'T GO VIRAL... Do This Instead!

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Going VIRAL is TERRIBLE For Small Channels!




0.00 - Going VIRAL on YouTube is TERRIBLE For Small Channels!
0:51 - The internet is unpredictable
1:16 - Attracting the wrong audience
1:51 - Create a negative reaction
2:33 - It's dangerously addictive
3:13 - Viral content can be risky
3:51 - Quantity Vs Quality
4:55 - Who are you going viral for?
5:35 - It creates pressure
6:30 - What IS a viral video?

#moresubscribers2022 #moreviews2022 #GrowYourChannel
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I imagine going viral is so demotivating. Sure you're super happy when it blows up but after that you keep seeing your channel decline which just messes with your head.


I must say, I accidently made a "viral" video few years ago and it destroyed my channel. Like the video said I gained a bunch of subscribers who wanted more of the "viral" content but my channel was quite the opposite. Everything he said is pretty accurate.


As a current small creator, I have realized this and I wanted to go viral but I had noticed the downslides. Thanks for sharing this with more people!


Totally agree with the pressure to replicate! Your focus would shift from your normal content to just trying to replicate your viral one. I'd definitely prefer slow growth.


Take your time and you will get there one day👍Best of luck to you all📈😁


This literally happened to me. I didn't get hundreds of thousands of views, but I got a LOT compared to my normal videos. Now it's completely cooled off. Thanks for the reality check! Gonna work on building a community more.


This kinda happened to me this last July. One of my videos went way above my usual norm (20k views) as a small (minuscule) channel that I am. That is not "viral" per se, I know, but comparatively speaking, for a channel of my size that was a very huge spike. It didn't happen because I pursued or I intended it. Actually that one video was just like any other I make and I've kept making my next videos in the same style and theme. So maybe it just was that the algorithm decided to push that one video. In fact I had the feeling that what makes a piece of content go viral or stand above other is the algorithm, not the audience. The audience will watch whatever Youtube pushes them. After that said video, the algo didn't push any of my other videos that hard. So some people stuck around, but innevitably after the huge spike came the downfall. I would very much prefered more steady progress and not going "viral" or these sudden ups and downs. That is what actually makes all of this frustrating.


I love this. As a growing creator I agree to all you’ve said. I once had a viral video and that led to my monetization but it was only on that video and didn’t transform to my other videos or to my targeted audience and I wanted more but didn’t get it sad. Thanks for sharing this


I don't think my channel can ever go back to that big moment again since my channel focuses on gaming. It was that one time, but I'm happy people are still coming back.


As someone who has had several YT shorts get over 10m views I agree totally with this vid. however my shorts were definitely not "trying to go viral" they were just the "best bits" taken from my long content. The comedown has been massive though. my long videos only get a tiny amount of views compared to the amount of subs I have. I won't deliberately stop myself going viral but I've had to come to terms with the fact that 90% of the people subbed to my channel have 0 interest in my long content.


This is something that has unfortunately happened to my youtube channel. I went semi-sort viral, got a bunch of views and subs, and then no one stuck around after that. I'm trying to find a way to save my channel.


One of the first things I heard from VidIQ when I first started, and it stuck. Going viral would be the worst thing that could happen to my channel. I have focused on slow, steady growth by improving my content, editing and style 1% per video. No exceptions!


Actually needed this video. First vid got 100k views, but next 2 got 1500 and 130. A little soul crushing and I’ve been stressing way too hard each vid.


As a small creator that BLEW UP with 2.2M views, I COULDN’T AGREE MORE. It screwed up my entire audience, and now youtube thinks that it needs to compare a lot of my analytics to that. It took me almost 6 months to recover from the low click-through-rates!


I pray everyone watching this video level up financially physically and mentally! Let’s all keep working hard and one day we will all make it on YouTube


Just go with your pace fellow creators, you'll soon build your fan base who'll be loyal to your channel.


There is no risk of anything I upload going viral.


This video came in at the right time. I made a Kenobi Review that hit 69k views literally out of no where!
Remembering to be slow, patient and to just be social and have fun with it is something I constantly need to remember.

Thanks for the timely video mate!


Steady does it. If my content goes "viral" I happily accept the increase in subs. However my type of content is very specific so I would expect people who see a "viral" video know what they are getting.

So I'm not searching to go viral. The content doesn't allow for it anyway I feel.


This is exactly what happened to me. I had viral moment out of nowhere. For a period of time it felt like everything I touched would turn to gold. I let myself get way to high on it.

Then the downslide started. Now I'm at the point where I'm destroyed mentally and thinking of quitting.
