Do Nurses Remember Everything They Learned in Nursing School?

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Do nurses remember everything they learned in nursing school? Many nursing students get overwhelmed by the amount of material they learn in nursing school. Nursing students must learn topics in many different areas of nursing.

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It can be stressful and discouraging when students feel that they must retain all of that information. In this video, Nurse Sarah talks about her experience and whether it is normal for nurses to retain everything they learned in nursing school.

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Hey, everyone! Thanks for watching. Don't forget:
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Nursing school is just a way to test your stress tolerance before working a stressful job.


I'm glad someone finally said it! Our teachers EXPECT us to know literally everything we've learned since the beginning. One teacher even said "you all should know this, you learned it in biology." 😒🙄 I took biology years ago. I can barely remember all of the information that's being thrown at us now.


I'm a med student and I ask myself this question everyday, I start my internship this September so I guess I'll find out soon!
Good luck to all the nursing students out here, doctors are nothing with you🧡
PS: Your video lectures are super helpful, thank you!


This made me feel so much better! I have been STRESSING over not being able to retain everything!


My nursing instructor during clinical- "Don't you remember what I said in the 4th lecture in unit two?"
Me- "What was unit 2 again? I don't remember what you said yesterday much less three months ago."


I am nursing faculty. I have been teaching for 14 years, and I do not expect my students to remember everything I teach them! I do hope however my students retain some of the concepts I help them learn.


I'm a nursing student, a 1st year, and a lot of us have a hard time to cope up all of the knowledge and due to the pandemic, it is even harder for us study. I'm glad I've watched this video!


I think that every healthcare employee should be a support for every new generation joining healthcare and so on, like a chain. So we can support and grow with eachother.


This video gave me so much reassurance. I am currently about to finish my first year of nursing school (out of 2) and feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and stressed over the idea of forgetting everything. I am scared of forgetting everything for the NCLEX as well though :(
Thank you so much for your amazing videos!! <3


Knowing what I know now, I honestly think it would be interesting to revisit some of the topics from nursing school. Only because know I feel like I could truly understand what they are talking about lol Does anyone agree?


Nurse with 10+ years of experience here, do not think I can remember anything other than that is relevant to my job, also need know that everything is constantly updating


Another thing to remember is that in this day and age, you can always look things up or ask a colleague when something comes up with a patient that you aren't knowledgable about or you learned it in nursing school and don't remember. It's not like it was pre-internet when you couldn't do that. Of course you have to pass all your tests, but the most important things I learned in nursing school were the things that stuck with me - assessment, critical thinking, and therapeutic communication. All of which are more important than specific pieces of information or even nursing skills like starting an IV, inserting a foley, etc. You can always look those things up or learn them on the job.


I'm almost finished my first year of nursing school (1/4) and this video really helped ease my anxiety and worry


I’m nervous that I won’t be able to apply what I learn!


I think I retained about 10% of everything I learned in nursing school😅


I’m happy you said this out loud because as stressful school can be, it’s difficult to retain every single thing. Thanks for the video 🙌🏽


This is so true. There will always be what we called “stored knowledge” though but they will only get activated when the situation calls for it. I started remembering bits and Bobs of it when I started teaching nursing myself. I must admit I needed to revise a lot which is a good thing as things gets updated all the time.


Also a lot of hospitals have transition to practice programs! I went into mental health and I thought "I really wanna take this job but what if I want to go into a more medical role in the future?" so reminding myself that I could always go to a transition to practice program is super helpful in being confident about my decision.


Repetition and redundancy. It becomes automatic after. Goodluck future nurses!!
