Vaginal Tearing | Tips to PREVENT Perineal Lacerations During Childbirth

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Concerned about vaginal tearing during childbirth? So was I and many women as they prepare to deliver their babies. Preventing perineal lacerations is possible, or at least the more severe, 3rd degree and 4th-degree lacerations. In this video, I'm going to talk about different tips on how to prevent perineal tears during childbirth.

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The videos posted by Dianainthepink are for educational or informational purposes only, and we are not liable for any harm or side effects if caused. You may use the remedies at your own risk. By watching this video, you are not establishing a patient-provider relationship. The Channel / Author does not provide medical advice. Consult with your doctor or other health care provider before using any of these tips or treatments.

About this video: Vaginal tears, also called perineal lacerations, can be a cause for a lot of anxiety for women in their 3rd trimester. So in this video, I will go over a little anatomy, so you can understand where a perineal laceration is. I will also discuss the difference between a 1st degree tear, a 2nd degree tear, a 3rd degree tear and a 4th degree tear. There are some things you can do to prevent a perineal tear. You can start with perineal massages in the middle of your 3rd trimester. This has been shown to help prevent perineal lacerations. I will also discuss when you need vaginal stitches after birth.
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I’m 35 weeks today and this is my first pregnancy. I’m having a boy, after 15 years of infertility. God has finally blessed us 💙


I never felt the famous "ring of fire" when my baby was crowning. It was my first labor, a home delivery, no meds and my baby had a 99% head size. The nurse in the room kept telling me "I know honey, you're feeling the ring of fire and it's totally normal" she said it repeatedly 😠. I finally told her to please stop saying that because I was NOT feeling what she was saying and that was stressing me out. I encourage all women to talk about your positive labor experiences instead of emphasizing the negative moments which are not always true for everyone. It only creates unnecessary fear, especially in first time moms. Labor can be a beautiful event if you really want it to be.


My last baby was a precipitous labor and I gave birth alone in my living room while my other kiddos slept upstairs. As scary as it was initially when I accepted we wouldn't make it to the hospital in time for delivery, it was so much more comfortable and peaceful than my other births just being able to let my body do its thing how it felt best. I delivered her standing and her head came out with a contraction and she was crying before I finished pushing her shoulders out. I nursed her until my parents and paramedics arrived. She was perfect and I didn't tear one bit, I give alot of credit to relaxing and not tensing my muscles in the situation and being able to let my baby and body choose my positioning instead of a doctor.


I had a home birth, no paid meds. Baby came quick, only 9 hours. I didn't tear, and i think that's because i didn't push before i was ready. I felt him come down, then shoot back up a few times before the urge to push was so strong i couldn't ignore it. My biggest tip, don't push when you aren't ready to. Your body will tell you when it is time.


I’m 23 weeks today and it is my first pregnancy. I am pregnant with identical twin boys!!!❤️😁


German midwife here:
Thank you for this video!! So important for the moms to know this. Especially choosing the right position during birth is so important! Not being flat and horizontal (in supine position on the bed) but upright and in vertical position helps prevent tearing immensely, it also helps bring the baby down much faster and opens up the cervix quicker, due to gravity helping. Thirdly it helps easing the pain, because you are not pushing up (when in supine position you are literally pushing up in the air around you pelvic bones) but when upright you are pushing down, the same direction your baby is heading, which creates less pain. It makes so much sense to choose an upright position! All those movies and videos of women pushing flat on their back with their legs strapped are incredibly unhelpful as a source of information. Please remember this when going into labour and choose positions like standing, squatting, kneeling, all-fours-position or the birthstool.
By the way, labouring in water or a water birth are also preventing tears, because the warm water softens the perineal tissue and helps it stretch better!


I m pregnant after a miscarriage last January. Its my first baby so I'm a little scared about miscarrying once again. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow .. pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby ❤


I'm watching this video not because I'm pregnant, but because I want to educate myself on this topic. Wishing you all well


I'm 39 years old 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant with a baby girl first timer too, and I'm so excited and nervous Abt the delivery.But I Know We are covered by the blood of Jesus..


I have had 6 natural births no pain relief and no tears 😊 I squatted for babies 2-6, didn't know about that with my first, it made a massive difference and makes you feel alot more in control.


Thanks for your different videos. I’ve learned a lot. I’m due in 6days I’m scared 😟 first pregnancy 🤰 May the Almighty make it easy for all pregnant mama


My husband and I just found out that we're having our first baby two weeks ago! I'm six weeks along and so excited! Thank you for this video!


Great advice here! I delivered my daughter without any pain medication and I didn’t tear!!! I breathed my baby down and out!! No pushing necessary. 🙌🏽🙌🏽


During my first daughter's labor, I was so worried about tearing and POOPING! Lol I remember the doctor telling me I wasn't pushing enough and I blurted out my 2 fears. They told me not to think about that. I pushed her out a few minutes after that. When I was in the recovery room a nurse that was there during my labor came in and said she wanted to let me know I didn't poop or tear. We couldn't stop laughing.


I'm 14 weeks and according to the NIPT testing I had done I'm having a girl. This is my first pregnancy my husband and I have been trying for a baby for the last 5 & a half years we was told my husband couldn't have kids so I truly believe this is a miracle baby ❤️🤗


I just delivered my almost 8 pound baby four days ago with no tearing. I laid on my side up on an incline, and breathe him down and out. I’ve slowly pushed twice to deliver his head, then I stopped pushing and waited for my next contraction to slowly push out his shoulders and then the rest of his body. I worked my best to remain calm, and I believe that staying home and working with my body is what prevented me from tearing. Also, my midwife applied a warm compress to me as I was stretching to help the muscles. We got this ladies!


I'm 37 weeks pregnant ❤
I'm having a baby girl ❤


Im 28 weeks today..super excited to meet my baby boy. Praying for a fast dilation, quick labor, unmedicated no tear birth. 🙏


Had my first baby delivered virginally on 7 Jan. 2022, and all the nurses said they were surprised with how fast the deliver went, that there was no tearing, and that I delivered naturally. I thought it was just stuff they said at every delivery so took it with a grain of salt, then realized they were being honest after I started telling friends about the delivery and saw they were all amazed as well. I really got lucky! 😬


After 10 years of marriage, God bless us with a baby boy. Today I am 38 weeks +3. I have been watching your week to week videos and they are very helpful. My baby is already head down and hopefully don't want C-section. This video was really what I looking for in this phase of my pregnancy. Thanks 😊
