Getting Started with the Angular Bullet Chart

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Learn how to create and configure the Syncfusion Angular Bullet Chart component using the Angular CLI tool and the Syncfusion EJ2 Angular Charts package. This video also explains how to set a value and target; set minimum, maximum, and interval values; and add a title, subtitle, dimensions, and a tooltip. You’ll see how to enable a legend and change the orientation.

The Angular Bullet Chart is used to visually compare values, similar to the commonly used bar chart. A bullet chart displays one or more values and compares them with a target value. You can also display the values in ranges of performance, such as poor, satisfactory, and good.

You can position the bullet chart in either vertical or horizontal orientation. This is helpful when viewing the bullet chart on mobile devices. Target bar lines denote the current value and run perpendicular to the feature measure. You can render multiple measure bars as well as multiple comparative value symbols to allow comparison of several values at once. A range in a bullet chart helps measure the performance of data against a qualitative state. Each color of the range represents a quality such as good, bad, and acceptable.

Download an example from GitHub:

Refer to the following documentation on the Syncfusion Angular Bullet Charts component:

Check out this online example of the Angular Bullet Charts component:


[00:00] Introduction
[00:40] Create an Angular application
[01:43] Add a Bullet Chart
[03:35] Add a target and value
[05:22] Add multiple data points
[05:42] Change dimensions
[06:09] Add category value
[06:39] Add a title and subtitle
[07:13] Add ranges
[08:27] Add a legend
[09:17] Tick lines
[10:17] Add a tooltip
[10:59] Orientation




#angular #bulletchart #chart
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