Why Does the Narcissist Downgrade After You Leave Them?

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Sometimes it appears the narcissist downgrades with the new supply. Why is that? Remember, the narcissist’s main objective is obtaining a new source of fuel, a new source of supply.

Stop Blaming the New Supply

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Ur replaced like an appliance once you become wise to the toxic patterns and you stand up for urself. But others don't see the deception even ur children cause their drowning in the BS the abuser is throwing out there. It's a nasty situation!


I was told that it’s so they could feel superior to the new supply


Yes I couldn’t believe it she looks like she could be my mum. She is masculine, has ugly tattoos on her arms, bags under her eyes. The only thing I can see about her is she has her own business and probably has property and financially secure. He probably sees her as a sugar mama


The new supply isn't better than you. They're worse than the narc.


My narcissist did downgrade. She was all lined up- he moved out on a Sunday and moved in with her by the end of the week. She has more money and a house- things that I didn’t have. But she is already gone and he is with his supply before her.


He hoovered so he could be the one to leave… and THEN he downgraded. Doesn’t make much sense but I guess they can be desperate. And when I say downgrade I just mean someone who doesn’t have much character, doesn’t seem to take good care of herself or have self love.. things like that.


He's with my daughter in-law she's twenty years younger


Yes he did he is 37 and married a 60 year old


My ex narc dug way in the back of his supply crates and started grooming a married chick with two kids the last year we were together. I sold everything in our house and moved back to my home state and broke off the engagement as soon as I got here in May. I heard he’s still sleeping on his moms couch cuz his recycled supply got left by her husband. Neither of them can get an apartment in their names 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’ve been no contact for 103 days. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


My ex girlfriend hooked up with a drug addict and a woman beater. That’s a toxic relationship and from what I’ve heard there’s been bad times between them where she cheated and lashed out at him. If I was the best supply for her why did she hurt me?


For sure... big time.
He’s been divorced several times since.
Then, reportedly, he chose someone who he would not have to support financially... who would just be thankful to have him... yet, who is more domineering and controlling than he. I’ve no interest in them. I have no hate and I have no affection for him. I’m NEUTRAL where he is concerned, but it’s interesting that this video popped up since someone had recently mentioned in a text on this device how much he had downgraded to someone with standards & values that are much less than mine and another former spouse. Interesting to hear your message support all that was mentioned to me.
