Russian New Martyrs - Lesson 5: The Lives and Witness of the New Martyrs (1917-1927)

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LESSON 5 of Russia's New Martyrs & The Catacomb Church: A Type of the End Times -
The Lives and Witness of the New Martyrs (1917-1927)

Spring-Summer Course 2: May 25 - July 27, 2021

LINKS to Lives of the New Martyrs:


 Q & A Session —

Join us also for: Lesson 5 Q & A (this Thursday):


 Lecture Times and Dates:

Meets: Tuesday evenings, 9 PM (EST), 6 PM (PST).

Lectures are held: May 25; June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; July 6, 13, 20, 27.

Viewable through Crowdcast, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook pages.

Q&A sessions are held exclusively through Crowdcast on Thursday evenings 9 PM (EST), 6 PM (PST).

Lecture Topics:

Lesson 1: May 25th: Introduction: Russia’s Golgotha, A Type of the End Times
Lesson 2: June 1st: The Onslaught of Persecution and Resistance under St. Tikhon
Lesson 3: June 8th: The Renovationists and the Orthodox Response
Lesson 4: June 15th: The Satanic Bolshevik Mentality and Methodology
Lesson 5: June 22nd: The Lives and Witness of the New Martyrs (1917-1927)
Lesson 6: June 29th: The Declaration & Stance of Metropolitan Sergius (“Sergianism”)
Lesson 7: July 6th: Consequences of the Declaration and the Orthodox Response
Lesson 8: July 13th The Catacomb Church
Lesson 9: July 20th: The Lives and Witness of the New Martyrs (1928-1938)
Lesson 10: July 27th: Conclusion: Lessons for the Last Christians

Please submit your questions ahead of each lesson. Questions can be submitted directly to the Crowdcast page of the particular lesson, which is preferable, or under the announcement in Patreon for each lesson. All questions submitted during the lecture will be answered at the Question and Answer session on Thursday evening.

Course Texts:

Russia’s Catacomb Saints by Ivan Andreyev and Fr. Seraphim Rose

Рекомендации по теме

God bless the living memory of the blessed New Martyrs. God bless you Father for your efforts! 🙏


Thank you fr Heers, for this fantastic series.


Thank you father.
The Holy New Martyrs help us!


God Bless you Father. It’s so devastatingly humbling to hear these incredible professions of Faith in the face of unspeakable evil. I think about how wrathful I can be at times I ruminate over every tiny slight, real or imagined, and think to myself how truly far I have to go! May the departed Martyrs and Saints Pray for us! ☦️🙏🏻😞


There is a ROCOR monastery in West Virginia in the Appalachian mountains. Holy Cross Hermitage. They receive many visitors and many are blessed by going there. You can truly feel the spirit of God there. They have a website where you can order their incense and soaps and arrange to visit.


One last thing and I’ll be quiet. Scribed has a copy of the book by I. M. Andreyev. Father may have mentioned or posted it but forgive me I’ve slept since then lol. Brilliant, fascinating, sad and inspiring all at once. Highly recommend it. I have new saints on my list now.


Watch out loved ones. They are now crying about a new variant of the “vyruss” and how everything needs to shut down again. Not about illness, but only power and control.


Father bless!
1:31:07 I did not know this example from the Georgian martyrs of Tbilisi in 1227 (was this a different but similar event?), but the motif is to be found in the martyrdom of Eleazar, from 2 Maccabees 6 : 18-31. I will quote a little from the OSB (verses 21 to 29):

Those in charge of the unlawful sacrifice, because of their longtime acquaintance with him, took the man aside privately and urged him to bring meat proper for him to use, pretending to prepare it for himself as though he were eating the flesh of the sacrifice commanded by the king. Thus by doing this he might be saved from death, and be treated kindly on account of his long friendship with them. But making an honorable resolve worthy of his years and the dignity of his old age and grey hair, which he had reached through the distinction of his excellent life even from childhood, and moreover according to the holy God-given laws, he turned himself over to them quickly, telling them to send him immediately to Hades. "For to pretend such things, " he said, "is not worthy of our time of life, lest many of the young should suppose that Eleazar in his ninetieth year has gone over to a foreign religion, and because of my pretense for the sake of living a brief moment longer, they should be led astray through me, while I earn only pollution and defilement in my old age. For even if for the present I should avoid the punishment of men, yet whether I live or die, I shall not escape the hands of the Almighty. Therefore by manfully giving up my life now, I will show myself worthy of my old age, and leave to the young a noble example of how to die a good death willingly and bravely for the venerable and holy laws." After he said this, he went straight to the rack, and those who had just demonstrated good will toward him now showed hostility, because they took the words he had spoken to be madness.

The books of the Maccabees aren't read within protestant circles. When I first read this, I realized:
1) the power of his example;
2) I would have fallen for such "cleverness"


Blessings father and thank you. I have a question...the true story that took place in Georgia with the nuns on the bridge being asked to deny Christ by throwing the icons over the bridg down the river. The one nun that did deny Christ who now claims she is living in hell every minute of her life back in her day .and eternal he'll is what's coming to her according to what she said, isn't there repentance for her before she dies, since she has regretted her action of denial ? Thank you. Christina
