PHP MySQL Tutorial

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Previously I covered the vast majority of both PHP and MySQL in 2 videos. This time I decided to bridge the gap and show how to simply grab data from and edit data in a MySQL database using PHP.

We specifically cover creating users with limited access for security reasons, setting up secure database connections, pulling data from a database, adding data to the database and prepared statements.
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Been on youtube for years, and never felt the need to comment anything..
Just to say how much i'm thankful to you and your work.
I love the way you make every coding language basics seem so simple.
Great job and thank you again !


Had a job interview with a big company yesterday. One of the technical questions was about retrieving data from a database. Good thing I watched this video the night before, and I got a call this morning from them offering me the job. Thank you so much for these tutorials. You're really awesome.


Finally, someone who has not forgotten what it is like when you are new to aspects of computing.  That's another way of saying "Computer Illiterate" or "Stupid, dumb, lacking in IQ, etc."  Normally a face to face tutorial involves a lot of nodding, smiling, hoping the ground opens up under you before he asks you a question because despite the fact that when asked, you told him you understood but in reality, you haven't a bloody clue what he is talking about!
I highly recommend this tutor.  Whilst moving quickly, everything is broken down into easy small steps.  It is just a matter of putting them all together.  You will understand what can be done and if you are stuck, will quickly be able to go back to the tutorial to remind you that computers have a nasty habit of doing exactly what they are told!  You will have the confidence to give it a go and when you successfully work out where you went wrong, will never forget it so your skills will come on in leaps and bounds.
I am happy to say that I am in the process of re-opening my business following a long period of illness.  In order to get it running, I need to make changes and additions to my web site.  While I am a computer programmer, PHP and MYSQL are new to me.  On permanent disability, I lack the funds needed to pay a programmer to do this.  It would take me an hour if it was in a language I knew.  I have tried different tutorials over the last few years and even spent a fortune on books but lost heart.  After watching the video before this one, I gave it a go.  It took me a few hours but it means that I can employ someone taking them off assistance and also get my dignity back as I can now earn money again paying taxes instead of living off the tax payer.

Derek, from Maureen who now has a job and is now not going to lose her home, from the Irish tax payer, from my clients on the business directory who now get a better service, from one of the four charities picked by the client who enjoy 10% of the clients annual fee and especially from me - despite the fact that it is 05:30 and I intended getting an early night but got sucked into your contagious enthusiasm - THANK YOU!
Paul  :)


"Okay, let's watch some of this tutorial to determine whether it's good or not before I give it a like"
50 seconds in, a Twin Peaks database appears.
"Fine.... here's your like!"


"I know this should be done in CSS, but I'm... I'm not doing that." Words to live and breathe by. Love it.


New to PHP (I do embedded systems and OS development, so it's a bit out of my league) but your tutorials have been really helpful thanks so much!


can you make a tutorial on mysql security and the best ways to prevent mysql code injections?


Oh man, came here just to learn php. Now ive learned HTML, and php, now imma go learn mysql and come back. Man you got it all!!!


Been doing PHP for over a month, never seen anything this concise and clear.


Great video Derek.
In 7:41 the last row should be:
$row['birth_date'] . '</td>';
rather than:
$row['birth_date'] . '</td><td align="left">';
There is an extra dangling <td align="left"> there with no content, that is not being closed with a relevant </td>


Hey Derek Banas I keep getting errors, these are the errors: 
Warning: mysqli_stmt_bind_param() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_stmt, boolean given
Warning: mysqli_stmt_execute() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_stmt, boolean given
Warning: mysqli_stmt_affected_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_stmt, boolean given
Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given


Another small thing: although it is always good to know how to manually add tables etcetera, I would recommend the MySql Workbench for this as it goes much faster once you get used to it. You also have a direct overview of the data in your tables without having to use SELECT every time.


Question for ya. When i go to host this online, what do i set the db_host to? And what other things do I have to set to make it live. Thanks derek!! Btw bout 3 or 4 hrs of watching your video, and trying stuff on my own. And much trial and error. I have a login and registration page, and adding stuff into mysql!!


Looking at the web-stack in an meta cognitive way you can think of the web-stack "trinary" as
(x = html, y = css, z = javascript)
but where z can equal "php" or "javascript" or others.
To choose, just look at the situation and balance your trade-offs for the task.


Lines 155-158 that were added at 15:00 messed things up for me a bit. After they were removed, everything was fine. Still, were they left there by mistake?


Hey Derek,
   Great Tutorial as always. You won't believe this but I practically learn more programming from your youtube channel rarher than from the collge.One quick request can you post a quick video on "Image processing in Android Using OpenCv(Or any Other you think is better").That would be of great help to all of us.


Dude, this is a really fucking huge piece of information to swallow. 20 minutes of coding with explanation alongside it doesn't help learning this. I got to 15 minutes when i realised; "I'm just looking on screen and repeating this, I'm not learning anything at all, let alone seeing what each bit of the code is doing."


<th> (table header) tags do bold and cenered aligned automatically btw for HTML. amazing tutorial! just thought i'd share if you or anyone was curious


This video covered more in 19 minutes than my PHP and MySQL class I had for a full semester in my programming class! thank you for this and all of your other videos!!


Please, correct me if I am wrong.
Just to clarify something I hadn't understand. There are 3 ways to connect
* MySQLi (object-oriented) -Ex. $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password);
* MySQLi (procedural) - Ex. $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password);
* PDO - Ex. $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=myDB", $username, $password);

Derek used the MySQLi (procedural) and added @ to suppresses error messages.
$conn = @mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password);
