Why BAD Champs Are OP in LOW ELO! - League of Legends

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As a Neeko mid main currently at platinum I honestly feel like zed is one of the easy matchups. All you have to do is wait out the combo and the guy is done. There are MUCH worse champions to play against as a mage like yasuo with the damn wall that can block all your spells or irelia with her insane mobility and snowball potential, or akali with her broken ass kit that makes her insanely hard to hit with any skillshot. I personally ban lux or yasuo most of the times simply because they are played a lot and they are painfull to neeko for different reasons.


Dude that high elo Ahri’s combo against Zed near her tower was insanely clean. Watching that in slow mo was poetry in motion.


The only time you ban assassins is when you're playing ranked solo adc and you dont trust your midlane


We need to stop feeding/banning Zed, for McBaze's sake.


OMG, thank you so much. I mostly play assassins, Zed being my main, and it really hurts seeing people just complaining about everything without putting the minimum effort to learn. Funny how you mentioned qiyana, the champion i ban like 80% of the times despite of my pick (the other 20% being akshan... hate that guy)


I can safely say I've learned punishing melee champs from this channel i never climb cuz I'm lazy but the ability to do so is still very needed


Oh dude, thank you SO MUCH, I'm a Zed main! Can't appreciate this more, I wish I had something to donate :(


He definitely made this video because he wanted to play zed and didn’t want it banned 😂


Remember that even a bad champ can be a beast in the right hands, building, vision, knockledge and skill are the things that influence the games


Qiyana is more worth a ban for sure. Champ has no counterplay if they know what they're doing.


My first ever encounter with a Zed was literally last night. I got shunted into top in casual and the jungler chose Poppy, who was my pick for top, so I had to panic choose Dr Mundo, who I have never played before. So not only am I trying to apply what little wave control knowledge I have, but I'm also learning what his kit even does. Thankfully, my opposing Mordekaiser was worse than I am, completely disrespecting my health regen, and I was able to eventually farm from behind his minion wave to force him away from the XP. And then Zed comes out of nowhere with Voli and chunks my health entirely, in part because of the 3v1 and in part because he fed off my entire team. Now, I need to clarify, I'm not saying they're worse than me. I was absolutely the worst player on the team, I was just getting lucky in lane. But what I AM saying is that I don't know what I'm supposed to do when he, or really any champion, gets that fed.


I feel like a lot of adcs often ban assassins. Personally I don't feel the need to ban an adc or support while playing bot, the much greater threat to me are assassins midgame


that's fun enough until you play another lane and your midlane is feeding the Zed lvl 2


Hi Skillcapped, I have a question/potential guide idea for you. So I'm a Master tier player right now and I'd say my game knowledge exceeds my gameplay most of the time, which in itself isnt that much of a problem for me. However I'm struggling to stop myself from making simple mistakes, which could be explained in one small sentence (e.g. "should respect jungler on this wave" or in the context of a 1v1 like Camille vs Yasuo "should hold r for when yasuo throws his tornado to dodge it"). The problem isn't, that I don't know better, the problem is, that I won't have it in my brain consciously in the game (and then feel like an idiot after it happened because I KNOW better). I would love to see a guide/detailed reply to this.
Love you guys ^^


When I first started playing last year I auto banned zed because that’s what everyone told me to do. Now that I actually play him and realize the true mid lane demons are kassadin akali and qiyana smh


You people are ssoooo on fire, when i look at guides now I get all i need. People should totally pay your stuffs to get better at the game.
Im a bronce elo player and that very gold elo plays ahri vs zed remains me on my own ahri. I was thinking i was doing the right thing, how else i get the kill? thanks a bunch dude!


Dude I'm a plat to low-diamond malz/lissandra main and I LOVE seeing zed locked in. it's like, sweet! free lane phase!


Skillcapped here: Why the fuck you ban Zed?
Skillcapped during patch review: Top bans for midlane - Zed


Kinda felt this one coming after the Darius vid XD
Gotta say as an ahri main I came in here just to laugh at some random low elo player play horribly since I never struggle with zed anymore(largely in part to the various videos you've made covering him), but you guys still managed to show me a couple stuff I didn't knew.


low elo ahri vs zed is easy as u can just charm him when he gets out of ult or just ult and then charm if u arent sure of the timing. Ofc good zeds will avoid this, but this works pretty well in silver-gold.
