Why Do some Narcissists 'downgrade' when They discard you | The Narcissists' Code Episode 545

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Why Do some Narcissists "downgrade" when They discard you or when you get rid of them?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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A narcissists moving on is the open door on your prison to get free from all their abuse . Run dont walk heal yourself leave them to live their miserable life


When you outgrow them it will become so damn easy to see their immaturity.


"The only thing they have to offer is they body" I'm sorry Im weak as hell


I don’t care who he is with, he remains blocked. 😊❤


Yes, I DEFINATELY "out grew" my ex narc. Didn't want to deal with an "adult" child anymore! His new supply is perfect for him - immature just as he is and completely superficial! 😜😁


Their looks don’t matter ...It’s what they get from that person that matters most 💥 it’s a power play


A scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me 🎶🎵🎶


Grade A supply 😂. But seriously though. I've dated narcissists for 10 years and I thought I had a problem because they always left and treated me wrong. When I discovered this channel I got to understand what's wrong and I can't express my gratitude enough. Thanks Lee


When my ex moved on real quick, I felt free. The pain I felt after the breakup, really helped me look at myself and I honestly started working on myself.
My relationship with myself improved, because I started being more honest with myself.
I think that's a key relationship we neglect, our relationship with ourselves. Everything we do flows from that relationship, fixing that relationship fixes our lives.


Yes - my ex downgraded completely, I found out they were partying on drugs on Snapchat (I never did any of that), and was told the took her to my favourite restaurants and posted on social media just to try to get at me. Unfortunately for him, I always saw things from a higher perspective and saw exactly how pathetic it all was. I don't put people in low/higher categories as such, I see "class" as certain type of behaviour and level of personal dignity. The mere thought of him ever touching me again is just Happy healing everyone


They do this because they go back to the type of supply they’re use to. If the downgrade is sewage then they’re in their element.


My ex downgraded to someone that had gone through domestic abuse. I always assumed it was because she was easier to control.


Most probably because they are so eager to jump into anything with whoever to make us jealous and because they can't ever be on their own. Aslong as they have someone there to supply them with the attention they crave and at the same time try and rub our noses in it then they don't care. They'll rather have anyone than nobody.


I'll never forget during our relationship he oddly volunteered the info that he "didn't masturbate" because he felt so gross about it and I was like oh that's refreshing! A month later he turns his TV on and porn immediately pops up and I was like 😳 when he saw my face he immediately snapped at me and said "What do you expect! I'm a guy!" He was the biggest walking contradiction ever and constantly told ME I "live a life of double standards" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My ex “downgraded “ to a married woman and a woman who wanted to “play”. They didn’t require accountability or anything, they just wanted movies, sex and a few dinners. They usually goto the path of least resistance! He definitely wanted control and no questions asked. Its sad!! He is sad!!


Control control control . If you truly have been with one you know. Everything is a mind bender . It’s best to move ahead. Walk away don’t look back. No contact


Supply is supply, doesn't matter who they are or what they look like, clout is always desirable but not necessary. Let's not be hard on the downgrade ( new supply), remember this, we're we a downgrade from who they were with before us ? Let's have compassion for all those who they will be with them after us


This!! My ex-narc theoretically downgraded, however, she is waaaay more docile, nice, agreeable type of person and she has the resource that he loves the most: money. So it was the perfect match for him! She might not be conventionally attractive or fit his standards personality wise, but she isn't the ugliest person on earth either and that's more than enough for him. Truly I think she could do much better. Unfortunately for her, he saw the opportunity and went for it. He needed money and she was the one who pursued him actually, so it was too easy for him. She also has the status and career he always dreamed of but could never achieve because he is so stupid, so that also adds the "status" supply factor for him.


The way I take it: They have to remain solid to his mommy traits. #mommyissues #theywantyoutobetheirmama😂 #unconsciousfamilyloyalty


This scenario is EXACTLY my life. 😩😭💔 why is it so hard to make my emotions match my mind when it comes to this guy? I’m so sick of him occupying space in my mind and my heart. 23 years of bullshyt and it’s my fault bc I let him continue the cycle. I was addicted, blinded, already broken weak and easily manipulated, now I’m left feeling alone empty hurt confused and more angry than anything.
