Infinite Ammo Run in Fallout 76 | #shorts #fallout #fallout76

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This farming run is how I got to 10k Ammo for both my handmade and Fixer for my bloodied build. There are 5 locations that I hit every run. Those are Hornwright Estate, Monorail Elevator, Charleston Fire Department, Green Country Lodge and Vault-Tec University. In all of these locations, I am going to be looking for dumbbells because they are the best source for lead and nothing is more frustrating than constantly being out of ammo. In the comments of this short, I am going to pin a long form video that goes in depth on where to find the dumbbells in each location.

Finally, I have a lead deposit at my camp that I collect from and there are a few different spots you can set up a lead extractor for your camp and I highly recommend you do that ASAP. The perks you want to roll for ammo crafting are Ammo Smith, Super Duper and Ammo factory for your legendary perk. This will ensure you’re getting the most ammo possible from each run. Check the comments for the long form video. See you out there Vault Dwellers.

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You want lead just hop in the excavator power armor and hit lucky hole mine. You can get 1400 lead after smelting


Dude I just started playing this game for the first time and I think I’m overwhelmed already not knowing what to do 😂😂


1) Rumor has it that they've nerfed Lucky Hole. I haven't tested it myself.

2) There are also some weights at The Sludgeworks Blood Eagles camp.

3) See a can, pick up the can. Tin and aluminum cans are _everywhere_ and these cans will yield one lead and 2 steel when you scrap it. A string of can chimes = 9 cans = 9 lead and 18 steel.

Also, anything with 'toy' in it's name (i/e/ toy car, toy alien, etc) and wood blocks all yield lead when you scrap it.


Here’s the standard method everyone uses:

1. Take the Excavator pwr armor to lucky hole mine and mine all of the lead veins

2. You’ll need acid, so I recommend server hopping on either Yao Guai or cave crickets since they each drop around 5. I usually do this at Dolly Sods for the two Yao guai that spawn there, which lets you farm springs too.

3. Head over to west tek, clear the mutants out and scrap all of their weapons with the scrapper perk. Pick up every weapon there. Switch to ammosmith and super duper and smelt the lead ore with the acid and gunpowder if you need it at the chemistry workbench in the terminal locked section. Then use the tinkerer’s workbench there to craft whatever ammo you need. Repeat until you have the amount of ammo you want.

With maxed ammo factory/ammosmith/super duper one trip to lucky hole mine netted me like 15k rounds of .45


I like master infiltrator the best as my legendary perk as it removes the hassle of lockpicking and hacking entirely.

Ammo factory is a close second though.


Best way to get lead is using excavator armor and hit the lead mine you get 1400 a day


Ammo never seems to be an issue for me, whatever event you play enemies tend to drop whatever ammunition you fired if you’re super desperate though look out for a melee player ask them for their ammo, if they have fallout 1st chances are they just store all the ammo they get regardless of it being useful, I know I do.


Just do Lucky Hole Mine with excacator pa ...I do 20K ammo per day


go to the lucky mine and get all the lead you need. for one run you can get about 1, 2k lead, just use excavator PA


Each nuclear silo also has a gym inside for more dumbbells might aswell go to luckyhole mine for that further 1100ish lead too I like to use the ammo converter too for certain ammo types converting railway spikes that are only steel into something like 308 for my lmg as every event that involves molemen or mutants you usually end with 1500 steel worth in weapons


Use the mining power armor. It gives you extra lead ore. Refined the ore with acid.


East Regional Penitentiary, Palace of the Winding Path, The Kill Box, and The Sludge Works also have weights


Dont forget sludge works down in the ash heap


Video will be live shortly! Welcome to the vault.


You forgot three of the nuke silo there in there too.


Our camps are in the same spot. Sweet.


I just farm expeditions 🤷🏽‍♂️ gain xp and if your guns is good enough you’ll be stacked on ammo by halfway through🎉 anytime I need to stack ammo for a gun I wanna use I just take it to the Pitt lol


Thank you so much im still a lowish lvl and want to be able to use my mg


Check the silos they all have a gym in there so that’s 3 other spots to check


Can’t forget the 3 silos they have gyms with dumbbells in them
