Christian EXPOSES Muslim Scholar DISTORTING Jesus Divinity In Debate | Sam Shamoun

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Christian EXPOSES Muslim Scholar DISTORTING Jesus Divinity In Debate | Sam Shamoun

Islam’s denial of Jesus as the eternal Word of God is a deceitful distortion that hides the truth of Christ's divine nature. The Quran tries to reduce Jesus to just another prophet, but even its own verses unintentionally acknowledge His uniqueness, calling Him the Word and Spirit from God. The attempt to equate Jesus with mere humans or prophets like Jeremiah is a desperate and false comparison that shows the evil intent of Islam to deny Christ's true divinity and authority over all creation.

Muslims, wake up and come to Jesus Christ, The Way, the Truth, and the Life, your only hope and salvation!

If you need more information or details, check out the full clip link and, if required, the entire live stream video link below (if provided). Also, read the irrefutable article links and sources that discuss this (if provided). Islam has no ground to stand.

Don't believe me? Ask your Imam about this topic, including videos articles, and sources (if included), and see how he answers. He may deny it unjustly or attempt to harmonize it. If you seek the truth, you will find Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Full Clip:

Relevant Articles/Sources:

Relevant Quran Verses and Hadiths:
Quran 3:45 - The Quran refers to Jesus as the Word from God.

Quran 4:171 - The Quran acknowledges Jesus as the Spirit from God.

Hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari (V. 3:36) - Acknowledging Jesus and Mary as untouched by Satan.

Bible Verses in Contrast:
John 1:1-14 (LSB) - Jesus is the eternal Word who became flesh, showing His divine nature.

Colossians 1:15-17 (LSB) - Jesus is the image of the invisible God, creator, and sustainer of all things.

Revelation 19:13 (LSB) - Jesus is called the Word of God, clothed in majesty and power.

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Рекомендации по теме

Islam’s denial of Jesus as the eternal Word of God is a deceitful distortion that hides the truth of Christ's divine nature. The Quran tries to reduce Jesus to just another prophet, but even its own verses unintentionally acknowledge His uniqueness, calling Him the Word and Spirit from God. The attempt to equate Jesus with mere humans or prophets like Jeremiah is a desperate and false comparison that shows the evil intent of Islam to deny Christ's true divinity and authority over all creation.

Muslims, wake up and come to Jesus Christ, The Way, the Truth, and the Life, your only hope and salvation!

If you need more information or details, check out the full clip link and, if required, the entire live stream video link below (if provided). Also, read the irrefutable article links and sources that discuss this (if provided). Islam has no ground to stand.

Don't believe me? Ask your Imam about this topic, including videos articles, and sources (if included), and see how he answers. He may deny it unjustly or attempt to harmonize it. If you seek the truth, you will find Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Full Clip:

Relevant Articles/Sources:

Relevant Quran Verses and Hadiths:
Quran 3:45 - The Quran refers to Jesus as the Word from God.

Quran 4:171 - The Quran acknowledges Jesus as the Spirit from God.

Hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari (V. 3:36) - Acknowledging Jesus and Mary as untouched by Satan.

Bible Verses in Contrast:
John 1:1-14 (LSB) - Jesus is the eternal Word who became flesh, showing His divine nature.

Colossians 1:15-17 (LSB) - Jesus is the image of the invisible God, creator, and sustainer of all things.

Revelation 19:13 (LSB) - Jesus is called the Word of God, clothed in majesty and power.


When dealing with these people always remember ONE word: TAAQIYAH. Its their self-proclaimed 'right' to lie to non-muslims to get their way.


Jesus is the only Hope for Salvation there is no other way Amen 🇮🇱 🙏


Jesus must be accepted as God. He said He is God.
"Before Abraham was I am." John 8:58, Exodus 3:14.
Mark 14:60-62. "And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus saying, Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these eitness against thee?
But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unti him, Art thou the Christ the Son of the Blessed?
And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man, sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven." The only being that comes on the clouds if heaven is a divine being. That is God coming in the clouds of heaven. Daniel 7:13-14.
Jesus said He is the first and the last. Revelation 1:17-18.
Jesus shall resurrect all that are in their graves. John 5:28-29.
The corrupt Jews wanted to stone Jesus because He called God His Father, making Himself to be God. John 10:33.
"For the Father hath loved you because ye have loved me and believed that I came out from God." John 16:27.
Jesus said He is omnipresent. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20.
He will judge the world. John 5:27-29. Matthew 25:31-32.
Jesus forgave sins. Mark 2:10-12. Only God can forgive sins.
He knew His Father as His Father knew Him. John 10:15. Only God can know as God knows.
"Destroy this temple [His body] and in three days I will raise it up again." John 2:18-22.
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which was and which is and which is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 2:8.
He is the resurrection. John 11:25.
He is eternal life. 1 John 1:2 and 5:11, John 17:3.
He is the Lord of the sabbath. Mark 2:28.


Jesus Christ is eternal humans are mortal


Brother Sam will never let anyone distort scripture when he is around, I love Sam when he goes deep into scripture and destroys the Koran and Islam and he has brought many Muslims to Christ, God bless Sam


Why do they claim to love Jesus yet hate and lie lie lie about his word .


Who is the pier he who denies Jesus is the Christ Islam tried to stop every part of Gods salvation.


why most of the muslims talk like zakir naik


It is very clear that in Jeremiah Chapter 1 that it refers to God knowing Jeremiah before he was born, but this so-called Muslim scholar is trying to deliberately point out in John 1:1-3 that God knew Jesus before He was born, but it is so clear from these verses that Jesus (the Word) was already with God. Why do these people knowingly try to twist the Biblical verses but when the obvious discrepancies in their Koran and Hadiths are pointed out, they relentlessly argue without any logical or intelligent premise and basis. They can only lie and lie and argue pointlessly. The devil has total control of their minds and hearts.


Why won't they learn how to read..


This gora pakora speaks straight up cap😂


When muslim pretened knows our bible and dont know there own quran is very alarming..😂😂😂


This Gora Pakora speaks straight up cap😂


These dawahs quote bible even than quran. This is wrong.
When they debate against who knows bible far better than them, they're done.
Why don't they notice it?


Watch CHRISTIAN PRINCE and Sam Shamoun and you know everything about slam-is.


Was waiting for "Now I am gonna bury you"


Sams comebacks hurt satan more then muslims😂


NO, zero, nada documents about Mecca has been found from before year 700. It means that Mecca never excisted at the time Muhammed supposedly lived there.


Sam cooking Islamic scholarship in the kitchen 😂😂😂
