Is Nursing For You?

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3 Key 🔑 questions to yourself if Nursing is for you.
1. Are you personable & love caring for others?
2. Are you doing this for the & money?
3. Are you ready to Multitask for 12hrs straight?

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Don't Forget to Follow NurseMendoza & P.L.A.N
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Don't Forget to Follow NurseMendoza 


I'm Prenursing, and I must say, that I've always been Intrigued with helping people, and just enjoying others being happy. At the end of the day, FORGET ABOUT THE MONEY, do it for the PASSION that's where you get rich folks!


im a first year nursing student and im about 2 months in - so far im really liking it, despite it being pretty tough! i looove helping people, and my ability to do so has always been one of the things i’ve pride myself in (don’t mean for that to sound narcissistic). my mom used to work alongside nurses and would tell me how rewarding of a position it was, so that’s always what i use to keep me motivated :) i wanted to come into this field because as i said i love helping people and i want to make a difference in people’s lives, not just the patients but the patients family members and friends too and everyone else around them. there’s also a huge need for nurses in my area so i decided to take the leap and follow this path - possibly even going for a pediatric nurse practitioner. i’m really excited to start placements and i really hope i can stick to it ! i will admit i’m a little nervous. keep up the great videos :)


Yes, I'm going through all I'm going through because I need and deserve a good paying job. So part of it is for the money but I love taking care of people, so it seems like it is gonna be a good fit for me. I've got a year and a half left and I need a good paying job to pay off these crazy student loans too! Hope I make it!


I want to become a registered nurse because I want to make a difference in someone life and help them get better day by day. How intense is nursing when you are actually working as one ?


Thanks for your help 😊 I’m in my first year so far!


Hey Mendoza, greetings from Germany, I just discovered your channel, i'm really impressed what kind of responsibilities as a registered Nurse you have in the USA compared to Germany...especially in ICU. Also your knowledge is much deeper then ours. I'm a bit jealous I have to admit. I've got to follow you on further videos, keep up the good work.


I'm a CNA now and I am a people person but also was raised in a multi cultural environment so meeting different kinds of people from all backgrounds is natural for me. I formally worked at Cleveland Clinic on a Heart/Lung transplant step down and the intensity and being called upon to see what you're made of in the moment is fascinating to me. The fear has helped build my confidence. My only insecurity is that I grew up having a learning disability and fear I'm capable enough to complete the math to become a nurse. It's a real fear a constantly fight.


I want to be a nurse because I know that I can truly make a difference every single day. Serving others by genuinely caring and dedicating myself to nurturing those who are unable to help themselves or family members who need assistance in caring for their loved ones, is truly what is rewarding. I believe in good expression of care! This is why I want to be a nurse <3 It will be challenging and there will definitely be rough days but nevertheless being a nurse is one of God's greatest gifts, it's my true calling because I get so emotional about it.


I feel like I get looked down on as a ER nurse because I want to genuinely help people and because I’m not doing this for the money.


i thought about being a tech but I feel nurses can easily do what techs do but now considering med school now or put it off until late 20s or early 30s


Hi Nurse Mendoza. I have been wanting to be a nurse but honestly I let everything get in my way and put my families needs before mine. In some way I am also scared to not be good enough or help the pt. I am needing more money but I really like helping pts. I am not much people person but I can get by and it's mostly positive. I have been an MA for 15 years and love it. But I want to do more. I know what I need, I have seen what is expected I have crossed many nurses in my path, I have trained nurses as an MA because there was no other Nurse for the Radiation Dept in the Cancer Center so I was the entrusted one to teach them everything out the field and I have given speeches for Nurses. But, I feel like I need more out of this field like I want more. I just can't get passed the registering at school. For some reason I am unable to take the next step. Thanks for your advice it was really helpful. I still want to be a nurse jajaja. God Bless.


Im in between my third and fourth period (almost 2 years education) but i have had a study break for like almost a year now. I have a exam in pharmacology that i really struggle with.... and i got diagnosed with diabetes last year so everything have been put on hold kinda. But im struggling with the exams and i will become a nurse sooner or later. I find your youtube and instagram very inspiring. Do you or someone else here think that i will become a bad nurse just because i cant pass this exam? Because i really have a passion for the care profession but sometimes im doubting myself and my abilities...


Do it for the money? Hell, I could get a desk job and make the same amount I do now. A buddy of mine is a welder and makes 2x what I make (with no student loans to pay off, either) and with 1, 000% less stress. I don't know why people think nurses make all this money?? Isn't the national average like 55-60k? Not a lot in the grand scheme of things. Most nurses I know are living paycheck to paycheck just to pay off their student loans.


For me, these are the reasons to become a nurse

1. I love the money and I want a stable, secure job.
2. I love the flexible schedule
3. There are 3 gazillion nursing specialties to choose from


hey what do you mean by dont do it for money plzz explain it
plz tell me about its scope in aus.
