The Truth About Divorce 💍❌

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I see the wreckage of divorce almost daily working for the courts. What this Priest is saying is important. Anyone who denies this is denying truth


There is no greater happiness than growing old with the love of your life. Try never to lose that for anything.


If a woman or man is being abused please leave safely.


Hi guys, no marriage is perfect. There will be always some issues. I have been married for 27 years and still we do have our differences of opinion. My parents were married for 54 years and they too had little issues now and then. So please have patience and endurance. Work on the minor issues, change your habits. Don’t be dishonest to each other. Pray, pray and pray.


Marriage is a covenant between man and woman. Thankfully the covenant Christ made with us is unbreakable if we follow Him. God bless.


I stayed in an abusive marriage for over 28years. When my husband turned his back on the Lord and began to do godless things even mocking me for my faith, I was flee for me and my youngest daughter’s safely due to the abuse. I was in fear of my life. I now have a protective order. I stayed all those years thinking it would be best for me and our 5 children but I was brainwashed to think that I would be in sin. Once I left and was safe, I cried out to the Lord and HE ministered to me that the man I married is no longer alive and HE sees me as a widow. I still cry and mourn daily thinking of the commitment we made before a 3x holy God. My heart is broken but I know the Lord Jesus is healing me as I continue to seek His face


A lot of people are having weddings which are not the same as marriages. A ceremony should only follow a covenant that is not easily broken.


Amen 🙏. Huge mistake going to a therapist for marriage counseling and no our pastor. WTH was I thinking. Advice from friends has the value it cost you 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


The amount of people in the comments who normalize divorce are in great danger and need to be delivered from temptation


A marriage should begin with virginity, with seeking for and finding The One person u want to be with "till death do us part".
Marriage is not a business project, is not about sexual intercourse and pleasure, money, status etc.


Men have no loyalty to their wife or family 😢😢😢


I feel seriously lacking when I read different passages in the Bible that allude to marriage because my own parents troubled marriage ended in divorce, my own marriage was chaotic and ended in divorce and the child I had was born out of wedlock before I was married, and that relationship was about as bad as a relationship could be. When I read about happy marriages and families it's like reading about life on another planet. And when the Bible talks about the holiness of marriage, it's not something I can easily relate to.


My husband wants to divorce me. Even though he was the one who cheated, I even was willing to work it out. My soon to be ex-husband has abandoned me and his covenant he made to God. He will have to stand before God.


Unfortunately if the union was wrong from the start, then divorce is the solution


No win situation when families are separated


My husband and I agree that divorce will never be an option for us and we have made a pack with each other that the word isn’t even mentioned in the household. We’ve made it a “dirty” word.


Married for 27 believe I was dying in my first marriage BUT...still believe marriage is ordained from God...meant to honored and most definitely held sacred...When I chose to leave I stated to my ex.."I have done everything I know how, tried everything ". He simply replied, " you did." I asked him if he had done everything he could..he simply said, "no"..but could not state why. Marriage is not meant to be a prison. I still wish our family could have remained intact. But know God knows I gave it my all.


I’ve been widowed twice . Where exactly do I stand here ?


I am not Christian and I asking this question with utmost respect. If a person converts into orthodoxy, but has been divorced in the past, is this person allowed to marry someone within the orthodox faith? What happens if this person ex spouse has died ?


Ah yes, nothing says "I love you" quite like being trapped with one person forever because God will send you to hell if you don't. Does she stay with you because she loves you, or does she stay with you because her religion dictates it?
