Symptoms Of A STAPH INFECTION On Your Skin | Jennifer Fugo

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Have you ever wondered what the symptoms of a staph infection on your skin are?

I have come to discover that a lot of people really don't know what the symptoms are which can lead to delay in seeking help from your doctor.

Recently, I asked my Instagram community if they knew what to look for if you're having a flare and it might be staph.

I was surprised to discover that 98% wanted me to talk more about staph infections and weren't clear on what the symptoms are.

And I've found this issue with clients who desperately manage a flare. But because they don't know the symptoms of a staph infection on the skin, they don't even consider it as an option.

Failure to identify a staph infection can lead to a potentially unnecessary period of suffering.

That's why I decided to share what you should look out for.

Because I'm not a doctor, this is certainly not intended to help you diagnose a staph infection. It's my hope that it will help you know when to see your doctor rather than trying to just deal with it on your own.

• Client story about staph infection
• Is it worth it to blend alternative and conventional approaches?
• 98% of my audience didn't know the symptoms of a skin staph infection
• Signs of a Staph infection you need to be aware of
• Are Staph infections only a concern for people with Eczema?


Jennifer Fugo, MS, LDN, CNS is a clinical nutritionist empowering women who’ve been failed by conventional medicine to beat chronic skin and unending gut challenges. Because she’s overcome a long history of gut issues and eczema, Jennifer has empathy and insight to help her clients discover missing pieces and create doable integrative plans.

She holds a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and is a Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Specialist. Her work has been featured on Dr. Oz, Reuters, Yahoo!, CNN, and many podcasts and summits. Jennifer is a faculty member of the LearnSkin platform, an Amazon best-selling author, and the host of the Healthy Skin Show.


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DISCLAIMER: Jennifer Fugo is a clinical nutritionist who offers health, wellness and nutritional information for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It also does not create a client-practitioner relationship between yourself + Jennifer. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should consult with a physician or other health care professional first before making any changes. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have seen in these videos.

NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links that allow you to easily find the items discussed in this video that support my channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when you use the links, you (the viewer) are in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Either way, I appreciate you for your support!

#staphinfection #staph #skinhealth
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Hope you enjoyed this episode! I'd love to hear what you thought. Leave your comments + questions below :)


I had a staph infection on my knee. It started as just a small bump on my skin it was just irritating at first with pain. Then after a few days the sore turned blacked and quadrupled in size. The pain became so bad that standing up would make me start sweating and feeling dizzy. My leg swelled up to twice the size of my other one. Finally broke down and saw a doctor, they said it was staph on their way up to me. They did cultures but gave me antibiotics that day because it was obvious. My advice to anyone is DONT WAIT!


I went to the doc today thinking I had skin cancer on my breast. It started out the size of a dime and trippled in size within a week. I was so panicked thinking it had to be cancer. Turns More then happy to get the news and take the antibiotics. People definitely need more education on this. Thank you for being one of those educators. ❤


Honestly, the staph infection that I have is on my skin, and it started out as a couple of bumps here and there. Since then, it's been almost a year, and I've literally had staph, from head to toe now. I have like scars from old lesions, and new lesions that have literally sprung up overnight, and it's damned depressing. I'm being shuffled around from place to place, doctor to doctor, and nobody is really taking it seriously except me. Doctor's and practitioners say things like, "oh it's a skin infection, it'll go away, don't worry... we'll give you an antibiotic, and this should take care of it". These doctors prescribe me things like amoxicillin/clav 800mg, even after I tell them that, this antibiotic is one that I am immune to, and doesn't work very well for me. I'm beside myself, like I literally am crying every day, because I don't know what to do, or where to go, or even who to talk to, that would tell me the truth, and actually treat me and fix me... SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, HELP, PLEASE!


Thank you. I've been completely miserable for over a year now!


Myself - I’ve had recurring boils on my face that have caused significant scarring :( luckily, I have been flare up free for almost 4 years now. I had to get on doxycycline and used hibiclens for washing. The biggest scare I’ve had though was actually with my (son - 4 year old non verbal autistic) whom was eventually hospitalized for almost two weeks with what we originally thought was chicken pox. He had a very itchy red rash (school nurse said it looked like strep rash) he had a fever but it went away, oddly enough, but eventually came back. His rash was mainly on his face, groin area as well as his back. Turns out he had a severe MRSA Infection that developed bc of impetigo. He had to have IV antibiotics for over a week, he also had MSSA in the bloodstream. To say it was the most serious it could’ve been, I’ll just say we were fortunate and had some serious angels and prayers from everywhere with us. It was so hard to understand how he felt bc he wasn’t able to communicate how much he was really thankfully right before thanksgiving day that year, he was released home with a picc line to continue to receive his rigorous IV antibiotics. We finished them up and he was healthy as a horse! Thank GOODNESS! I agree with you 10000% please go to the doctor, this is NEVER something to mess around with. Staph/mrsa can be deadly && has no preference on its victims! Stay vigilant & never share personal hygiene products, bath towels, wash rags/loofahs, clean your bedding twice a week in hot water. Wash your face and also for the ladies who wear makeup!!!! CLEAN THOSE MAKEUP BRUSHES! they are so full of bacteria ~ take the extra time to save yourself a trip to the ER for staph! ❤


Had a boil on my belly it oozed out. Middle of the night i got a fever and chills. I knew that meant the beginning of sepsis. Spent almost week in hospital and then had two weeks of iv antibiotics. Once there was pus i should have went to doctor. Also i have read about prevention with bleach baths. I will be trying that we have well water.


I ve had. A staph skin infection for years, I keep scratching them open and it’s like clear or light blood stain contents come out, I’ve done everything I can to get rid of this all over my body and doctors have prescribed antibiotics and creams, but to no avail, I never used to have a mark on my skin and now I am covered in scars and sores and blisters, what do you think I can do


Thank you. I've been completely miserable for over a year now! Boneheads glanced at it and diagnosed me with scabies and stress!


I was drinking goat milk to replace cow milk and developed a severe leg eczema. I had never thought it would be goat’s milk but after mos of removing foods, nothing worked til i removed goat’s milk.


Can staph be confused with heat rash at an urgent care ?


Thank you this was very very helpful. I experienced a very very intense rash on my foot which is been bubbling under the skin for long long time on and off interesting May I had got Microbiome done which said staff in my blood. I have now got prescription to go and getculture from my Foot by doing a skin scraping great information thank you


I have staph and I found out when I had a miscarriage, after the tissue was tested it came back positive.
This being my 5th miscarriage and just found out about the staph, might it be the reason why I have been losing my babies?


I have staph on my head ears and nose. Er will not help.


This could be my problem! I'm experiencing an excema flare up on my eyelids and under my nose. The burning and discomfort is unbearable! This condition is new to me so that's why I ended up here. Hope I can find relief!


I have it on my pointer finger it's been 37 days and the doctors first said it wasn't staph then I got a sample checked it came back to impetigo I've been on two different antibiotics it's been hell so far. Cleaning it and ointments are making it worse running my life into the ground at the moment


I can’t stand having this skin Staph infection, I have blister things and hard lumps on the skin, help I am desperate to get rid of this.


Why is conventional medicine cringy?!? That's what normal people do.


Can staph bacteria be airborne/ infect the environment?


I recently had one.theyre no joke. I looked deformed. It was on my nose
