How To Install a Sub Panel for Emergency Backup Power - Anker SOLIX F3800 Home Power Panel

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In this video I show the process of how to wire a sub panel to be used with the Anker Home Power Panel backup battery transfer switch.

0:00 Introduction
0:52 Sub Panels
1:18 Mounting The Home Power Panel
3:26 Bending PVC & Running Conduit
5:05 Running Wires & Required Materials
13:15 Ground Bars
15:28 Disconnecting Power & Moving Circuits
18:15 Running 100amp Circuit to HPP
23:20 Installing Circuits in Sub Panel
26:20 System Startup & Test with Naomi
33:15 Self Consumption Mode & App Configuration Options

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I would recommend purchasing your F3800 system through Signature Solar as they're a fantastic company that will be a great point of contact if you need support.


I was taught to run a service loop for wiring from an old journeyman in 1970 it has served me well, carry on young man. good content


This was very interesting and you explain things very well so people can understand. Thank you.


Ben, I like the idea of using the lugs instead of the crimp connectors, I don't think I would have thought of this. I have been researching this particular setup for a few days now for a customer that can't use a generator and I'm glad I ran across your video. He wants backup power for his computer system and a few other things but it needs to be bigger than just a regular UPS. This may very well be the solution he is looking for. I'm glad you showed how it operates after you showed the installation. I like your work.


I use a hydraulic crimping tool with marine grade butt connectors when I have to crimp stuff. It seems to work acceptably for most larger wire sizes (#10-#4 for my purposes). Connecting a submersible well pump with that setup and some real good water rated heat shrink tubes is commonly a trusted connection, and that's underwater!


I like you using the screw lugs instead of the crimp on connectors. That way a DIY Does not have to have the special tool required to crimp the connector on to the end of the large gage wire. Nice personal touch, that your son and wife was there with you.


You explain things very clearly.
I’m looking forward to see how you extend the wiring to the new panel


Appreciating the clarity and close up shots used in this video. 👍


Great video! You always have excellent quality audio - and I like your "down home" country-feeling. I also appreciate your little hints about the electrical code, and that you show things you find by accident (like the over-tightened clamp), how you can more than one ground under each screw, but only one return (white) wire under each screw. Good stuff! Hello from West Sacramento, CA. My Anker SOLIX F3800 with solar panels are being delivered on December 2nd. I can't wait!


Good job. Like it that you do not talk 100/hr. Hi to the Mrs.


I like to use plastic entry clamps/fittings… they work like Chinese finger cuffs and work great, they’re cheap and code compliant.


Good video, the Anker F3800 system is decent. I have two F3800's and 6 BP3800 expansion batteries and a Home Power Panel... so I am speaking from experience. Unfortunately I would not buy again because but they essentially have no customer service. And when they do firmware upgrades, they don't know the changes in specs. And they don't ship anywhere near their promised shipping and delivery time. But as for support, each call or chat takes hours and each response it automatic and says they will reply in 2 days... even for the most basic questions. So unless you're a solar expert, don't count on ANKER for any help unless you have a ton of patience.


Lol, I love that you left your wife on the right side of the screen even though her part was done. 😂 Great wife!


@B.S. very good video, fun to watch showing real world family at play, BTW i know this is an old video however during a power outage you can also backup your main panel with your main backup power source it just needs to sense power coming from the grid side of the CT’s, so you can setup a transfer switch to like a generator source even if its a small 240v power station to trick the system, your main backup power source will backfeed the main panel as long as it detects power coming in for it to sync to that power source, OR another easier way is to setup an interlock kit on the main panel and backfeed the main panel from the sub panel (thats what i did), however its not a legal setup (well no electrical codes for sub panel feed main) the first way is more involve but they are codes for transfer switch, the sub backfeeding main was much simpler and it works.


Thx a lot for the vid.
The CTs should be facing towards the panel not the grid.


Awesome job, brother!! Always very interesting, and you are knowledgeable.


I wish I had your skills. I would save a lot of $$. Keep up the good work!


Good idea electric emp Shield for your circuit breaker, 😊


Your idea for the main panel automatic transfer switch islanding is definitely technically possible as essentially that’s what the Anker switch is doing, it just was designed with the 50amp limit to keep costs down vs a system like Enphase’s Smart Switch which enables the autoswitch and microgrid formation. But Enphase costs 10x this solution AND when it directly interfaces with the main grid connection there are a bunch more regs/permitting issues vs an essential loans panel which is probably why they avoided it at first pass. I would bet that adding an Enphase Smart Switch and treating the Anker system as “generator” might work so long as Enphase plays nice (they’ve not had the best reputation interfacing with non-Enphase components).


haha it was killing me too nice work ✌🏻💯
