Install self-signed SSL certificate in Windows 10

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Code to generate SSL certificate, you can use after your own customization:
#SSL #Windows10
IIS - How to Create Self Signed SSL Certificate for HTTPS
How to create a valid self signed SSL Certificate?
Install self-signed SSL certificate in Windows 10
How to create self signed SSL certificate using OpenSSL
16. Install a Self signed certificate by using Group Policy | Windows Server 2019
How to get HTTPS working in localhost (Self Signed localhost SSL Certificates)
How to create self signed SSL certificate using OpenSSL
Quick and Easy Local SSL Certificates for Your Homelab!
How to generate a self-signed SSL certificate for an IP address on a Standalone machine
15. How to Create a Self Signed Certificate in IIS 10 | Windows Server 2019
Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority (Windows)
IIS SSL - How to Trust a Self Signed Certificate
Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority (on Linux)
How To Create a Self Signed SSL Certificate for Apache in Ubuntu 20.04
How to create a CA-signed SSL certificate
Create SSL Certificate Totally Free | Self Signed vs CA Certified SSL Certificate
Configure HTTPS for Spring Boot application on localhost with self-signed certificate
How to configure Self-Signed SSL certificate on Exchange server 2019
Install self-signed SSL certificate on your Nginx server in Ubuntu 20.04
How to run site using Https on IIS(Install SSL certificate for website)
Install self signed SSL certificate in Windows 7
How To Get Free SSL Certificate For Website | Add SSL To Website
How to Install Self-Signed SSL Certificate on Nginx Web Server in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server
How to Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate | PKCS12 & JKS certificate using KeyTool - OpenSSL