Using Our Aquarium Lights to MAXIMIZE FISH COLOR

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In my opinion some fish tanks are OVER LIT and the fish colors are being washed out. In this video I talk about a different way to use lights to help enhance and maximize fish color and provide a better living space for the fish.

Take a look at how I'm using some JC & P lights on my 210 gallon African Cichlid tank and share with me in the comments below what you think, including any tips that you have on how to best light an aquarium to get the best look and the most color in our fish. We all learn from each other around here and never forget - YOU ROCK!

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To check out the JC&P LED lights used in this video, just follow this link:

Thank you to key vendors that have helped with my new fish room including:
Aquarium Co-Op, a top provider of both products and knowledge for all types of fish keepers.
Elite Cichlids, providing the best looking artificial plants available.
Sicce, a top quality manufacturer of aquarium pumps and filters.
Hygger, maker of a variety of aquarium products such as tanks, lights, pumps and heaters.
JC & P, providers of lights, rocks and other quality aquarium products.
Underwater Galleries, makers of the most beautiful ceramic caves available.
Xpertmatic, maker of good quality hang-inside filters and air pumps.
Many of their products are listed in my Amazon Affiliate store at:

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Thank you for the on-going support and encouragement!
Рекомендации по теме

Hey Ben On all my tanks I have the Current USA Satellite LED lights. They are great lights with a lot of options. Little pricey but you get what you pay for. Yes you can "over light and wash out" your tank, which most cheap lights do. Have so many options with these lights. Can customize what ever look you want. They have the % of color options. Also have preset options like sunrise, sunset, thunderstorm, rain etc. I have a Greek Ruins theme with black sub straight and black background on my 100g acrylic and these lights really make it pop. The lighting, for me, is one of the most important part of setting up a tank. Thanks for the vid and keep them coming...


Good morning. Been waiting for a video like this. You must have gotten up early this morning


I really like the look of a black background with the lighting in the foreground .


This is a great topic. Great purple color.


Best lights IMO…
The Fluval Plant 3.0 LED is my favorite light. I use it in both of my tanks. I have black backgrounds on my tanks and they are never up near 100% as far as brightness goes…mostly at about 50% or so usually, and I only raise the lights to feed the fish and they know as soon as the lights go up it’s time to eat. I always make my own light favorites, lil bit of red/pink, lil bit of blue, lil bit of warm white, and a lil bit of pure white and kind of make my own look. That combined with elite cichlids plants, and super natural sand really does show off my fish to their full potential IMO. Everyone has the ability to stay in the back of they like because I leave my lights pushed towards the front of the tank always…never in the middle, unless I’m feeding, and never towards the back. I like the depth it creates with the lights in the front and also IMO really shows off the fish the best and as stated gives them that comfort of being able to hide in a plant, or just chill in the back if they’d like👌🏼


I have alot of settings on my light I'll have to play around with it for my 125 male setup. Thanks!


For lights. Hygger has some awesome lights for adjusting to an exact sun rise an set. The prices are good also.


Awesome aquarium light scaping. With the various options of LED lighting you can really get creative these days. Also having multiple 36" - 48" lights on a six foot tank can be a great alternative to a 72" light and give more room for customizing. 😀


I have a fluval smart skylight for plants and another one for saltwater both have 4+ lights that they give you control of each light color plus they r Bluetooth so they allow you to set it to come on and off or have a sun rise/set setting


Ben u need to check out the current usa orbit ic led light w bluetooth control u can control it w an app on ur phone it has 4 colors to adjust from 0-100% blue white red green & also controls for 3 powerheads & 2 water pumps it has 12 weather effects including rain thunder & lightning & u can even hook up speakers to hear the thunder


Great information Ben 👍
A hack for those using tubes or full length strip lights is that you can cover parts of the light, such as the end few inches, with duct tape or electrical tape to create shaded areas or areas tinted with a certain color.
TO AVOID DAMAGE: Always allow tape to shrink back to original length AFTER cutting from the roll but BEFORE applying to a light or tube.
Applied to a clean surface the tape will last anywhere from a couple of months up to half a year depending how well you clean & apply. If an entire tube is wrapped then it can last a year or more.
Cover an entire tube or strip with blue electrical tape if you want a cheap way to see if you & your fish like a moonlight for an hour or two at night before spending on the real deal. The more layers of tape you use, the more blue & consequently, the darker it makes the light.


Nice video Ben. I use the Fluval aquasky lights, they also have a yellow/green spectrum. I set them 80% blue and red, 40% yellow and only 10 to 20% white. When the lights are on 6 to 8 hours a day.that’s really bright enough. Btw did you know fish have trouble with their vision when using red? It comes in handy when you need to catch one, turn on red light and they will be slower 😄


Some really good effects from that light ben. Makes the fish look awesome. what lights ware you using


I have 2 4 foot nicrew lights on my 90 set on the second lowest setting I find that perfect. 1 light looked odd on full blast and wasn't enough light in the back of the tank for the plants.


Hello, what plants are these? I'm just planting my first fish tank, and I will have anubias because I read that this and java ferm are best for african cichlids. But you've got something else, and it looks very cool (I guess your fish did not destroy it😂). Thanks


very useful.i need a advise tank is 3 feet 2 by 2.parot are severum are there.i have a 3 feet dophin light in front.what do you sujest to add furthur more to get coloures of the fish pleese


Off Topic, what watch are you wearing??


Hi Ben, can you let me know where you get your beautiful artificial plants please.


What about the green light that's on the heater . Does that cause any problems?


An you show the lights you have and how much they cost please
