Public Education Failed Gen Z. Here's Why.

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I had to re-upload this video due to rendering issues and so it should be good now. Let's start a thread, what are your thoughts on the US Education System compared to other countries' education?


My boyfriend, who has been a high school math teacher in a public school for the past 3 years, has observed a troubling trend. Many students struggle with basic arithmetic skills, and despite his passion for teaching, he's frustrated by the fact that half of his math department is advocating for an 'Equity-Based Grading' system. This approach essentially dumbs down everything and allows undeserving students to pass with ease. His colleagues do not deliver traditional lectures; instead, students are left to self-learn, often with minimal or no homework assigned. Exams can be retaken without limits, with only the highest score counted, rather than averaged, and students can use notes and calculators freely. While there's a place for notes and calculators, unlimited use is questionable.

This system fails to instill accountability and responsibility in students, leaving them ill-prepared for college and standardized tests. Consequently, many students simply pass without truly learning. As a result, my boyfriend often finds his colleagues' students seeking his tutoring, completely lost and struggling to grasp the subject matter, which is disheartening. Because of teachers like these, it makes him want to leave the profession entirely. He has a math degree and can earn more money elsewhere than as a teacher. Another important point to note is that a significant number of students choose not to pursue college, believing they can rely on skills they've learned from TikTok, such as entrepreneurship or real estate, without realizing their deficiency in the basic math skills required for these professions.


Follow the money. Students are unhappy, teachers are unhappy, and parents are unhappy. The only happy ones in this economy are government bureaucrats and corporations.


I feel like the culture in schools is a problem too. In school, trying hard and getting high test scores is looked down upon, while cheating and not caring is encouraged (by peers) and cool.


50 years ago a student wouldn't even dare to talk back to their teachers, but now it's the status quo. The main problem with education today is that a large percentage of children are raised in broken homes with parents that don't care about actually raising their children


Something else you forgot to mention - The fact that Teachers overwhelmingly send their children to a private school, even when they themselves work at a Public School.


Kids and their parents are partially to blame as well. My friend is a high school teacher and he's noticed over the years that students are more and more distracted and disrespectful to teachers. A lot of kids are just on their phones not paying attention during lessons, and he is powerless to stop it. When teachers tried to take the kids' phones during class, parents complained about "emergency situations" when in reality the phone is still in the classroom and they always have an option to call the front office. Kids can't go 45 minutes without looking at their phone now.


One thing worth considering: I went to a high performing public school and one thing the teachers mentioned to us was that our funding had been cut because we hadn't "shown improvement" on standardized tests. Consider, 40% of my graduating class had a 30 or higher on the ACT. It wasn't that we were scoring low. We were just hitting the natural cap and the school was getting punished for it


Public School actually made me anti-social and emotionally burned out
you can definitely drop the "socialization" aspect


I homeschool my children. I take socialization very seriously after reading forums from adult homeschoolers about how they were isolated. My children are in many activities and I constantly push and encourage them to talk to other children. I coach them on how to start conversations and how to make friends. So far, both my girls are doing a great job talking to other kids and making friends. I went to public school my whole life and still struggle with social anxiety. Homeschooling can be done right, but parents must be intentional and not allow their kids to isolate themselves and push their children socially. Honestly, even public schooled children need coaching on how to make friends and how to be a friend.


It’s Elise Pham from Harvard! It was a pleasure being part of this!❤


maybe if they actually taught in schools and stop the activism maybe we'd be better off


Community college was a mixed bag, some teachers graded you poorly if you didn’t pander towards their opinion whenever it was something controversial or ‘political’. Every time i went with a more liberal opinion with whatever it was on, I got an A. The one time I challenged the teachers opinions I got a worse grade. Some classes are there to try and indoctrinate people that don’t think for themselves. Some classes were no bs and just learning.


Your presentation style and asking questions, rather then statements, is what makes this one of the best channels to learn current political issues. I appreciate what you're doing and please don't stop!


Higher education isn't a scam. I think people, especially high school age people, just don't put enough thought behind their career path and they just go to college just to go. It's such a shitty, almost predatory pipeline that sets up kids to fail. I'd be more interested to hear whether or not people who went to college later in life found higher education to be a "scam".


I used to be a straight A student. Then I got to my sophomore year of high school and lost all motivation to do anything. I felt like I was just wasting my time learning unnecessary stuff that wouldn’t help me in my field of interest, and I was. The classes got more and more excruciating as I sat there in each period listening to my teacher talk about the assignment for 5 minutes, then proceeding to ignore the class for the rest of the time as we silently did our work. I hate it so much that I decided college wasn’t worth my time either


Here is real journalism going on today. Thank you, Gen!


Idk, I feel like the issue is more on the fact that the school system just hyper focuses on getting students to pass state exams and that's it, rather than teaching general knowledge. Like more than half the things that were major topics throughout school I've completely forgotten about because I've never needed them after I graduated. At least that's how it was like where I am from. Other states might be different.


To avoid dodging the real reason homeschooling has a bad rap is that lots of parents do it terribly wrong.
I know of one young woman who, tested to prepare for high school finals, scored below 2nd grade level across the board.

Her mother is a high school dropout who claims to have acquired a GED.


I have to say, from Europe it is really strange to see all this debate on the teaching of politics. Here in Italian high schools, as part of the literature program, we periodically do writing tests in which we have to choose a current topic from some options and talk about it. Professors don't give a score to your idea, but to the technique you use to present your thesis. This encourages us to stay informed, look for historical examples, develop critical thinking and debate in our free time with our classmates. We have sex education in biology, a citizenship and constitution course and an optional theology course where we are taught empirical facts, but for everything that concerns personal opinion that does not influence mutual respect for peaceful scholastic coexistence we are free to develop what we we believe it is right. For example, I once did an essay in which I defended the death penalty, although our country is historically one of the first to abolish it and in general it was almost unanimously against it, but I still got a good grade. I see you arguing about whether it is right to teach opinions or completely ban certain topics from schools, and it seems to me that you are approaching the issue with the wrong foundations: historical facts and scientific theorems are taught, personal ethical opinions are formed. You can teach the method, but not the content. Remember that "Ipse dixit" dragged humanity into a millennium and a half of darkness.
