Stereo Width Production Trick For Clarity and Space

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NOTE: There is a part where I talk about needing to press the "Stereoize" button for the effect to work. I should have clarified that this button needs to be pressed if your source is in MONO. If you already have some stereo width to your sound, this button is not essential. I hope I didn't cause confusion that this button must be pressed before the plugin does anything, I was only referring to MONO sources (Which is what we used in this video, the Rhodes and vocal). What I was referring to is also a common thing I see where a plugin being tweaked in "bypass" mode but the person swears it is making a difference.

This simple stereo width trick really gives a lot of space and focus to the vocal and transforms the sound of the song from a classic recording sound to a modern soundscape. Sometimes when trying to make an element more clear (such as the vocals) it's good to look at things competing with that element as opposed to trying to boost the clarity in the vocal. As with all stereo techniques make sure the sound doesn't end up out of phase or degraded too much, this technique can often be a "less is more" thing.

You can hear the full song used in this tutorial here.

Happy mixing/producing


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NOTE: There is a part where I talk about needing to press the "Stereoize" button for the effect to work. I should have clarified that this button needs to be pressed if your source is in MONO. If you already have some stereo width to your sound, this button is not essential. I hope I didn't cause confusion that this button must be pressed before the plugin does anything, I was only referring to MONO sources (Which is what we used in this video, the Rhodes and vocal). What I was referring to is also a common thing I see where a plugin being tweaked in "bypass" mode but the person swears it is making a difference.


I love your no filler no fluff exceptional videos... Constantly find myself referring to your Channel very much appreciated.


So well spoken. It's like you watched all the YouTube videos ever and figured out how to properly talk to your audience.


Your channel has helped me with so many different elements from understanding Serum, the types of sine waves, saturation, different types of VSTs/effects, mixing etc. (just off the top of my head). Great production quality and it's sincerely made my music sound fuller and better produced. No filler either. You're a real one bro


I listened the stereo seperated one like many times, it really adds the charm the feeling as I call it....stereo widening is always the first thing I look for, even before the loudness thing. I use the same Imager, it works like a miracle, definitely recommended. And thank you 'in the mix'....for introducing the mid side eq technique, one more good piece of knowledge you added in me, as you always do....Thank you....


I would definitely love to see a video on Mid-Side EQ. It's something that I still don't fully grasp. Will check to see if you've already posted on though since you posted this video a few months back. Thanks! ...and I love that you use Ozone to demo this stuff since I use it as well, haha.


I haven't seen a video you made yet that wasn't clear-cut, straight to the point and didn't help in some way. Thanks


It made the separation in the mix open up so much more


I know we come here for the mixing ( and I appreciate you for all I've learnt from you ❤) but wow the music you make is amazing


Dude! You're the shit man u start off so humble like your gonna give just a little but you end up giving blessings! 💯 in all vids


You have a keen ear and seem very intelligent. Thank you for this tutorial! It has helped me in my production goals.


" tutorials people leave this off, they start pushing the bands up saying they can hear stereo widthening" you made my day man xddd anyway, thanks for the help for stereo widthening ! (y)


Everytime I am struggling in FL studios you come and save the day. Much appreciated!!


I'm so glad I found this channel! So clear and concise at instructions. I don't care about channel logos and intros and Hey how are you guys doing today I hope everybody is doing good. I'm here to learn. I can't stand when people waste my time with video intros and junk like that. You cut the fat out and get to the point. I love that. thank you bro


Old but gold video. Too many engineers are now saying “don’t use md side EQ, only use imagers” and many are saying vice versa. The solution lies between both😎


I'm completely new to the mixing/mastering process, and of all the YT tuts in this field, yours are by far the best that I've watched. Your presentations are clear and logical, and you explain complex concepts and techniques with a lucidness and simplicity that makes them so much easier to grasp. Your material is always very helpful, thank you for taking the time and effort to produce it!


This man has a tutorial for everything, 10/10 as usual!


Love your channel! You guys teached me so much throughout the last year! <3
Wishing you guys all the best with your future projects, I will definitely keep on supporting you guys :)

Also wishing Brad a good recovery!


You're very informative and I love the videos but I think I'm here because you voice is soothing and relaxing


I would love to see a tutorial about stereo separation in more ambient, soundscape type tracks where more reverb, delay, and general spaciousness is used ... .
