Wayne Grudem on Justification and the New Perspective on Paul | Systematic Theology, 2nd Edition

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Dr. Wayne Grudem (Distinguished Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary) explains his view on justification as laid out in the second edition of his best-selling Systematic Theology.

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It's hard to see Grudem's physical strength leaving him, but I'm so glad he is still teaching and still recorded this video. I've been very blessed by his love for God and His word for many years at this point, and it's good to see him remain faithful.


I am so glad that God did not leave the saving of souls in the hands of men. We have made salvation so complicated and convoluted! The Holy Spirit drew me to the gospel: Jesus Christ's blood atonement paid for all my sins. Because of that, God sent the Holy Spirit as a pledge until the day of redemption (our new, sinless bodies). Now, having believed, I have been justified by God. I am not guilty before God. Anyone who wants to add to the simplicity that is in Christ, I will ignore.


I appreciate the clarity of this presentation.


I am so happy to come across this clear and concise explanation of what the New Perspective is all about and what is wrong with it.


This is the clearest take down of the new perspective that I have heard. So helpful.


Love you prof. Grudem! I've read the entire second ed. of Systematic Theology. Amazing magnum opus!!


The only "new" I need is the New Testament. All these other new interpretations try to elevate man's understanding above the simple Truth as revealed by the Word of God through the Holy Spirit through the ages. It is the prideful work of idolatry of having "special" knowledge. Thank you Dr. Grudem for your simple and clear defense of the Truth and exposing the error of these false teachers.


Thank you Dr. Grudem for clearly stating the Gospel


Grudem's clarity is a tremendous blessing to the church. His systematic theology has been a source of blessing to his readers. Thank you for your comments. Personally, I skip anything written by Wright. Without Christ and HIS righteousness given to me by God I would be doomed. I am too great a sinner.


They are both right; God's grace makes us new, we are justified (singular) and made to be a part of the body of Christ (corporate) at the same time.


I study Wayne Grudems systematically theology. It's really excellent.


Soo if you want to hear more NT Wright actually claims about justification and sanctification please YouTube ‘NT Wright’ on justification as well.
Even if you come to disagree with Wright, it is truly his attempt to put Paul’s writing into completeness and not ignore verses like Romans 2:6-11. His expertise is 1st Century Judaism. Don’t think he Finds his delight to disagree with many Protestants of this day, however his duty to be honest to scripture.


As NT Wright himself has said, there are as many New Perspectives on Paul as there are people with those perspectives. Just because Tim says Paul meant something doesn't mean that someone else's perspective says the same thing. Really, the only thing held in common is that Luther and Calvin essentially "got it wrong" and were pulling from Augustine who also "got it wrong". Maybe there is some eliteism on the NPP's part, but there's something to be said for the fact that the Reformers were basically coming from the perspective of reacting to and making a clean break from the medival Catholic Church and reading from that perspective, while most NPP proponents are trying to look back at what we know of Paul's time and place and see how the Epistles read in that light.
I'd also say that the most "orthodox" new perspective, and the one held by most proponents on the more conservative end, is simply that Paul and James in Acts 14 weren't at odds with each other over justification and works, but rather whether Gentiles had to convert to Judaism to become Christian, or whether Christianity is a new paradigm entirely. This is most clear in Colossians 2:16-17, where Paul basically lays out that adopting Jewish customs like Sabbath and Circumcision are merely shadows that point to the work Jesus already completed on the cross. Paul would have never said "He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury." (Romans 2:6-8) if he thought works meant nothing.
We must have faith in Jesus, that much is given, and i think even think it's biblical to say that Christ's righteousness is imputed on us through His victory on the Cross, but the signs of that righteousness and justification will be made manifest in how we live our lives, and how much we trust in Christ to compel us to live the life He outlined in the sermon on the mount. In other words, a faith without works is dead, just like a tree without fruit.


The question NPP creates is: In Modern Church, faith is lacks context. To a point it created to notion of Blind Faith. While in 2nd Temple and Early Church times, Faith was understood to be an action or verb. Equating Genesis' 1 "created in Image, " the word Image being a verb or action. So Faith has a duality of belief and action. That's where people misunderstand it. That's what NPP is trying to bring into attention. It's about living out faith, because we are supposed to be Imaging God or Representing God. It's how we are supposed to bring God to the world. Believing Loyalty. Not a life in faith, yet living out faithfully. It's not a inwards concept, it's and outward concept.


The great benefit of these controversies and even open heresy is that the faithful are driven to think and rethink their relationship to the Lord. The result is a clarification of the Christian's position in Christ, making us stronger, better equipped to deal with these "evil days".


I think Wright has clarified his statements and, perhaps more likely, moderated his opinion, more recently. Certainly there are theological and hermeneutical issues with how reformed Christianity understands justification — the biggest issue I would raise is that they narrow the atonement to mean *only* a forensic view when the gospels clearly teach a much larger narrative that includes but is by no means constrained by law-court language.

There is also the cosmic victory over dark powers, which happens simultaneously with individual justification through the victory of Christ over death.

All I’m trying to say is that both sides need to realize they are seeing part of the gospel, but only part.


I am doing a project trying to name all the gods of history and their properties and attributes & requirements..the list is very long and it is taking much longer than
I initially thought...amen


Very respectfully, and I mean very, I don’t think Mr. Gruden really understands the argument. The NP is not salvation through works, but merely slightly different framework to make room for acknowledging that a changed heart will generate works, which will be recognized by God, just not as a basis for our salvation. The NP gives pause to those who say the magic words but whose lives reflect no changed heart. Faith, without works, is dead. Works won’t get you saved, but a faith without works is really no faith at all.


My best wishes him, because his book I love so much


May the Lord bless you and your family. I appreciate the work you do. Love and שלם
