Workers’ Compensation: 3 facts you need to know before returning to work on light duty

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In this video, lawyer Gary Martin Hays reveals 3 steps you must take before returning to work on light duty after a workers’ comp injury. Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Gary Martin Hays discusses why it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations in recovery. To get free information on workers’ comp claims or talk with attorney Gary Martin Hays, click the link above.

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Recap of Key points
1:40 What 3 steps do you need to take before returning to work
4:09 What if you can’t do the light duty at work after your injury?
4:36 3 examples of potential outcomes of going back to work
Contact info
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays:
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Thank you for this Valuable information.


in 97..i had a long dresser on a dolly..i bent over to the right to see ahead of me...when i lifted my left lower back popped...instant pain... found out in 2017 comp drs wrote on report..."she lifts things and her back hurts" pain pills...and i wondered why no one would take me for treatment and i couldnt win an this day it will pop out...the sacriliac joint


this is a super video thanks for all the answers i was looking for thanks !


I am federal employee and my case got denied. What should I do


I just had bicep distal tendon surgery and I got a 7 days note from doc. Gonna go again again. 2 days for a brace for my arm and try to get other week. I hope the doctors don't suggest I can do light duty. Because I already know i can't now after my surgery


Thank you for sharing this important information. What if their doctor (the so called agreed Neutral doctor, QME) is not considering all my ailments and has noted that I should go back to FULL DUTY based on the ailments that is the least of my issues (with physical therapy still in place) but my treating doctor lists on the PR-2 form that I am not ready to return at all? I have future surgeries on the backburner. I'm very keen when it comes to my body and I know my body better than they all do and have told their "neutral" doctor that as well that my body is not ready to return to work. And because he wrote that I should go back to full duty, they stopped my benefits (going on 3 months now) but I have not returned to work because I already know that I can't do it....especially full duty. I can't even do what I normally do around the house and have shared that with them. I do have a lawyer, however, I would like to know your opinion.


I’m in IL do they have to provide 10 days notice before going back? My job tried to force me back hours after there dr said I’m approved for light duty.


Wow very informative
I heard you say Georgia does this apply to all states?
Thank you


I need to know how the pay work?
I got 40hrs @ 8.90hr
I get 480 a week now will it be. I made 745 a wweeks wrk. Will Less?...


So I injured my lower back, and I’m supposed to be on light duty, but they don’t have any light duty, and they still have me doing regular duty, what should I do, I’m Florida.


I had an accident at work two months ago, a 20-liter pressure cooker fell on my head, severe headaches, dizziness, visibility in sight, and in all this time I have not received any check for work comp, the saddest thing is the payments. bills always keep coming


Okay this is my second time filing a workman's comp plan with my job. My shoulders my arms rest fingers and neck have been bothering me quite a bit. I've been doing this job mailroom duty for 16 years. I'm the only one in the staff of 16 people who have been held responsible for this position. I have severe numbness in my left hand and right arm and my neck is so stiff I have a hard time turning it. My visit on Friday my workman comp doctor said well looks like we'll just send you back to work and have future health benefits for you. But they haven't fixed me and my job says they're ready to put me back in the mailroom. Physically I can't do the mailroom anymore I've been doing it for 16 years all by myself and everyone want me to go back there when I can't do it I have a bad knee a bad bad back along with everything else I've endured I don't know what to do


Please help after 10 yrs of service I have Chronic pain and DDD from being moved into a physical environment this is Repetitive Stressed Injurey with the backup from my doctors notes & orders whom is still treating my condition. After being off with no pay I have been forced to return to work against my doctors orders. The pain and spasms are worse now!! Please help.


Your employer and the insurance company force you to go back to work and send those job to there independent medical examination I.M.E and sign up and say they have given a Job that they think you can do it, and that will reduce the benefits they have to pay you. That is the only reason why they do that there not doing that for your benefit. Just only to reduce your benefit


This is the missing link. How is this enforced in Florida ?? Or is it only applicable to Georgia law ?


You will love this. A guy i worked with had to have a knee operation. Blamed it on work? He put it off just in time to get it done then go fishing in the spring for 4 months. He thought he had it all figured out. Surprise. 3 days after his surgery his doctor put him on light duty. The CO. put him at a desk for 8 hours and told him to do nothing. Just sit. A reduction in pay. They knew his game. Joke was on him.


I was put back to work lite duty desk duty only and have a hard time driving. But force myself to go.

My casr is Illionois how can I get my workers comp checks reinstated. Due to my back and shoulder pending surgery


I have a workers comp but i think my lawyer has been corrupt whit insurance What if a private investigator in mind that find out my lawyer has been corrupted whit insurance


Here in Missouri the law favors the employer and the insurance company. My case was dragged out for 7 years the company even fired me wile I was under a Doctors care. In a Union shop at that. Now I’m worthless can’t work. But praise God I was Abel to get disability or id have no income. But that was dragged out for 3 years too. Sometimes I think our Court system is full of nothing but crooked lawmakers and lawyers. I’ll ad this in the grate State of Missouri the company and insurance company do not have to pay dime until you settle up and in the meantime doctors will charges you Sind your bill to collections and wipe your credit out with no remorse will your lawyer plays golf with your Company CEOs too then they’ll say to you Bad things happen to good people sin the slip so I can get payed. What a joke our law makers are thanks Mr Mat Blunt I hope you rout in Hell! Mat blunt is Roys blunts sun he had the state work comp laws changed back when he was the Governor of Missouri and we have yet to have a true Governor sense or maybe we do if the crooked Democrat would let the man do his Job?


2:01 my name is Steve Mendez I am out of Fort Worth Texas I am also totally blind I have no vision whatsoever I hurt myself on a tablesaw and now they are trying to say that I am able to do hundred percent of my work I told him I am scared of that table so I don’t wanna work on it anymore they threaten me if I don’t get back on it I can lose my job please help me.
