Ukraine says Russia wants to erase them as Russian forces advance to more cities

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On Day 7 of Russia’s advance in Ukraine, its President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a video on Wednesday that their enemy is aiming to erase Ukraine, its history and people. Meanwhile, Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said their armed forces had taken control of Kherson.

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just resign and save more lives. putin is trying to make ukraine a better country and not american puppet


Ah you asked for it .. being a neighbour should be kind but Ukraine a small European just to protect its dignity dont civilians killed .


NATO US UKRAINE ask for it.. PUTIN just do the favor..


They don’t know our history? Errrr, weren’t Ukraine a part of USSR?


Two worlds collide
Rival nations
It's a primitive clash
Venting years of frustrations
Bravely we hope
Against all hope
There is so much at stake
Seems our freedom's up
Against the ropes
Does the crowd understand?
Is it East versus West
Or man against man?
Can any nation stand alone?
In the burning heart
In the warrior's code
There's no surrender
Though his body says stop
His spirit cries, never
Deep in our soul
A quiet ember
Knows it's you against you
It's the paradox
That drives us on
It's a battle of wills
In the heat of attack
It's the passion that kills
The victory is yours alone
In the burning heart
Just about to burst
There's a quest for answers
An unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night
Rising like a spire
In the burning heart
The unmistakable fire

In the burning heart
(This song is dedicated to the great people of Ukraine, keep on fighting)


If civilliant attack army with molotov cocktail and weaapon..the army must fight back..if u dont want killed..dont attack army .that the rule..


You poke a bear and expect there are no consequences?


Щодня гине понад 700 українських воїнів та ополченців, втрачаючи дружин та дітей.
А військові експерти повідомляють, що зараз почнеться руйнівна світова війна, якщо план Путіна буде реалізований і його вимоги будуть виконані, а при цьому Зеленський штовхає свій народ і свій комфорт заради влади.
Крім вас, замість того, щоб вимовляти вам промову в схованці, щоб Україна мала від вас свій суверенітет і змилувалася над вашою армією, коли вона перебуває в розпаді
